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Impact of Customer Care Practices on Public Health Care Delivery in Ghana - Essay Example

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In this regard, the researcher conducted a survey of 100 respondents, who were patients at various University Hospitals in Ghana,…
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Impact of Customer Care Practices on Public Health Care Delivery in Ghana
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Analysis of the Impact Care Practices on Public Health Care Delivery among the Hospitals in Ghana Title] [Instructor’s Name] [Date] Abstract This research work was aimed at determining the impact of customer care practices on public health care delivery in University Hospitals in Ghana. In this regard, the researcher conducted a survey of 100 respondents, who were patients at various University Hospitals in Ghana, and evaluated their perceptions against the health care delivery through regression analysis. The findings revealed in this study show that there is a positive impact of customer care practices on public health care delivery. Analysis of the Impact of Customer Care Practices on Public Health Care Delivery among the University Hospitals in Ghana Background In recent years a number of efforts has been made by health services in Ghana and the central government to improve quality of health care provided to the general public. However, despite all the work done the perception of general public regarding quality of health care provided to them is deemed as unsatisfactory and is not up to the mark. The staffs of health institutions, sanitation, patient doctor confidentiality and right to access basic information in the view of general public are issues that need to be addressed and in which improvements are to be made (Howard, 2000). Research Aim Learning about these facts has brought the attention of the author of this research towards the topic in question. The author of this research would pursue this topic and understand the impact customer care practices have on public health care delivery found in university hospitals of Ghana. The study would aim at addressing the issues that have been discussed in the background. Through this research the author aims at adding to the literature that already exists on the topic and hope that this research would aid in improving the overall quality of care that individuals receive within Ghana. Research Objectives Based on the research aim identified in the previous section following research objectives are to be attained in the given study: To determine the perceptions of patients regarding customer care practices in University Hospitals in Ghana; and To determine the impact of customer care practices on public health care delivery. Literature Review Regarding the health services Brown et al. (1993) identified nine dimensions within the health service that affect health service delivery. These nine dimensions ranged from effectiveness to choice each dimension addressed a different perspective that affect health service delivery. Effectiveness referred to the extent to which the patient received the required outcome of the medical procedure and treatment that the patient went under whereas choice referred to the options that the client had to the treatment being offered to him or her (Donabedian, 1997). The diagram below summarizes the various dimensions stated by Brown et al (1993). Source: (Brown, Franco, Rafeh, & Hatzell, 1993) In the patients view usually the quality of treatment they receive is what matters the most. The treatment must match their demands at all time (Anderson, 1998). In other words patients focus more on services that provide them effective relieve from their ailment. To some however customer care they receive tends to matter a lot more than the quality of treatment they receive (Brown, Franco, Rafeh, & Hatzell, 1993). A research conducted on the healthcare delivery in Ghana used customer satisfaction to understand what aspects affected health care delivery (Ofosu-Kwarteng, 2012). The research made a quantitative approach and used two different hospitals to carry out the survey. The study showed that a few factors above others had a general effect on the customer satisfaction. Alertness amongst doctors in attending to emergencies was the prime factor amongst these issues which was followed by the interpersonal relationships that doctors and nursing staff had with the patients and cleanliness was the last on the list (Ofosu-Kwarteng, 2012). Research Methodology There are two main research methods, which are considered by researchers while conducting research works. These methods include qualitative and quantitative research approaches. In a qualitative study, the researcher explores the underlying meanings and phenomenon with the help of qualitative evaluation of subject matter, whereas in a quantitative research method, quantitative techniques and analysis are used (Newman & Benz, 1998; Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2007; Thomas, 2003). Keeping in view the aim and objectives of this study, the researcher has adopted a quantitative research approach. For the purpose of investigating the impact of customer care practices on public health care delivery, the researcher has made use of primary research, which involves making use of information. In this regard, the research instrument used by the researcher is survey questionnaire (See Appendix I). The information obtained through survey questionnaire is used to conduct descriptive and regression analysis so as to determine the relationship between customer care practices and public health care delivery. For survey, the researcher has selected a sample of 100 patients who have been surveyed at different university hospitals in Ghana. Results and Discussion The researcher has conducted both descriptive and regression analysis with respect to the responses obtained through survey. There are a total of 100 respondents considered for survey and among them 65 are male and 35 are female (See Appendix II). As per the descriptive findings, it has been observed that the respondents have shown agreement with most of the statements presented in survey. However, in relation to statements regarding sanitation of health care facilities and ethical practices of care givers, the extent of agreement shown is less as compared to other statements (See Appendix II). Moreover, the regression analysis between customer care practices and public health care delivery has shown a positive relationship between the two variables. Considering the public health care delivery as a dependent variables and customer care practices as an independent variable, following regression equation has been formulated: Public Health Care Delivery = 3.422 + 0.151 * Customer Care Practices This equation is reflective of a positive relationship between the two variables; however, considering