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Work Place Weight Management Programme for Obesity among Nurses - Essay Example

The paper "Work Place Weight Management Programme for Obesity among Nurses" states that nurses face various stressful scenarios at work which lead to stress and further cause obesity. Another contributory factor is lack of sleep which also influences stress and poor dietary planning…
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Work Place Weight Management Programme for Obesity among Nurses Name Institution Introduction Health care workforce in contemporary society experiences numerous challenges. These challenges range from those that emanate from the working environment and those from their own personal encounters or conditions. Based on the fact that health care workers such as nurses are key contributors to the delivery of health services, there is need to resolve the existing huddles that face them. One personal challenge that faces nurses today is obesity. Indeed, obesity is an impending challenge among nurses that is definitely bound to affect their performance in the workplace. It is therefore essential to have a strategy that can assist in resolving this particular issue. This paper seeks to present a workplace weight management Programme that is aimed at resolving the issue of obesity among nurses. Overview of the Issues Obesity is a chronic health condition. The United Kingdom for instance has the highest rating for obese and overweight individuals in Western Europe. According to findings by the Global Burden of Disease that was undertaken between; 1980 to 2013, 57% of women and 67% of men in the UK are either obese or weight. The Foresight Report of (2007) projected that half of the population in the United Kingdom could be obese by the year 2050. This is basically an indication that the condition is on an upward trend (National Obesity Forum., 2012). Obesity is therefore an impending challenge that continues to affect the health of many individuals (Boseley, 2014). Typically, obesity is defined in terms of body mass index ( BMI) which is intern is defined as weight in kilograms divided by the height of an individual in meters squared (kg/m2) (Atkins, et al , 2014) . The epidemic of obesity is often explained through the issue of energy balance theory. Energy in human body cannot be destroyed but rather it can only be stored or lost. This theory therefore emphasizes that insufficient physical activity and excessive food intake are the key determinants of obesity (Mahmood and Arulkumaran, 2012). Rationale for selection of the particular target group Selection of the Nurses as a target group was influenced by a number of factors. Nurses are also greatly affected by the epidemic of obesity. Various factors influence the existence of obesity among nurses. Baltimore (2012) in a survey of a total of 2, 103 female nurses disclosed that nurses who work for long hours are more prone to obesity as compared to normal weight or underweight nurses. This is because long working hours and shifts greatly affect the quality and quantity of sleep, which is bound to interfere with the observance of healthy behavior which further increases obesity. For instance, the irregular working hours implies that the eating habits of a nurse are interfered with. Thus, if one has not planned ahead concerning the meals to eat then one is bound to eat unhealthy diets that increase the chances of obesity. The irregular and long working hours also demotivates nurses from taking part in activities such as exercise which are useful in the reduction of obesity. Taking part in exercise is a vital element in weight loss. However, the irregular and long working hours that nurses are involved in, reduce the chances of effective participation in exercise. Thus nurses are not motivated to get involved lifestyle changing activities such as exercise which encourage weight loss (Durning, 2012). Also, a section of nurses are also exposed to work activities that do not demand physical activities thus leading to obesity. Baltimore (2012) discloses that nurses that were obese stated that the work activities they undertake do not need a lot of physical movement and exertion. Consequently, the nurses spent most of their working hours seated. The inactivity was a significant factor in influencing obesity among a section of nurses. Stress is another contributory factor that has influenced obesity among nurses. Chronic stress has often been associated to health conditions such as cancer, depression and even obesity .Stress is normally experienced by nurses due to increased work load, less time for socialization due to shorter working breaks and low levels of staffing which influence an increase in the work load. Such barriers prevent healthy eating habits among nurses. The unhealthy eating habits then tend to influence the occurrence of obesity (Watson, 2013). Kristen (2012) discloses that inadequate sleep is another contributory factor to the existence of obesity among nurses. Nurses frequently work on shifts which include night and day shifts. The entire life of a nurse is usually planned around the concept of sleep, but still it definitely becomes hard to get the prescribed eight hours of sleep every day/ night. When the body has not fully rested, the implication is that the body requires more energy. This implies that we eat more in order to gain calories in order to generate energy. By eating more, a vicious cycle is formed that can result to obesity. Based on the above findings, the selection of nurses as a target group is justified. What is evident is that the problem of obesity is eminent among nurses. Yet, nurses are very crucial elements of health care service delivery essentially for patients. Consequently, there is need for developing and also implementing the workplace weight management programme for obesity among nurses. A Detailed Plan for the Health Promotion Intervention In developing the health promotion program the social cognitive learning theory will be a significant point of reference. The theory is grounded on the premise that much of human learning takes place in the social environment. By perceiving others and through positive reinforcement and imitation, a person is able to acquire knowledge of skills, rules, strategies, attitudes and believes that are useful (Bandura, 1977). The health intervention will begin by undertaking a needs analysis or a survey of the needs of the nurses. The next step will then be the formulation of a teaching plan. A teaching plan is relevant based on the fact that there is need to educate nurses on the approaches in which they can deal with obesity. 