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Transition to Professional Nursing - Assignment Example

The paper "Transition to Professional Nursing " highlights that mental health disorder is among the major injurious clinical problems that affect many employees in the workplace. This is a fact overlooked by many people since this type of disorder tends to be secret and hidden in the workplace. …
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Transition to Professional Nursing
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Submit by 0800 Monday of Week 4. Overview: “Information Retrieval Paper - Part This week, you will begin to develop an Information Retrieval Paper, which you will complete in the second half of the course. This Assignment focuses on identifying appropriate evidence-based nursing practices related to specific problems you may identify in a workplace setting, preferably your own. The goals of an Information Retrieval Paper are to (1) practice using APA format and (2) to summarize and examine the strengths and limitations of research articles. As a part of your Information Retrieval Paper, you will begin development of a research question in the correct format. You will record title page components for your Information Retrieval Paper in APA format. You will also locate three peer-reviewed articles, and summarize them in APA format. Even though you will only complete a portion of the Information Retrieval Paper in Week 7 of the course, you will look at the outline for the entire paper before you begin this week’s Assignment. (The highlighted components are due this week.) Resources APA Module* (This is also printable. Follow instructions in the tutorial.) Scholarly Writing Tips* (*Available in the Resource section of this week) MS Word Help and How-To Word 2007 - Word 2003 - Review your course readings, lecture, and your Week 2 Resources before completing this week’s Assignment. Performance Objectives Identify a clinical problem in a workplace setting. Develop an appropriate research question using four stated criteria. Summarize peer-reviewed, evidence-based literature related to a clinical problem. Apply a decision-making framework to a clinical problem situation. Use correct grammar, punctuation, and American Psychological Association (APA) format in writing professional papers. Rubric Use this rubric to guide your work on the Week 3 assignment, “Information Retrieval Paper, Part 1.” Task  Accomplished Proficient Needs Improvement Part 1: Problem Identification Research Question Rationale for Question (Total 25 points) Identifies a clinical problem in the workplace that would be under a nurse’s control. (12.5 points) Develops an appropriate research question using the 4 stated criteria from assignment (7.5 points) Clearly explains a rationale for the selection of a research question.(5 points) Clearly identifies a clinical problem in the workplace.(10 points) Develops an appropriate research question using 3 criteria from assignment.(5 points) Explains the rationale for the selection of a research question. (2.5 points) Does not clearly identify a clinical problem in the workplace.(0-7.5 points) Uses none or 1 or 2 criteria in composing a research question.(0-2.5 points) Provides no rationale for the selection of a research question.(0 points) Part 2: Title Page Components using UT Arlington College of Nursing Title Page Format (Total 12.5 points) Develops title page components in College of Nursing Title Page Format using APA format with no errors. (12.5 points) Develops title page components in APA format with no more than 3 errors. (7.5points) Does not use College of Nursing Title Page Format or creates title page with more than 3 errors. (0 pts) Part 3: APA References and Summaries Summarize peer-reviewed, evidence-based literature related to a clinical problem. (Total 25 points) Apply a decision-making framework to a clinical problem situation. (Total 12.5 points) Use correct grammar, punctuation, and American Psychological Association (APA) format in writing professional papers. (Total 25 points) Clearly and concisely summarizes 3 professional, peer-reviewed articles that address a research question. (25 points) Effectively applies a decision-making framework in selecting articles related to a clinical problem situation.(12.5 points) Consistently uses correct mechanics and APA format in writing professional papers (0-2 errors). (25 points) Summarizes 3 professional, peer-reviewed articles that address a research question. (15-22.5 points) Applies a decision-making framework in selecting articles related to a clinical problem situation.(7.5 points) Uses correct mechanics and APA format in writing professional papers (3-8 errors). (15-22.5 points) Summarizes 1 or 2 professional, peer-reviewed articles that address a research question.(0-12.5 points) Selects articles, but does not apply a decision-making framework.(2.5point) Does not use correct mechanics and/or APA format in writing papers (more than 8 errors). (0-12.5 points) Preview of Information Retrieval Paper Criteria In this week’s assignment, you will take the initial steps in composing an Information Retrieval Paper that you will complete during Part B of the course. Because the paper will be submitted in sections, you will look first at the criteria for the entire paper. Format Criteria Possible Score Title Page in APA format 5 APA format (15 points) Citations in the body of the paper Headings 15 Writing style (10 points) Grammar Spelling Paragraphs of at least three well-written sentences Organization and flow 10 Content Criteria Possible Score Introduction: Identification of clinical problem in a workplace setting (5 points) Research question stated correctly (5 points) Rationale for question (5 points) 15 Summary of 3 peer-reviewed articles Overview: Where did you search? How did you decide on the 3 articles? (3 points) 3 article summaries (12 points) 15 Critical Analysis (20 points) Completeness of analysis 20 Summary (10 points) Synthesis of key points for the 3 articles 10 Reference Page (10 points) Alphabetized Sources cited in APA format References complete 10 100 Part 1: Research Problem and Question In the space below, identify the clinical problem in the workplace setting that will serve as the focus of your information retrieval paper. Make sure that the problem is one that would be under your complete control as a nurse. Clinical Problem Clinical problem-Mental health problems in the workplace Mental health disorder is among the major injurious clinical problems that affect many employees in workplace. This is a fact overlooked by many people since this type of disorder tend to a secret and hidden at workplace. According to the United States National Commodity, approximately 18% of the employed people experience mental disorders at workplace. However, the stigma related to such disorder makes employees to avoid seeking treatment fearing that they might lose their jobs. Additionally, employers may want to help the workers but they do not know how to undergo about it. In the space below, compose a preliminary research question about the clinical problem that you identified in the workplace. Use this criteria in composing a preliminary research question: - Question must relate to a clinical problem in the workplace. - Question cannot be answered with a simple yes or no. - The issue to be studied is under your complete control as a nurse. - The question is open ended. Compose a rationale that explains why you chose the research question. After completing this portion of the Assignment, go to this week’s Discussion, and follow the directions for sharing your research question. After receiving feedback from your colleagues, revise your research question, if necessary, in the space provided. Preliminary Research Question Research question-What are the common forms of health mental problems in the workplace, and how do these disorders affect both employers and employees. There are different types of health mental disorders that affect both the employers and employees in the workplace. These disorders have a great negative impact towards the outcome of the employees’ performance. Employers and nurses should join hands in ensuring good employees’ health status in the workplace. This nursing research will aid in answering the stated question in order to show the nurses , employers as well as employees that they is need of medical treatment in case of such disorders arising in the workplace. The research will also aid in showing employees the need of seeking medical treatment if the experience metal health disorders. Rationale for Selecting the Research Question The rationale for selecting the research question is to understand the common types of mental health problem. How dose these disorders affect both employers and employees in the workplace. The rationale answers “so what?” question, showing why the researcher and the audience have interest towards the research problem. Mental health problems in the workplace affect many employees and as a result, these disorders remain unnoticed and untreated. Revised Research Question Complete after participating in the Week 3 Discussion. Employers should allocate finances to mental health problems to not only help the employees but also enhance the organization’s productivity. Although there are many different types of mental health disorders, depression is the common disorder affecting not only employees but also the business productivity. Since these disorders posses injurious challenges to the productivity and well-being of the workers, employers, and nurses should find measures on how to address this health issue in the workplace. Therefore, there is need for further research for educating employees and employers about the effects of mental disorders and provide them with the appropriate solutions to address this matter. Part 2: Title Page Components In this part of the Assignment, you will record the parts of the title page for your Information Retrieval Paper by typing into the text boxes in the graphic organizer that follows the instructions chart. You will create the actual title page before finishing your paper during the B part of this course. Content Criteria Section or Section Title Description How-To and Tips Entire paper 1” margins all around Font – Times New Roman, 12 pt Double-spaced “Header” with short title and page number, right-justified Professional grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and paragraphs composed of at least 3 well-written sentences each Select File – Page Setup… Select Format – Font… Select Format – Paragraph… Select View – Header and Footer... (Refer to the MS Word “Help and How To” links if you need help with any of these tasks.) The short title should be in upper- and lower-case, or “Title Case.” See “Scholarly Writing Tips” Title Page Just below Header, include a “running head” as shown below, left-justified: (Replace “CAPITALIZED ABBREVIATED TITLE” with an abbreviated version of your paper’s title.) Running head: CAPITALIZED ABBREVIATED TITLE Title in upper half of page, centered, upper- & lower-cased letters (Title Case) Title is content of unique paper, not assignment title. Student name, with “University of Texas at Arlington” underneath The following information centered, 1” from the bottom: (Fill in course, faculty details.) In partial fulfillment of the requirements of Course name and number Faculty name, credentials Submission date Online RN-BSN See guidelines in section 5.15 of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition The running head appears only on the title page, and includes the words “Running head.” You can access the complete UTA directions and an example title page at Your finished Title Page should resemble this snapshot: Title Page UT Arlington College of Nursing Format Part 3: APA References and Summaries Select three peer-reviewed, evidence-based articles that address your research question. Compose an