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Improving Patient Care Model for Inpatient Units - Annotated Bibliography Example

"Improving Patient Care Model for Inpatient Units" paper contains an annotated bibliography of such articles as "Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality", "Managing patient flow in inpatient services" by Bhattacharya, and "Improving service in healthcare inpatient processes" by Giles.  …
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Improving Patient Care Model for Inpatient Units
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Nursing Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. . Surveys on patient safety culture. Retrieved from http safety/patientsafetyculture/index.html According to the patient safety surveys, it is quite clear that various factors contribute to in-patient department’s low satisfaction of its patients. Most of the factors in this case are attributed to lack of routine patient acuity auditing internally. Other factors include solicitation of patients and medical staff feedback and analysis of local and national hospital systems that compare the staffing rations, discharge, unit admission, and benchmarking and transfer volume. To address these issues, there are various changes, which have to be made to the patient care model and the staffing schedule. Alternatively, there is the need to increase both the advanced and registered nursing personnel at the Moffick Hospital in order to promote collaborative approaches when it comes to patient care. By doing this, there are high chances that the overall patient satisfaction would improve. The choice of topic effectively suits the current situation in which many health institutions find themselves going through. Many health institutions across the globe face the challenge of improving their patient care model to accommodate the inpatient units. From the context, the article is quite educative given the author’s unique and creative ideas regarding the issue. Alternatively, the article tends to persuade its readers in various ways and their way of thinking especially on the topic. The article is also consistent with most of the resources that focus on the topic. Bhattacharya, A., & Zayas-Castro, J. (2007). Managing patient flow in inpatient services. IIE Annual conference proceedings, 511-516. Retrieved from Generally, hospitals that provide inpatient services tend to face various challenges including the provision of quality care to its patients since the availability of its resources might not be able to cater for the rising patient demand. This article generally demonstrated some of the alternate ways in which hospitals can effectively manage their inpatient processes. In this case, the interdepartmental dependencies and patient flow are examined in order to improve the performances in the system. To improve the resources allocation in such situations, statistical analysis is used. Alternatively, a simulation system models would also be developed for identifying bottlenecks and the evaluation of alternate methods of improving inpatient processes in the healthcare facility. Managing patient flow when it comes to inpatient services is an important topic not only to the Moffick health facility but also to medical practitioners. Medical practitioners can therefore learn various things from this particular topic. The best is how to improve resource allocation when it comes to the inpatient services. Alternatively, this particular study would aid the medical practitioners in developing simulation system models or finding alternate methods of improving inpatient processes in the healthcare facility. The article’s main mission is to persuade its readers on how they can manage patient flow when it comes to inpatient services. Patrick, J., & Puterman, M. L. (2007). Improving resource utilization for diagnostic services through flexible inpatient scheduling: A method for improving resource utilization. The Journal of the operational research society, 58(2), 235-245. doi: This study presents a methodology that helps medical facilities increase the utilization and even reduce the waiting period for an inpatient in the presence of unclear demand with various priority levels. The study uses a computed tomography-scanning department, which services the lower, and the high priority in-patients and outpatients. In the article, the focus is largely on how all in-patient demand has to be met by medical facilities. Alternatively, the study stresses on the need of reserving carrying space over a certain percentage of the non-emergency in-patient demand. Additionally, the study focuses on utilization of on call outpatient’s pool especially those who are able to react to available capacity. The study therefore formulates and solves the optimization problems, which returns the reservation policy, which tends to minimize unused subject capacity to become an overtime constraint. In doing this, the study uses simulation aspect to demonstrate the reduction rate of outpatient waiting for results by using the proposed methodology. Personally, I feel