1.0 Needs Analysis or a Survey of the Needs of the Nurses. Timmreck (2003) highlights that; conducting a needs assessment is important based on the fact that foremost, it assists in the identification of the target population or a target group that is supposed to take part in the program or project. In the context of this particular program, not all nurses will be involved in the program. This is majorly because not all nurses face the challenge of obesity. As a result, there is need to evaluate the participants to in the program and their needs. Questioners will therefore be provided to nurses in order to assess their needs (See Appendix 1). Further, the needs analysis will identify the diversity of needs within the target group (Petersen, 2001). For instance, in the context of the hospital scenario, there are nurses who are obese due to increased stress in the work place. Additionally, there are those who are obese due to inactivity and those affected by poor diet. The needs analysis will also assist in the identification of services, resources and equipment’s that will be used in the program (Timmreck, 2003). 2. 0 Teaching plan Learning Goals / Objectives Long Term Goals Educate the nurses on long term healthy eating patterns and weight control strategies Nurses should develop positive perceptions about themselves Short – term goals Assist the nurses to identify the unsuitable consequences and behavior that are linked to obesity Provide health education on nutrition that is suitable for nurses despite of their busy schedules Assist affected nurses to realize the need for changing their patterns of eating and involvement in behavioral change activities such as exercise programs Educate nurses on existing interventions for tacking obesity Learning Content Interventions for reducing obesity among Nurses Dietary Interventions The nurses will be educated on interventions on diet that can assist in attaining weight loss. The learning content will include actions that can be adopted in order to practice the intake of a healthier diet which include; Increasing the regular intake of dietary fiber to a total of 18 grams per day (13.8grams each day) Increasing the intake of vegetables and fruits to at least five portions each day Lower the average consumption of salt to a total of 6grams each day Lower the consumption of saturated fat to about 11% of the food energy Reduce the consumption of sugar or the sugar that is added to food Physical Activity The intervention concerning physical activity will mainly be grounded on raising awareness concerning the benefits of taking part in physical activities such as exercise and yoga, despite the busy schedules that nurses have. Stress Reduction at the Work Place The teaching program will entail giving the nurses information concerning the causes of stress in the workplace and the approaches of reducing stress. At personal level, the program should be able to address the manner in which changes in behavior and attitude can assist in coping with stress which is also one of the contributory factors to weight problems. Some of the strategies of coping with stress that will be taught include approaches such as meditation, yoga, and exercise and relaxation response. The learning content of the program should offer the following; The identifying sources of stress How the nurse experiences stress; at work , personal or from the family The link between stress and obesity Approaches for reducing stress Solutions for managing and coping with stress Practical steps of integrating stress reduction into the life style of a nurse Benefits and limitations of stress The personal conducting lessons on stress management should have adequate training in the area. The person should be trained in behavioral science, psychology, psychiatrists, psychologists and health educators (Hope Health, 2007). These professions are actually available in the hospitals as a result it will not be difficult to find the personnel to conduct the stress management lessons. Teaching Methods Based on the social cognitive learning theory whereby people learn by observing others. The following teaching methods will be used in teaching nurses concerning how to tackle the problem of obesity among nurses; The use of Role play Interaction among the nurses through group discussions Practical examples 3.0 Behavior change Programs and activities to be undertaken by the Nurses Programs Activities Yoga classes The nurses will be involved in yoga classes for about an hour during their free time. A yoga instructor will be available at the hospital at a certain time. Joshi (2005) highlights that the objective of the classes will mainly be to enhance relationships and stress reduction. Nurses will also observe the behavior of the Yoga instructor in order to learn from the instructor the importance of yoga in stress reduction and weight loss Physical Exercise Physical activity at least 30 Minutes a day. Weight Watchers The Nurses will also be involved in group meetings for watching or monitoring each other’s weight. Based on the fact that the schedules of nurses are quite tight, the meetings will be held during lunch hours. During the weight watchers meetings nurses are supposed to observe how their workmates eat and also engage in conversations concerning how they can continue to manage their weight despite their busy schedules. Guided Mediation Based on the fact that nurses are prone to stress, guided mediation will be useful for the reduction of stress. The nurses will therefore take part in guided meditation which will be conducted each Friday at. The mediation sessions will also be accompanied by sharing experiences where nurses can observe and learn from each other concerning the approaches of dealing with stressful situations in the workplace. Healthy and Fresh meal