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Effectiveness of Advanced Nursing in Old People - Term Paper Example

The paper "Effectiveness of Advanced Nursing in Old People" is a worthy example of a term paper on nursing. The modern society has been on the right trajectory in regards to its innovations, creativity, and advancements in the health care for patients…
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Effectiveness of advanced nursing in old people (Students Name) (Institution) (Date) BACKGROUND The modern society has been on the right trajectory in regards to its innovations, creativity, and advancements in the health care for patients. Significant changes have been seen especially in the medical world which has remained as one of the important areas in the society. The older generation, which forms a larger portion of patients targeted by the modern health care improvements, has witnessed progressive interventions about their quest for better nursing practices (Elkan et al., 2001). A lot of such changes have been informed by the need to offer the best medical attention and also to address some of the emerging issues within the geriatric patients. Geriatric patients need a lot of care and attention due to their aging nature and their high chances of succumbing to any serious illness. Therefore, the nursing profession has had significant improvements and changed its focus so as to address the health concerns of the older people within the society. Some of the advancements include Training nurses to become Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANPs): The nursing profession is one of the most changing and dynamic professionals in the world. This is characterized by the fluid nature of medical conditions that must be addressed by the nurses. Besides, the health care sector has grown steadfastly requiring the introduction of more skilled and experienced practitioners so as to handle most of the advancements. One of these innovative practices relates to the training of nurses to make them more skilled and experienced in regards to handling the older people. The geriatric patients are a special category in the general patient category. Their needs and required levels of attention supersede the normal patients (Söderhamn et al., 2001). Therefore, a special class of nurses has been advanced so as to be able to specifically care and nurse such old patient. The advancements have seen the introduction of APNs in the general nursing fraternity. These are professionals who are specially trained and skilled so s to address and nurse the older people. The kind of additional education and training are given to them enables them to understand and care for the geriatric patients in a better manner as compared to the general nursing (McCormack & McCance, 2006). The APNs have improved the way older people are managed and addressed in the nursing care. Since the creation of APNs within the nursing professional, significant achievements have been seen in regards to care and medical attention given to the older people. A lot of geriatric patients had successfully undergone their medical procedures with ease and much comfort as compared to the previous years when the APNs were not in practice. Creation of home-based health care for geriatric patients: One characteristic which has defined the older people separate from the normal patient is their inability to have the physical strength required to handle and managed daily chores. A normal patient would have the physical energy making them be in a position to manage some of the physical activities. However, an aging patient is weak physically and not able to handle even some of the person duties. Therefore, there has been a rise in the need to advance home-based nursing care especially for the physically weak older patients (Ryan et al., 2007). Besides the intervention by friends and relatives, there has been a need to have a professional figure superintending over an old patient. This is specifically important so as to provide closer attention and monitoring of such patients home-based care is equally significant to help an aging patient cut down costs associated with traveling to far distance so as to access medical care (Markle-Reid ET AL., 2006). The advancements in the nursing profession have seen the creation of home-based nursing care for the older people. A lot of changes have been seen in many such old patients especially those who require long-term home care and those who are unable to afford normal hospital stay so as to receive medical attention. In many countries, home-cased nursing care for geriatric patients has been enabled especially in the rural areas where the patients have expressed difficulty in accessing closer health facilities. This has further led to the creation of nursing homes closer to the people to aid receive the older patients that can’t afford far medical facilities (Söderhamn et al., 2001). Besides, the promotion of home-based care in the rural areas has seen the ability of the nurses to have a closer attention and care to the geriatric patient. This is one of the advancements which have been seen as highly effective in caring for the old patients. Promotion of heath literacy among old people: The general advancement in the nursing of older people has led to the promotion of health literacy, especially in the older people. Health literacy, in this case, implies enabling the old people has proper understanding and health information to enable them to make better medical decisions and take appropriate actions. It’s important for an old person to know when to make a medical decision. For example, health literacy enables such old people within the society to know when to report health-related issues and seek medical attention. The knowledge on the appropriate decisions to make stems from the advancement of health literacy (Ryan et al., 2007). The review seeks to focus on the effectiveness of such advanced nursing practices about the older people in the societies. The study aims at determining some of the advanced aspects practiced in the nursing professions so as to be able to manage the older population. Besides, the review intends to find out how effective such practices have been so as to effectively address the concerns and heath care conditions among the geriatric patients Review Questions This review seeks to address the effectiveness of advanced nursing intervention practices which are suitable for the old people. The following review questions for the basis of what is to be addressed in this study; a) What are some of the advanced nursing intervention practices in regards to intervening on health concerns for the old people? b) What constitute and effective nursing practice in regards to caring and managing the old people? Inclusion Criteria a. Types of participants This review focuses on studies which relate to the best nursing practice interventions in regards to caring and managing the growing concerns especially among the old people. The participants highly considered ion this review are the old people geriatric patients) who require a specialized form of care and treatment. Besides, the review will also consider studies which focus on a general old population and their necessity for effective nursing practices in the modern age and day. b. Type of intervention The review focuses on every intervention which is best suitable to care for the old people. The effectiveness of such advanced practice nursing intervention forms the basic interest for this review. Some of these intervention practices include offering home-based care for the old people, offering low-cost medical services so as to cushion the least advantaged old population as well as performing health literacy among the old population to advance their knowledge on health decisions and actions. The other intervention programs of interest in this review entail the professional nursing trainings of APNs as a special team of nurses to manage and care for the old people. These practices form the basis of the review c. Types of outcome measure The primary or sole outcome of interest in this review concerns the effectiveness of the advanced nursing practices in managing and caring for the old people. The secondary outcome expectation regards facilitating the old people to receive modern and