the regression findings (See Appendix III), it can be noted that the relationship identified is not a significant one. Keeping in view the literature reviewed earlier and the findings obtained through statistical analysis, it can be stated that the results obtained are in agreement with the conclusions reached by Ofosu-Kwarteng (2012) and Brown, Franco, Rafeh, & Hatzell (1993) in their respective works. It has been determined from the descriptive analysis that all the dimensions of customer care practices are extremely important in effective health care delivery in public sector. Moreover, it has also been established that these factors are positively associated with public health care delivery. Recommendations Based on the observations made through statistical results, it is recommended that care givers shall consider improving the care practices’ standards, particularly in relation to sanitation of health care facilities, which reflect to physical attributes of the service and improving compliance with ethical practices. Moreover, it is also recommended that the health care organizations, particularly university hospitals shall decrease the communication gap between them and their patients and shall develop relationships which help them in improving their respective operations. Conclusion Based on the analysis and findings obtained in this study, it can be concluded that various dimension of customer care practices have a significant impact on the overall health care delivery in public sector. It has been concluded that apart from the fact that health care services available to patients in Ghana are not of high standards, everybody still seems to be satisfied with the existing scheme of things. This is probably due to the fact that the government has spent a significant amount on increasing the health care segment and also hefty amounts have been received by the country in lieu of health care aid. These factors have contributed to improvement in health care practices in the country, which has ultimately reflected an improvement in the satisfaction level of patients. Moreover, the study has also concluded that the customer care practices have a direct and positive impact on the public health care delivery. References Anderson, G. (1998). Multinational Comparisons of Health Care. Geneva: International Health Policy. Brown, L. D., Franco, L. M., Rafeh, N., & Hatzell, T. (1993). Quality assurance of healthcare in developing countries. Quality Assurance Methodology Refinement Series, Bethesda. Maryland: Center for Human Services. Donabedian, A. (1997). The quality of care: How can it be assessed. Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, 1145-1151. Howard, J. (2000). Customer service: The key to remaining competitive in managed care. Quartely, 22-29. Jenkinson, C., Coulter, A., & Bruster, S. (2002). The Picker patients experience questionnaire: development and validation using data from in five countries. International Journal, 353-358. Kolking, H. (2003). Quality management gets competitive. Hospital, 4. Newman, I., & Benz, C. R. (1998). Qualitative-quantitative research methodology: Exploring the interactive continuum. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press. Ofosu-Kwarteng, J. (2012). HEALTHCARE DELIVERY AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN GHANA. A CASE STUDY OF THE KOFORIDUA. Accra: Institute Of Distance Learning, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science. Saunders, M., Lewis, P., & Thornhill, A. (2007). Research Methods for Business Students. New York: Pearson Education. Thomas, R. M. (2003). Blending qualitative and quantitative research methods in theses and dissertations. Thousand Oaks: Corwin. Appendix I Survey Questionnaire Gender Male Female       Age Below 25 years Between 25 and 50 years Above 50 years     You think that the customer care practices are satisfactory Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree You think there are good relations between patients and care givers Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree You think patients confidentiality and consent are given due importance Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree You think there is proper sanitation of health care facilities Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree You think patients have full access to information regarding health care facilities and their rights Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree You think that care givers are highly professional Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree You think that care givers coordinate with each other during the ordinary course of their business Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree You think that customer care practices are carried out in ethical manner Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree You think public health care delivery in Ghana is satisfactory Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Appendix II Descriptive Findings Gender Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Female 35 35.0 35.0 35.0 Male 65 65.0 65.0 100.0 Total 100 100.0 100.0   Age Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Above 50 years 40 40.0 40.0 40.0 Below 25 years 14 14.0 14.0 54.0 Between 25 years and 50 years 46 46.0 46.0 100.0 Total 100 100.0 100.0   Descriptive Statistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation You think that the customer care practices are satisfactory 100 1 5 4.07 .935 You think there are good relations between patients and care givers 100 1 5 4.00 .953 You think patients confidentiality and consent are given due importance 100 1 5 4.10 .905 You think there is proper sanitation of health care facilities 100 1 5 3.92 .992 You think patients have full access to information regarding health care facilities and their rights 100 2 5 4.01 .916 You think that care givers are highly professional 100 1 5 4.05 .914 You think that care givers coordinate with each other during the ordinary course of their business 100 2 5 4.11 .852 You think that customer care practices are carried out in ethical manner 100 1 5 3.98 .943 You think public health care delivery in Ghana is satisfactory 100 1 5 4.03 .937 Valid N (listwise) 100         Appendix III Regression Findings Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .065a .004 -.006 .940 a. Predictors: (Constant), Customer Care Practices ANOVA b Model Sum of Squares D f Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression .364 1 .364 .412 .523a Residual 86.546 98 .883     Total 86.910 99       a. Predictors: (Constant), Customer Care Practices b. Dependent Variable: Public Health Care Delivery Effectiveness Coefficients a Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 3.422 .952   3.593 .001 Customer Care Practices .151 .235 .065 .642 .523 a. Dependent Variable: Public Health Care Delivery Effectiveness Read More
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