services It is essential for nurses to have healthy and fresh meals , instead of eating snakes and junk food due to lack of adequate time Healthy and fresh meals will therefore be delivered to the nurses during their breaks The meals will also be available for purchase in the hospitals Dietitians will also be made available to the nurses when required Evidence that the program has been effectively tailored to the particular target group  The evidence that the program has been effectively tailored for this particular group will be attained by undertaking a survey of the health risks of the nurses. This is will basically be accomplished through conducting a Health Risk Appraisal (HRA). The HRA is a confidential and personal process of the program where the nurses will be asked about their health habits for instance their exercise, diet and weight. The responses attained from the nurses are then used to examine the relevance of the program to the target group. The HRA is effective in providing evidence of the suitability of the target group based on the fact that individuals provide their own information as opposed to a scenario where the program organizes provide the information on their own information (Nesheim and Yaktine, 2007). After the data is collected it will then be analyzed using a computer in order to identify the obesity health risks of the nurses. The findings of the analyzed data will therefore give evidence if the program has effectively been tailored for nurses facing challenges with their weight. Also, the HRA can be used as a basic component for the purpose of collecting aggregate health data that indicate how the program will meet the needs of the employees (Stellman, 1998). In the event that the aggregate health data collected is able to meet the needs of the employees. Then evidence that the program is effectively tailored for this particular target group will be attained. Timeline for implementation  Activity Time line 1. Needs assessment 1 week 2. Education and Information 2Weeks 3. Program Implementation 3 months 4. Evaluation 2 Weeks Resources There are varied resources required for this particular programme. The first essential resource is the human resource. The program will require a programme. The Coordinator will be responsible for managing the activities of the weight loss program by ensuring that the education sessions for the nurses are well attended and have adequate learning resources. Other significant human resources include specialists such as; Two weight loss instructors, Two yoga instructors Nutritionists Psychologists Counselors The program will also require facilities such as training halls which are available in the hospital. Influence of the health promotion theory on the program development and structure It is essential for health promotion programs to be grounded on a theoretical foundation (Bauer, et al, 2003). This is basically because theories offer a roadmap of the factors to be considered when implementing, evaluating and designing the health promotion program In addition; theories explain the reason why a certain intervention is important (Glanz and Rimer, 2005). Theoretical understand also gives explanation concerning why people behave in a certain way (Whitehead, 2004). The social cognitive theory will greatly influence the program development and the structure. According to the theory, behavior is mainly learnt by observation, imitation and positive reinforcement. Basically, the development and structure of the program is greatly influenced by this theory based on the fact that nurses are people with busy schedules. Consequently, finding the appropriate time to be involved in a health promotion program with the objective of weight loss can actually be difficult. However, learning from others will be an effective approach. A role model who has been affected by obesity and then uses the program to deal manage their weight problem can provide motivation for others also facing a similar challenge. The social cognitive theory also stresses the important of reinforcement of behavior in order to intensify or reduce the likelihood of reoccurrence (Glanz and Rimer, 2005). In the context of this particular workplace weight management programme, reinforcement is very significant. Nurses normally have busy schedules which may actually hinder their participation in the program. Nevertheless, as propagated by the social cognitive theory behavior requires reinforcement. Thus in order to reinforce the participation of nurses, incentives will be offered which include; dinner for two, weekend gateways and gift certificates that will be offered to the most active participants. Bandura (1986) also propagates the need for role modeling which involves the use of a role model who acts as a point of reference through their actions and thoughts. The program will also use a role model to demonstrate the possibility of nurses managing their weight despite of their busy. Role models will be selected among the groups. This are basically nurses who are greatly determined to fight the problem of obesity at all costs. Their behavior will be monitored each day and the outcome of their actions documented. During the group meetings and weight watching sessions their achievements will be presented to the rest of the nurses. The use of role models is therefore an effective strategy that will enhance the development of the program. Facilitators and barriers to effective implementation of the program There are various factors that will act as facilitators to the program. Encouraging the nurses to participate in the program is one of the effective factors that will assist in the implementation of this particular program. A program cannot be implemented without participants (Sharma, 2012). As a result getting the nurses to take part in the program is essential. Another essential facilitator of effectively implementing the program is to ensure that all the resources are available. For instance; the weight instructors, the counselors and nutritionists should always be available in order to ensure that the program runs smoothly. One of the barriers that will affect the effective implementation of the program includes the busy schedules of nurses which bound to