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Human Computer Interaction - Essay Example

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This research presents detailed overview of specialized CDROM Encyclopaedia, which is aimed at offering a specialist interest in Football. The main aims of this research are to renovate the CDROM based Encyclopaedia system and make it better and effective for the usage of this information system. …
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Human Computer Interaction
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IS2102 User Interface Design Assignment 2 Human Computer Interaction Interface Scenario: No: Contents Introduction 3 2-Existing systems 4 3-Proposed system 5 4-Requirements Gathering 5 5.1-Functionality 6 5.2 User 7 5.3 Data 7 The main data of the system will be stored in a central knowledge base that will be retrieved on any user request and offer the desired results. This data will be related to football field and will be extracted from books, people, web, news, TV, radio, and lot of other sports knowledge systems. The main data that will be processed by the system will be regarding two categories (Preece, Rogers, & Sharp, 2007). 7 5.4 Environment 8 CD Rom 8 5.5 Usability 9 5.6 Hardware Input/output 10 6. User/Usability Testing 10 6.1 User/Usability Test 10 6.1.1 Overview of Interface evaluated and evaluation method 10 6.1.2 Goals of Evaluation 11 6.1.3 Evaluation Paradigms and Techniques 11 6.1.4 Practical and Ethical Issues 16 In this system development we are mainly need to tackle the issues regarding the enhanced user interface and better user response. In case of effective user operational structure any user can distract from the system performance and this is not effective for our system. 16 6.1.5 Results of Evaluation and Analysis of Data 16 6.1.6 Evaluation Outcomes 16 7- Conclusion 16 8- References 17 1- Introduction This research presents detailed overview of specialized CDROM Encyclopaedia, which is aimed at offering a specialist interest in Football. The main aims of this research are to renovate the CDROM based Encyclopaedia system and make it better and effective for the usage of this information system. This research and analysis based report will offer a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the system design and requirements assessment. This report will offer a deep and detailed overview of the main factors that we need to assess and implement while developing a new system for public information or interaction. This research is mainly aimed at designing and developing an attractive system. In this report I will provide a detailed analysis of the CDROM Encyclopaedia development and renovation. There are several CDROM Encyclopaedia areas available and offering a better and effective knowledge on different fields. The intended system is aimed at offering a detailed knowledge on the specific field. Its enhanced development and designing will promote and make it popular among the people. Encyclopaedia is a special type of computer system that needs to be designed with a greater care. These systems are designed to help the people for taking detailed and in-depth information about a particular field. This report will offer detailed and comprehensive overview of the main areas regarding the system design and analysis. The main goal of this report is to suggest a system that fulfils all the necessary needs and requirements of the better system regarding its operations and working. 2- Existing systems Existing Encyclopaedia systems that are available on the CD are having a detailed knowledge of different fields. However our proposed system is aimed at offering a detailed and comprehensive knowledge of the specific field, which is football. In this Encyclopedia we will incorporate a detailed data and knowledge about the concerning field. The other available Encyclopaedia systems are having less friendly user interface and operational structure. These systems are designed to offer services to computer users with excellent working capabilities. I have researched the web for analyzing football Encyclopaedias. A CD-Rom based Encyclopaedia system is available at ESPN Pro Football Encyclopaedia. Presently its second edition is available. This Encyclopedia is available through the following website link:,b.html. This Encyclopedia is a CD based Book that is offering knowledge about the football field. Some Encyclopedia systems are also available on the web and offering a great facility of online knowledge based system. The existing Encyclopedias are based on particular areas of the foot ball. For example, I have visited the football Encyclopedia that is available on the link; This is simply text based data that offers a complex approach regarding the retrieval of particular information. Another web based football Encyclopaedia is located at link: This is mainly an out dated football Encyclopaedia. It does not contain recent data and knowledge about the football events and players. However, our proposed Encyclopaedia of Football is for all the people who desire to get detailed knowledge of this field. In this system we are aimed to incorporate the features of better and simple user interface, so that this system can be effective for a huge community of people having small operational skills on the computer systems. 