overview about your choice of the three articles. Answer these questions: Where did you search for articles? How did you decide what articles to include? Post references to the three articles in APA format. Summarize the article and how it addresses your research question. Overview Where did you search for articles? How did you decide what articles to include? I searched the articles from the university’s library and from the internet. Although there are plenty of clinical nursing articles from both the university library and from the internet, I had to choose the most appropriate articles, which will provide me with the relevant information. I picked the articles, which had the most relevant information that will enable me write a high quality research to help the employees, employers, and the clinical nurses to reduce the risk of mental health problems in the workplace. Article 1 In the space below, post the reference for the first article in correct APA format. Hilton, M. F., et al. (2009). The Association between Mental Disorders and Productivity in Treated and Untreated Employees. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine: Vol. 51, No. 9, pp. 996–1003. In the space below, write a summary paragraph in APA format. Use scholarly writing to describe the article, the decision-making framework you used to select the article, and how it addresses your research question. Use professional writing style. Hilton (2009) tries to explain the association between mental health disorders and organization productivity and treated and untreated employees. The author seeks to explain the side effects that mental health disorder causes to the workplace and how these impacts affect the productivity of an organization. Hilton emphasizes that there is a difference in productivity of treated and untreated employees claiming that treated employees have quality performance than untreated employees. The article is relevant to the research paper since it provides the information about how mental health disorders affect both employees and employers in the workplace. The decision-making framework used considered various factors such as whether the article had information about mental health problems in the workplace and effects to employees and employers. The article also seeks to provide nursing solutions to such injurious mental health disorders. Article 2 In the space below, post the reference for the second article in correct APA format. Loeppke, R., et al. (2009). Health and Productivity as a Business Strategy: A Multiemployer Study. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine: Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 411–28. In the space below, write a summary paragraph in APA format. Use scholarly writing to describe the article, the decision-making framework you used to select the article, and how it addresses your research question. Use professional writing style. Loeppke (2009) points out and emphasizes that health and productivity is a form of organizational strategy that should be put into consideration. The article further explains how mental disorder symptoms may be different in the workplace than in any other situations. Although these problems cause absenteeism, the most challenging problem is that they affect the well being of an employee as well as his or her productivity. According to this article, although treatment brings improvement to employees’ performance, it is not a speedy fix. The article serves as guide to the common mental health disorders in the workplace and the way these problems affect both employers and employees. Therefore, this article is relevant to my research paper since is contains importance and relevant information that will enable me to write an effective and informative research paper. Article 3 In the space below, post the reference for the third article in correct APA format. Wang, P. S., et al. (2008). Making the Business Case for Enhanced Depression Care: The National Institute of Mental Health–Harvard Work Outcomes Research and Cost-Effectiveness Study,” Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine: Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 468–75. In the space below, write a summary paragraph in APA format. Use scholarly writing to describe the article, the decision-making framework you used to select the article, and how it addresses your research question. Use professional writing style. Wang (2008) discusses how depression affects business productivity and provides guidelines on how to enhance and reduce cases of depression in the workplace. According to (Wang, 2008), depression is the most costly mental health disorders affecting most employers and employees in the workplace. The content of this article concludes that added indirect expenses incurred due to mental health problems in the workplace starting reduced work productivity to health insurance payments and local pharmacy costs remains a major challenge for many companies. Given the low treatment rates, Wang suggests that business organizations should highly allocate finances to mental health problems to not only help the employees but also enhance the organization’s productivity. Submitting Your Assignment: Click the word Assignment in the Week 3 folder. Click on the words Information Retrieval Paper, Part 1. The assignment submission document will open. Go to 2. Assignment Materials-Submission. Click Browse and navigate to your Desktop where you saved your paper. Select the final version of your paper to upload from your computer. When you’ve selected your paper, click Attach Files and your saved assignment document should appear in the submission box just above the Attach Files button. Click Submit at the bottom of the Assignment Submission screen and your saved document assignment will appear the gradebook with a green exclamation point that alerts your Academic Coach that your assignment is ready for grading. Read More

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