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Jimi Hendrix does not preserve the song’s original fold ballad properties. Moreover, Hendrix stays to the tune particularly with the acoustic guitar that mainly pay attribute to the initial recording and corresponding vibe. Hendrix’s much more high energy and highlights his guitar proficiency or musicianship at the expense of the lyrical intention. Bob Dylan’s version of the song is extremely folky, and he kept it clean, pure and dynamically the same through the entire song. Dylan makes the listener focus on the underlying story line and corresponding lyrics of the song at the expense of the version.
I prefer Jimi Hendrixs version of the Bob Dylan tune "All Along the Watchtower". Bob Dylan’s Version is keeping the folk genre and has incorporated harmonica. Moreover, Dylan’s version possesses the rawness within his singing, and I enjoy the simple, undistorted instrumentation. Moreover, Bob Dylans tune does not display the similar angst and emotion that the Jimi Hendrix tune hosts. The groove and instrumentation of Hendrixs cover develops a visual of what the tune represents. The guitar leads a stronger sound and beefs up the song.
Moreover, Dylans version is a little more ancient, but I cannot quite understand the lyrics. Side by side, I think that each contain raw emotions that appeal to their audience. With Bob Dylans country esque vocals on top of bluegrass ish music, and Jimi Hendrix electrified energy filled sound, both provide very different approaches while achieving their goal. Hendrix’s version also involves listener more and possesses more surprise elements in it that is it is full of energy, dynamics, and contrasting sections.
Assignment Bob Dylan’s recording of the "All Along the Watchtower" is about the lyrics since Dylan maintains the rhythm section simple with a steady groove on mostly acoustic instruments. He focuses on the words and the message the song send to the listener at the expense of the musicality and instrumentation of it. Moreover, he keeps the melody in a small range when singing and the harmonica in between verses adds some variety and response to the vocals. Moreover, Dylan keeps it simple folk sound accompanied by a light arrangement and simplicity.
Conversely, Hendrix takes the song away from the existing folk genre through the introduction of the mechanism that use relatively heavier instrument with louder drums and electric guitar. Jimi Hendrix’s version is completely different since he rocks the tune out. Nevertheless, he adds heavy guitar, which is extremely appealing thus adding different type of passion to the lyrics. It makes the version possess a very diverse vibe. The version has relatively much higher energy thus depicting that his performance is mainly concentrated around the musical dynamic and musicianship.
Whereas Dylan is represented as a talented musician in his initial recording” All Along the Watchtower” focus on the lyrical content and meaning. Moreover, Dylan’s song is short, which depicts that he goes straight to the point thus maintaining a folky, moderate and calm demeanor
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