3- Proposed system We are going to develop an Encyclopaedia of football that has the excellent capability to handle and manage the user queries/questions regarding the field of football. This system is aimed at offering a detailed and in-depth knowledge related to the field of football. The main goal of this system is to develop an effective and user friendly interface. This main user interface of the system will be easy and helpful in managing the user requests for the information extraction about a particular field. This proposed system will be easy to handle, install, and run. This will be developed by following effective rules of the human computer interaction and computer systems usability. 4- Requirements Gathering For gathering the requirements of this system development we will assess the needs and requirements, and then we need to select an effective and appropriate tool for the Encyclopaedia development. For this system we can use survey tool for the assessment of user and people needs and requirements of overall system requirements. Here we can also use some targeted interview accessing the information about the football, so that we can effectively feed it into the main database. 5. Summary of System requirements This section is about the system requirements for the new CDROM Encyclopaedia system development. Below I have outlined some main features of new system development 5.1- Functionality In the scenario we need to analyze the system structure. In the development of the football Encyclopaedia system we will need following functional requirements. User can enter query/question User can view the main results User can select appropriate results User can select the main categories of information about the football User can have the facility regarding the printing of the result page System offers the detailed knowledge of foot ball field. System need to be easy to use Offer effective user interface New system offer user different areas of interest New system facilities for selecting and searching the different areas of foot ball field Also need to offer the source of information for its effective conformation Need to be rebuts against system errors Also offer the help for the effective use of the system 5.2 User The users of this system can be of different types. The age and class of users is not limited however this football Encyclopaedia system will be mainly used by the football lovers. People who desire to take a deep knowledge about the football player, events, and other areas in this game. The main users of system will be following; Football fans Students Sport person Youngsters Or any common person talking interest in football field 5.3 Data The main data of the system will be stored in a central knowledge base that will be retrieved on any user request and offer the desired results. This data will be related to football field and will be extracted from books, people, web, news, TV, radio, and lot of other sports knowledge systems. The main data that will be processed by the system will be regarding two categories (Preece, Rogers, & Sharp, 2007). User Driven and System Driven -User Driven This data is some sort of user query and question that user types for the retrieval of some sort of information. This can be football player name, coach, team, or any event. In this regard the system processes the user query and tries to retrieve the results in a better way and according to the user requirements. -System Driven This data will be stored in the system regarding the overall football players and other areas. This data will be extracted from different sources and arranged in the form of linked database. This can be extracted to a person, web, news, papers, etc. This database will be retrieved according to the user needs and requirements. 5.4 Environment The operational environment of the football Encyclopaedia system will be composed of simple system structure. This can involve the essential presence of the CD ROM. The main database will be presented on the CD ROM and pre installed setup of the football Encyclopaedia system will extract the data from the CD ROM. The main environment of Football Encyclopaedia system will comprise a user, system, and most importantly a CD ROM database of the football Encyclopaedia. The main working environment of this system will be home, office or computer lab that has the following facilities: CD Rom Computer 5.5 Usability Boyd (2003), has described main conceptual model that we need to address and assess regarding the system development and design. Regarding the development of the Encyclopaedia system we need to consider various aspects of design of the system that we are going to implement (Boyd, 2003). Boyd (2003), has outlined some main areas and factors regarding the system conceptual designe; the system needs to consider all these factors during development: factors are Usability Affordability Simplicity Complacence Relevance Measurability Verifiability For the usability aspect of football Encyclopaedia it needs to offer better and effective system handling. (Dix, Finlay, Abowd, & Beale, 2003), outlined the main factors regarding the system usability: Learn ability: According to this feature, this system needs to be built by seeing the user ease regarding the system effective usage and operation. In this way it can be easier to handle and achieve the maximal performance regarding the retrieval of the data and knowledge Football Encyclopaedia System. Flexibility According to this feature football Encyclopaedia system needs to handle the user requests in multiplicity of ways. For example, user at this system should be able to extract information in diversities of ways, such as players, events. Robustness According to this feature system should be robust. Robust means that system would be capable to provide the football Encyclopaedia System user detailed and in-depth information about determining successful achievement as well as assessment of goal-directed behaviour. 