In the course of the study, the role of nurses in managing and preventing malnourishment among the elderly patients, several aspects have been unfolded. In this regard, the study comprises of an introduction, where the rationale, aims and objectives, background information, parameters set for the research and the key terms are been considered. In the literature review it is asserted that the primary causes of malnourishment is due to the financial instability, poor standard of living, depression, and many more. This is mostly observed in the elderly people. However, it also is noted that proper care from the nurses leads to the prevention and effective management of the same. The nurses play a vital role in communication with the patients and make them aware of the same. They also play a key role in the diagnosis process of the malnourishment of elderly patients. The diagnosis that is undertaken by the nurses is Malnourishment Universal Screening Tool (MUST). The nurses also play a key role in the preparation of care plans for the patients depending upon their needs of the same.
They also have a key role in preparing a diet chart for elderly malnourished patients. Besides these, they also have a key role in providing additional care to the elderly malnourished who feed through a nasogastric tube. Further, a conclusion is also drawn in the end. The study on the topic “role of nurses in preventing and managing malnourishment in elderly patients” has a significant benefit, which determines the logical reasoning for undergoing the project. The study would lead to a comprehensive understanding of the role and responsibilities and thus, the importance of nurses in improving the nourishment of elderly patients in healthcare centres shall improve.
The study would also lead to the understanding of the methods through which, nurses of healthcare centres contribute to preventing and managing malnourishment, which is especially for elderly patients. The understanding of such roles and methods of preventing and managing malnourishment would also lead to community awareness of the same and hence, would simultaneously lead to the development of community health.