that there are many things to learn from this particular study. Through the author’s directness and creative ideas, it therefore gives me as a learner an important platform to enhance my studies especially in the medical field. Alternatively, the author provides a balanced perspective on the topic, which also remains an important aspect. There is consistency throughout the paper, which makes the paper credible. The study also persuades its readers on how to improve resource utilization especially when it comes to inpatient scheduling. Bhattacharya, A., Zayas-Castro, J., Iezzi, J., Weng, M., & Centeno, G. (2006). Improving service in healthcare inpatient processes. IIE annual conference proceedings, 1-5. Retrieved from Generally, Inpatient process continue to come under scrutiny due to delays and its inefficiency. Alternatively, inpatient services face various challenges including the need to use effective resources. Simulation modeling and statistical analysis in this case remain instrumental tools when it comes to determining various aspects that afflict such systems. In most cases, these tools help in exploring alternative ways in which the medical fraternity can schedule resources to meet the inpatient increasing demands. This particular system can effectively work in Moffick hospital where the health facility faces various challenges with its inpatient services. Improving system performance remains an important topic in medical malpractices. Therefore, this study is significant in advancing my learning. The paper simply emphasizes on the simulation modeling and the statistical analysis as instrumental tools in the inpatient services. Through this, I have a chance of learning a thing or two regarding the statistical analysis and simulation modeling aspects. The ideas throughout the paper are unique and creative. This is evident in the way the author goes further to demonstrate on the two models, which if effectively put into place, are effective. Most of the author’s ideas are similar to other resources hence the consistent aspect which makes the flow of the study important to the reader. Giles, K., Harris, J., & Parker, L. (2010). Improving margins through a patient access initiative. Healthcare financial management, 64(6), 92-4, 96. Retrieved from In most medical facilities, the ability to provide quality and up to standard patient care are the most critical aspects of success. However, most medical facilities do not really put enough efforts in the improvement of patient’s fundamental care processes thus from the admission of the patient in the hospital through the discharge. The situation is not different in the Moffick hospital where it faces various challenges that mostly relate to its inpatient services. Therefore, this study focuses on some of the issues that most hospitals face when it comes to inpatient services. In doing this, the study focuses on the Mississippi University Medical Center, which began an initiative of enhancing its patient care aspects, by mainly focusing on patient flow and access throughout the organization. The project was primarily intended to improve the hospital program and enhance patient care quality. Alternatively, the program was designed such that, it would increase the hospital ability to serve and satisfy its patients (both inpatient and the outpatients). This particular study can advance my learning as a medical practitioner in various ways. Alternatively, the author’s choice of topic in this study thus, improving margins through patient access effectively suits some of the situation in which many hospitals go through currently. This therefore makes the topic of discussion important. From the study the study generally educative given the author’s unique and creative ideas regarding the issue. The study guides on issues relating to hospital asses and improving margins to not only the inpatients but also the outpatients. Additionally, the article persuades its readers in various ways and their way of thinking especially on the topic. Miller, R., & Sormaz, D. (2013). Generic process mapping and simulation modeling of inpatient units in a medical center. IIE annual conference.proceedings, 1377-1382. Retrieved from Maximizing nurse efficiency is a great concern especially to the healthcare systems or rather the Six Sigma departments. This is done for the purposes of eliminating wasted efforts during their operations. Therefore, this study focuses on methodology for process inpatients units mapping in medical facility. Alternatively, the paper focuses on simulation model development in measuring and improving nurse efficiency in medical facilities. In this case, the process mapping will be based on the application of six-sigma principles in inpatient medical care. However, one of the difficulties of inpatient units is something to do with their cyclic nature. In this case, the patients tend to receive cyclic service from different resources including the therapists, nurses and their assistants. The generic process map will in this case allow nurse operations analysis, which can then be transitioned to the simulation