5.6 Hardware Input/output The main hardware required for this system development and working will be simple P4 systems will CD ROM Attached. 6. User/Usability Testing 6.1 User/Usability Test Human–computer interaction is about the analysis of the interaction among people and computer. In this paradigm we analyze how we can develop system that is able to offer better support and facility regarding the usage of system. This study investigates the user psychology, behaviours and develops the system that capable to meet the user expectations regarding system working (Helander, Landauer, & Prabhu, 1997) and (Dix, Finlay, Abowd, & Beale, 1998). 6.1.1 Overview of Interface evaluated and evaluation method In the development of the football Encyclopaedia system we will apply the usability that will be a Heuristic evaluation method. This Heuristic evaluation for the usability analysis of the system will facilitate in the development of the enhanced system and effective user interface design of the football Encyclopaedia System. 6.1.2 Goals of Evaluation Heuristic evaluation comprises several rules that we need to address while developing a system for the user. This Heuristic evaluation process is the most popular way for the assessment of the usability for the system inspection and enhanced design and working. Heuristic evaluation is carried out as a systematic inspection of a newly developed system that is aimed to offer the user a better support and interface during working. The main aim of the heuristic evaluation is to discover out the main system related usability problems in the system design therefore system can work and perform in an effective way. Heuristic evaluation entails a small set of usability analysis parameters that we use to evaluate the system working capabilities and user interface related aspects (Nielsen, 1994-a). Here I will apply the “Jakob Nielsens heuristics evaluation module” for the usability testing of the football Encyclopaedia System. 6.1.3 Evaluation Paradigms and Techniques Nielsens heuristics Model In this section I am going to elaborate the main heuristics analysis model that we will implement for the analysis of the football Encyclopaedia system. I have selected the Nielsens human computer interaction heuristics analysis model for the football Encyclopaedia System. This model is presented by Jakob Nielsen (1994-a). There are ten principles in this model. These principles are called "heuristics" because they are more principles, we can say them as the rules of thumb or specific usability guidelines (Nielsen J, 1994-a). Here I have elaborated each factor of the Nielsens human computer interaction heuristics analysis model and their implementation to football Encyclopaedia System (Nielsen, 1994-a). Visibility of system status According to this feature, the football Encyclopaedia system needs to offer the user the information about what is happening in the system. We can also define it as the appropriate feedback of the football Encyclopaedia System that is presented to the user of the system within reasonable time limit so that user can not have the feeling of distraction. Match between system and the real world The second rule aims to develop under the user expectations. Here football Encyclopaedia system needs to work and communicate according to the user language. The main aim of this heuristic is to define that if the user interact with the football Encyclopaedia system then the interaction words, phrases, language and concepts need to be well-known to the system user. A complex system language and system-oriented terms can make the user of system to feel distracting. While designing and developing a system we need to follow real-world conventions and also need to design the football Encyclopaedia system natural and in logical order. User control and freedom In this factor Jakob Nielsen (1994-a) has stated that there are huge chance of mistake while any system usage. So an effective football Encyclopaedia system offers the facility through which these mistakes are outlined and presented to the user for the evaluation. In this scenario football Encyclopaedia system needs to offer the user of system the facility to follow the mistake and should be clearly marked. There should also be a facility of the "emergency exit" to leave the wrong or unwanted state of the football Encyclopaedia system and also facilitating the appropriate dialogue. Consistency and standards According to this feature, football Encyclopaedia system users need not have to wonder in dissimilar situations, words, or actions mean the similar thing. In our football Encyclopaedia system we need to track platform conventions. Error prevention The football Encyclopaedia system should be designed in a way that offers the better efficiency and resistance against the some critical errors. In this system, we need to offer a better mechanism for the errors handling and user communication so that user can resolve them on time. In this system, we need to offer a mechanism that offers the facility eliminate error-prone conditions or ensure them as well as offer a verification or correction option after committing of the action. Recognition rather than recall According to this feature, by minimizing the users memory load we can achieve better user satisfaction. In our system we can achieve operational performance. This can be done by making football Encyclopaedia system actions, objects and options visible. In this scenario user should not have to keep in mind the entire information about each part of the football Encyclopaedia system dialogue. In this scenario football Encyclopaedia system instructions should be visible or easily retrievable while system working. Flexibility and efficiency of use According to this feature the system working performance should be similar for the expert and inexpert user. Our football Encyclopaedia system should be flexible to work according to each user of system and offer effective performance to the users to carry out frequent actions. Aesthetic and minimalist design Conversations should not hold information that is irrelevant or hardly ever required. Each extra component of information in a dialogue competes by means of the applicable units of information as well as reduces their relative visibility. Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors One of the main aspects of football Encyclopaedia system is to recover the errors and helps the user to perform the job in a better and effective way. Here we need to provide the error messages that can be expressed using plain language (there should be no codes because these are harder for the expert uses.), accurately signify the problem, as well as beneficially propose a solution. Help and documentation It is good if the football Encyclopaedia system could be utilized without documentation, but it is essential to offer help as well as documentation. In this way would be able to find information easily. User testing and evaluation In the designing of Football Encyclopaedia system we will make use of Shneiderman’s 8 Golden rules. These rules are available at (, 2009) and also discussed by the (Dix, Finlay, Abowd, & Beale, 2003). These rules and their potential implementation to the Football Encyclopaedia system will be: 1. Strive for consistency In this phase of Football Encyclopedia system we are aimed at developing the system that presents and incorporates the feature of consistency through the system development. In this way, the system user will get the relief and ease regarding the system data and operations. 2. Enable frequent users to use shortcuts Here we also need to offer to user the shortcuts for handling the system. Here in football Encyclopedia system we will offer the user small commands and clicks for retrieval of data and information for the main database. 3. Offer informative feedback In the football Encyclopedia system the information feedback can not be effectively implemented. 4. Design dialogs to yield closure During the system usage we need to offer the user a dialogues approach that presents the closure in case of system operations. 5. Offer error prevention and simple error handling In the Football Encyclopedia system development we need to make the system error free. In case of any error the system users feel distraction, so we have to make it error free. 6. Permit easy reversal of actions For the Football Encyclopedia system we need to make all operations easy so that a native user can use the system easily. 7. Support internal focus of control In the scenario of the Football Encyclopedia system we need to establish an internal focus of control. 8. Reduce short-term memory load In this phase we need to make the system’s operations easy and short as a result we can reduce short term memory load. 6.1.4 Practical and Ethical Issues In this system development we are mainly need to tackle the issues regarding the enhanced user interface and better user response. In case of effective user operational structure any user can distract from the system performance and this is not effective for our system. 6.1.5 Results of Evaluation and Analysis of Data In this overall analysis we will gain main results regarding the system response. In this system design we will assign values to the system functionalities. On confirmation of the each facility of functionality we will obtain the respective result. 6.1.6 Evaluation Outcomes In the overall evolution we need assess the results those came for the system overall working and operational structure. They will be analyzed and any appropriate system response will be assessed. 7- Conclusion In this research I have presented a detailed analysis of Specialized CDROM based Encyclopedia which is aimed at a specialist interest in Football. In this report I have presented a detailed overview of main system operational structure. In this report, I have outlined the main system data, operations, requirements, and events. This whole report was a complete design manual for the Encyclopedia system development. 8- References Boyd, N. (2003). A Conceptual Model for Software Requirements. Retrieved November 09, 2009, from Chavan, S. (2009). Human Computer Interaction (HCI). Retrieved November 07, 2009, from Manager User Experience, Oracle India Pvt Ltd: Dix, A., Finlay, J., Abowd, G., & Beale, R. (2003). Human-Computer Interaction. Hillsdale: Prentice Hall. Helander, M., Landauer, T., & Prabhu, P. (1997). Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Pub Co. Myers, B. A. (1998). A Brief History of Human Computer Interaction Technology. ACM interactions. Vol. 5, no. 2 , 44-54. Nielsen, J. (1994-a). Heuristic evaluation. In Nielsen, J., and Mack, R.L. (Eds.), Usability Inspection Methods. New York, NY.: John Wiley & Sons. Nielsen, J. (1994-b). Enhancing the explanatory power of usability heuristics. Proc. ACM CHI94 Conf. (Boston, MA, April 24-28), 152-158. Enhancing the explanatory power of usability heuristics. Proc. ACM CHI94 Conf. (Boston, MA, April 24-28), , 152-158. Preece, J., Rogers, Y., & Sharp, H. (2007). Interaction Design, 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Son. (2009). Shneiderman’s 8 Golden Rules. Retrieved November 09, 2009, from Read More
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