affect their participation in the program. However, in order to ensure that the nurses effectively attend, provision of incentives will be beneficial. For instance incentives such as dinner for two, weekend gateways and gift certificates can be offered to the most active participants. Program Evaluation Processes you would use to Assess Effectiveness of the Education The first step is engaging the stakeholders. Before commencing the evaluation process, the first step is to identify the stakeholders involved in the program and involving them in the evaluation program (CDC, 2011). The main stakeholders in this context are the nurses who will take part in the education program. The nurses are the main stakeholders based on the fact that they have a vested interest in the outcome of the evaluation. The second step is to describe the education program. The description of the program makes clarifications concerning the objective of the program and its capacity and effectiveness in terms of improving the health of the target group. The third step to develop the evaluation questions. In this particular step it is important to lobby questions from the various stakeholders of the program. The various stakeholders for the project include the nurses, weight instructors, nutritionists, psychiatrists and the program coordinator. The questions will be derived from the program description and development stage. The forth step is to gather credible evidence. The questions identified are then supposed to be answered. This will be undertaken by selecting the suitable methods that match the evaluation questions that have been chosen. The fifth step is to plan and justifying the conclusions. This involves analyzing the information that was collected then interpreting it and finally drawing conclusions from the information. This step will provide information concerning the effectiveness of the education. Conclusion / Summary of the key points The report above has presented a workplace management program for nurses. The rationale for the selection of nurses was mainly grounded on factors such as; the irregular and long working hours also demotivates nurses from taking part in activities such as exercise which are useful in the reduction of obesity. Also nurses face various stressful scenarios at work which lead to stress and further cause’s obesity. Another contributory factor is lack of sleep which also influences stress and poor dietary planning. In general the program will give nurses education concerning the factors that influence obesity among them and how they can resolve the problem. Furthermore, the program will also include various activities where nurses can learn from each other concerning how they can manage their work. A program evaluation will also be conducted in order to examine the effectiveness of the program. In conclusion, it is essential for nurses to be healthy as a result, this program is very effective. References Atkins, P , Oddy, D, Amilien, V. (2012). The Rise of Obesity in Europe: A Twentieth Century Food History. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. Bandura, A. (1989). Social cognitive theory. Annals of child development Vol 6. Six theories of child development (pp. 1–60). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. Boseley, S. (2014). UK among worst in Western Europe for level of overweight and obese people. The Guardian. Bandura, A. (1977). Social Learning Theory. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, p.22 Baltimore , M.(2012). Obese nurses more stressed, less active. ScienceDaily Bauer, G, Hill, C, Broesskamp, U, Pelikan, J, Noack, H , Davies, (2003). Advancing a theoretical model for public health and health promotion indicator development. European Journal of Public Health,12(3), 107–113. Durning, M. (2012). Can fat nurses be good nurses. The Nurses Guide. Glanz, K and Rimer, B. (2005). Theory at a glance: A guide for health promotion practice (2nd ed.). National Institute of Health. Hope Health. (2007). Successful Workplace Wellness programs. Hope Health. Joshi, S. (2005). Speaking of Yoga and Nature-Cure Therapy .Sterling Publishers. Kristen , L. (2012). Does inadequate sleep play a role in vulnerability to obesity? American Journal of Human Biology, 24(3): 361. Mahmood, T and Arulkumaran, S. (2012). Obesity: A ticking time bomb for reproductive health. Newness. National Obesity Forum. (2012). Obesity in the UK: analysis and expectations. NOF. National Center for chronic Disease Prevention and Health promotion. (CDC). (2011) Developing and effective Evaluation Plan. CDC. Nesheim, M and Yaktine, A.(2007). Seafood Choices:: Balancing Benefits and Risks . National Academies Press. Petersen, D. (2001). Needs Assessment in Public Health: A Practical Guide for Students and Professionals. Springer Science & Business Media. Stellman, J. (1998). Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety: The body, health care, management and policy, tools and approaches. International Labour Organization. Sharma, M.(2012). Measurement and Evaluation for Health Educators. Jones & Bartlett. Timmreck, C.(2003). Planning, Program Development, and Evaluation: A Handbook for Health Promotion, Aging, and Health Services. Jones & Bartlett. Whitehead, D. (2004). Nursing theory and concept development or analysis: Health promotion and health education: Advancing the concepts. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 47(3), 311– 320. Watson, J.(2013). 4 Reasons Why Obesity in Nursing is Common. Layola. Appendix Questions for the Needs Analysis / Needs Assessment We would Like you to participate on the hospitals workplace weight management programme. Kindly complete this survey. The answers you give will assist to ensure that the will meet your needs; 1. Which sessions do you prefer ---- Single presentation ------ Group meetings 2. In the context of a group, I would like to meet ----- Once a week ------ Twice a week ----- Three times a week 3. I learn best in ------ With an instructor -------- On my own -------- In a group 4. I am majorly interested in the following topics ------ Healthy diets ------- Weight Management -------- Stress Management -------- Time management Read More

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