modeling. Alternatively, the simulation experiments can be conducted in order to estimate operational productivity including utilization of resources, waiting time and patient length of stay. This would allow the health facility to identify some of the waste from its operations. One aspect about the study is that, the study is generally educative and consistent. The author in this case provide creative and unique ideas on simulation model development in measuring and improving nurse efficiency in medical facilities. The author’s main agenda in this study is to guide medical practitioners on the simulation experiences in estimating operational productivity and resources utilization. There is an element of credibility throughout the paper, basing on the author’s reasoning. Alternatively, the author provides balance of ideas and consistency. Anne-Maree, K., Bryant, M., Cox, L., & Jolley, D. (2007). Improving emergency department efficiency by patient streaming to outcomes-based teams. Australian Health Review, 31(1), 16-21. Retrieved from This paper generally describes some of the processes and results of redesigning processes that are based on task analysis. Alternatively, it also focuses on lean thinking approaches, which aim at improving the emergency department effectiveness. The study generally used the non-parametric methodologies in analyzing the time data. The study indicated that episodes of ambulances bypass seemed to reduce by at least 55%. Alternatively, the waiting times tended to be reduced for triage categories whereas the emergency department time increased in time. This study would effectively suit the Moffick Hospital situation, which has been experiencing frequency changes in various aspects including the daily nursing, staffing matrix and patient care assignments, which result in treatment delays. In this case, the delays in patient care can be assessed by using the non-parametric methodologies especially while analyzing the time data. This study has generally advanced my learning as a medical practitioner in so many ways. After the study, I can attest that I have knowledge in non-parametric methodologies in analyzing time data. Alternatively, the study is generally educative given the author’s unique and creative ideas regarding the issue. The study guides on issues relating to emergency improvement by the aspect of streaming patient to outcomes-based teams. The article is also persuasive its readers in various ways and their way of thinking especially on the topic. Peña, M. T., Proaño, R.,A., & Kuhl, M. E. (2013). Optimization of inpatient hemodialysis scheduling considering efficiency and treatment delays. IIE Annual conference.proceedings, , 1349-1357. Retrieved from Inpatient dialysis units in most cases tend to face daily uncertain demands regarding the hemodialysis procedures especially during the end-stage renal disease for patients who are hospitalized for the condition or those who may not certainly be openly related to this particular disease. In most cases, patients hospitalized from this disorder must receive hemodialysis and other medical services required for their primary diagnosis. In most cases, this can lead to high dialysis among the inpatient. Therefore, this can lead to delays in treatment and procedures hence causing increased staying lengths among the inpatients. This paper therefore demonstrates optimization models when it comes to scheduling inpatients suffering from hemodialysis. In doing this, the paper will aim at minimizing delays of the scheduled procedures. In this case, the optimization model would consider the dialysis protocol that is prescribed. Alternatively, it will also consider the dialysis treatment variable duration, limited dialysis equipment capacity and the personnel involved in the process. In this case, the optimization model would be effective when it comes to the daily basis by inpatient dialysis in creating robust and effective schedules. Application of the optimization model in solving the delays problems and inpatient congestion can suit the Moffick hospital effectively. Through the author’s direct and unique way of bringing out his ideas, I tend to find the article educative. Alternatively, the study will be significant in advancing my learning in the field. In doing this particular study, the author’s agenda was to device a mode of minimizing delays of the scheduled procedures in treatment of the inpatients. The author offers a well-adjusted view on the topic, which also remains an important aspect throughout the paper. Additionally, there is the consistency aspect, which makes the study flow and more credible. The author’s other agenda was to persuades his target audience something which he effectively achieves. Kurtzman, E. T. (2010). A transparency and accountability framework for high-value inpatient nursing care. Nursing Economics, 28(5), 295-306. Retrieved from In as much as nurses are commonly found in most health care facilities and play a significant role in patient contact, at least half of LPNs and RNs work in hospitals. However, the relative size of nurses in most health care