efficient health care services, lowering the costs of accessing the medical services by the old people, ensuring that the old people have the requisite health information and knowledge enabling tem make appropriate health decisions and also reducing the death rates likely to occur among the old people. d. Types of studies The review focuses on every study which is related to effectiveness of advanced nursing practice interventions especially among the old people. Besides, this review secondarily considers all the advanced nursing practices which are effective towards addressing and monitoring the vulnerable sections of the population such as the disabled, the old and even the young. In absence of these primary studies, the review focuses on the effective nursing practices and their significance in creating a more enabling environment for the vulnerable in the society. Exclusion criteria The review is much focused only on the studies which relate to the topic issue. The search will exclude any information which is not relevant in assessing effectiveness of advanced nursing practice in old people. This will be carefully ignored out of the selected material and disregarded as not part of the selected materials. Search Strategy The search strategy intends to consider every published as well as unpolished source of information. A high reliance will be placed on the available materials on the online sources which have close resemblance to the study topic. Besides, the search will also focus on unpublished information especially those available within the online sources. The following are the major stages intended to be taken by the search strategy; 1. Conducting a search in Medline of the descriptions and explanation of some of the key words available in the title an in the abstract 2. The identified terminologies and synonyms from the search will form an important part of searching for the general literature for the study. 3. There will be a comprehensive search in regards to the references identified while performing the literature search. Besides, the references, the search will also include all bibliographies identified in step two above. Some of the terminologies which will be used for searching the contents include ‘effectiveness’, ‘advanced’, nursing’, practices among others. The articles and study information which contains close connection and relevant information regards to the study topic will be included. Besides, the articles which shall be considered for inclusion are those published in the last years due to the purposes of relevance and up to date information. These articles must be published in English for purposes of easy interpretation and understanding. Besides, some of the databases which will form the basis of the study include Medline and Web Search sites. The relevant articles which shall have meet the inclusion criteria in line with the description of terminologies, title, study topic and abstract will then be taken for the purposes of data synthesis. Besides, those articles which shall have been identified through reference list will be specially considered for purposes of data collection. Only those articles which have important and useful information in relates to the study topic will be regarded and included for purposes of study relevance. A close process of reviewing the selected articles will then be performed just before they are included and retrieved for purposes of the research. Critical Appraisal After identifying the studies which meet the publication criteria, they shall further be classified into various categories. The chosen categories under which these studies will fall include case control studies, cohort studies, experimental studies, cost minimization studies, interpretive & critical studies as well as opinion papers. After putting the studies into different categories, they will further go through an assessment by two reviewers for the purses of methodological validity. The assessment will be performed pursuant to the checklist from SUMARI suite. This is a checklist that was developed by Joanna Briggs Institute. It’s important in ascertaining methodological validity of studies before inclusion as part of the research. The assessment through this checklist would potential reveal various points of departure between the two reviewers. This will require them to discuss so as to settle on a common ground or further necessitate a third reviewer whenever it will be deemed expedient. This critical appraisal method will be followed so as to find the best studies. Data Collection After going through the process of assessing the methodological quality, the identified papers will be classified into two major groups which include the Qualitative and Quantitative classifications. The quantitative data found within the selected sources will then undergo an extraction method for inclusion. The recommended tool for extracting the quantitative data in this case is premised on the work of Cochrane Collaboration and the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination. I addition, the qualitative data which is found within the selected materials will undergo extraction by the aid of SUMARI software suite. One fundamental aspect regarded during the extraction of the qualitative data relates to the inclusion of expert opinion and participation throughout the process. This is instrumental in ensuring the quality of the entire extraction process. Data Synthesis The quantitative data, there will be a consideration of the standardized mean which will be considered against the 90% confidence level. This calculation will be done on all the data. If the information is comparable and similar, they will be put together using the Reviewer Manager Software. In addition, the chi-square test will be run on the studies included so as to test on the heterogeneity of these studies. In any case its difficult or impossible to perform statistical pooling on the studies, the information will just be presented in a narrative form. The qualitative data, on the other hand, will undergo pooling using the SUMARI software. Some of the particular instruments of this software which will in pulling similar studies include QARI and NOTARI instruments. The studies will be presented in a narrative form in case it’s impossible to realize textual pooling on the various studies. Conclusion The old people command a large portion of the modern population. People progress on their age balance on a daily basis. Therefore, there is a steady rise in the number of older people who have health-care related issues. Most of these old patients have unique needs which are separate from a larger patient category. This is advanced by their old age. This review considers some of the interventions which have been put in place by the modern nursing practice so as to address these challenges. Some of them include creating the APNs to address the demands of the geriatric patients, an extension of medication to homes as well as promoting health literacy. These strategies have been effective in ensuring that the old patients have their needs recognized, their financial shortcomings addressed and their care requirements addressed. References Elkan, R., Egger, M., Kendrick, D., Dewey, M., Hewitt, M., Robinson, J., ... & Brummell, K. (2001). Effectiveness of home based support for older people: systematic review and meta-analysisCommentary: When, where, and why do preventive home visits work?. Bmj, 323(7315), 719. Markle-Reid, M., Browne, G., Weir, R., Gafni, A., Roberts, J., & Henderson, S. R. (2006). The effectiveness and efficiency of home-based nursing health promotion for older people: a review of the literature. Medical Care Research and Review, 63(5), 531-569. McCormack, B., & McCance, T. V. (2006). Development of a framework for person‐centred nursing. Journal of advanced nursing, 56(5), 472-479. Ryan, A., Melby, V., & Mitchell, L. (2007). An evaluation of the effectiveness of an educational and experiential intervention on nursing students’ attitudes towards older people. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 2(2), 93-101. Söderhamn, O., Lindencrona, C., & Gustavsson, S. M. (2001). Attitudes toward older people among nursing students and registered nurses in Sweden. Nurse education today, 21(3), 225-229. 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