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Is absolute truth defined by the Bible? Yes
Did Jesus Christ live a sinless life?
No. because Jesus lived as man and man is sinful.
Is God the all-powerful and all-knowing Creator of the universe, and does He still rule it today? Yes, he is and still rules today.
Is salvation a gift from God that cannot be earned? Yes, it is.
Is Satan real? There are evil spirits but there is no sure way to say that Satan is real.
Does a Christian have a responsibility to share his or her faith in Christ with other people? Yes, he or she does.
Is the Bible accurate in all of its teachings? Yes, it is because it captures different situations of life, therefore offering a lot of teachings about life. It is a perfect example of what life is all about, and how to lead a righteous life.
Questions obtained from Focus on the family (Tackett, 2013)
What I have learned in the process of doing the implicit preferences tests
The tests reveal a hidden bias just like it is meant to disclose. I completed two demonstration implicit preference tests: one for skin tone and the other for age. Skin tone IAT reveals an automatic preference for light skin compared to dark skin. I believed that my preference for light skin to dark skin was neutral. This means that I do not have any automatic preference for any skin tone. The results from the demonstration tests show that I have “little to no automatic preference between Light Skinned People and Dark Skinned People”. Age IAT is a test that often shows the level of automatic preference for young over old people. In this test, I gave my answer as preferring old over the young. The results, however, indicate that I have a high level of preference for the young over the old. Strong automatic preference for the young over old is 35%, moderate automatic preference is 29%, while slight automatic preference is 16%. Overall results show that I have “a moderate automatic preference for Young compared to Old”. From these results, I have learned that I have some hidden biases. This could affect intercultural communication because of the unknown bias towards certain communities or cultures.
Ethnocentrism is the consideration of one’s culture as superior to others, so that, the culture and its practices are used as a standard for interpreting norms, communication, values, and beliefs of other cultures (Wood, 2011). This means that any culture could be superior or inferior depending on the person interpreting the values. With this knowledge, however, it is important to recognize that every culture should be appreciated.
A stereotype is a kind of belief about an individual or a group of people. It is a generalization of a group of people or individuals that do not allow social variation or individual differences. Stereotypes arise from images found in mass media and reputations from members of society. Prejudice is a preformed judgment or opinion about an individual or a group of people. The difference between prejudice and stereotype is that stereotype is a belief while prejudice is a preformed judgment. Prejudice can arise from a stereotype (Teaching Tolerance, n.d).
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