facilities tends to derail inpatient care. This therefore means that high precedence should be placed in order to ensure that hospital nurses provide care to the inpatient. Alternatively, there is need for accountability and transparency among the hospital nurses. In as much as the study generally differ from the Moffick situation, certain aspects in the study can be applied in the Moffick hospital situation to help it progress effectively. Moffick hospital in this case has gone through various staffing matrix and low patient satisfaction hence making the health care facility unpleasant to visit. Accountability is therefore needed in this situation to help in resolving the current situation in the facility. Generally, this article is educative on matters to with accountability and transparency. Alternatively, the author provides creative and new unique ideas on hospital transparency and accountability, which can benefit hospital management in health care administration. The author is also consistent with other management resources especially in the topic of accountability and transparency, which makes this study effective. The author’s other agenda was to persuades his target audience something which he effectively achieves. The study also persuades its readers its readers on the value of accountability and transparency in hospital management. However, the author is not detailed enough in his choice of subject. Bhagat, S., Thompson, E., Drummond, D., Boyle, J., Finnegan, M. A., Bushra, J., & Grossman, D. (2010). Improving patient flow from the waiting room to the inpatient unit. IIE annual conference.proceedings, , 1-6. Retrieved from Like many other hospitals, the Moffick hospital has gone through various process changes including the frequency changes on the daily nursing, staffing matrix and patient care assignments hence resulting in delays in treatment and low satisfaction among the patients attending the health facility. Just like the Moffick hospital situation, the Lankenau hospital has been undergoing several changes involving multidisciplinary efforts in order to reduce the length at which patients stay in the emergency departments. One of the changes in which the Lankenau Hospital has enacted is the arrival of the triage model. In this case, the triage model is effective in expediting acute patients’ hence patient flow in the facility. To sort out the inpatient delays in the facility, Moffick hospital can implement some of these changes in its institution. This study has generally advanced my learning in so many ways. After the study, I can attest that I have knowledge in the triage model aspect hence effectiveness in expediting acute patients’ hence patient flow in health facilities. Alternatively, the study is generally educative given the author’s unique and creative ideas regarding the issue. The study guides on issues relating to emergency improvement by the aspect of streaming patient to outcomes-based teams. The article is also persuasive in nature in various ways and their way of thinking especially on the topic. References Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2014). Surveys on patient safety culture. Retrieved from safety/patientsafetyculture/index.html Anne-Maree, K., Bryant, M., Cox, L., & Jolley, D. (2007). Improving emergency department efficiency by patient streaming to outcomes-based teams. Australian Health Review, 31(1), 16-21. Retrieved from Bhattacharya, A., & Zayas-Castro, J. (2007). Managing patient flow in inpatient services. IIE Annual Conference.Proceedings, 511-516. Retrieved from Bhattacharya, A., Zayas-Castro, J., Iezzi, J., Weng, M., & Centeno, G. (2006). Improving service in healthcare inpatient processes. IIE Annual Conference.Proceedings, , 1-5. Retrieved from Bhagat, S., Thompson, E., Drummond, D., Boyle, J., Finnegan, M. A., Bushra, J., & Grossman, D. (2010). Improving patient flow from the waiting room to the inpatient unit. IIE Annual Conference.Proceedings, , 1-6. Retrieved from Giles, K., Harris, J., & Parker, L. (2010). Improving margins through a patient access initiative. Healthcare Financial Management, 64(6), 92-4, 96. Retrieved from Improving the health-care system. (2012). (). Paris: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Retrieved from Kurtzman, E. T. (2010). A transparency and accountability framework for high-value inpatient nursing care. Nursing Economics, 28(5), 295-306. Retrieved from Miller, R., & Sormaz, D. (2013). Generic process mapping and simulation modeling of inpatient units in a medical center. IIE Annual Conference.Proceedings, 1377-1382. Retrieved from Patrick, J., & Puterman, M. L. (2007). Improving resource utilization for diagnostic services through flexible inpatient scheduling: A method for improving resource utilization. The Journal of the Operational Research Society, 58(2), 235-245. doi: Peña, M. T., Proaño, R.,A., & Kuhl, M. E. (2013). Optimization of inpatient hemodialysis scheduling considering efficiency and treatment delays. IIE Annual Conference.Proceedings, 1349-1357. Retrieved from Read More

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