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Identity Theft Offenders Target Middle-Class Women at Shopping Malls - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Identity Theft Offenders Target Middle-Class Women at Shopping Malls" critically analyzes the state that IPv4/IPv6 provides assistance to frame solid and customize networking systems in the area of IP addressing systems, secure communication, and data transmission for the various users…
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Identity Theft Offenders Target Middle-Class Women at Shopping Malls
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Why Do Identity Theft Offenders Target Middle Women At Shopping Malls & How Can We Prevent This From Happening? Identity theft is increasing in the modern day context, and the easy targets for such instances are the middle class women. Women of the middle age are not very aware of the crimes related to technology due to lack of awareness. In order to mitigate such issue, IPv4/IPv6 plays an effective and vital role in protecting, controlling and combating of trafficking of the middle class women, which is becoming one of the devastating challenges for internet throughout the world. A detailed study is made on the IPv6 addressing architecture. The mechanism that is used for IPv4/IPv6 transition is utilized in broad areas to provide extreme support regarding the issues of women trafficking. The paper intends to state that IPv4/IPv6 provides assistance to frame solid and customize networking system in the area of IP addressing system, security communication and data transmission for the various users. United Nation Convention through the implementation of IPv4/IPv6 evaluates various protections, controlling and combating measures against trafficking of the middle class women and various criminal offenses and impulses. Chapter 1 Introduction In the contemporary society, identity theft is becoming one of the emerging issues affecting people, especially women of middle class. The identity theft offender target women of middle class as they are not very tech savvy and are not aware of the aspect of confidentiality and privacy while operating technology or cards. In this context, it is worth mentioning that middle class women are getting more inclined towards shopping in the modern era. Owing to this increasing trend of shopping the identity theft offenders are targeting middle class women wherein the shopping mall acts as a medium. It is observed that women tend to spend much of their time in shopping on regular basis at shopping mall. The lack of tech awareness makes women a soft target as they are not very expert in using their plastic cards while shopping malls (Pratt et al., 2010). The chances of maintaining confidentiality and privacy are lacked amid the people of middle class. The identity theft offenders use shopping mall as a medium to target the middle class women in order to get data and misuse the same. Due to this lack of technical awareness women were getting targeted and affected in a negative manner. The information can be easily collected by the offenders through shopping malls as due to lack of knowledge women do not use the cards and their details in a confidential manner. In this regard, in order to mitigate such issues this research study emphasizes on the security aspects of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP) version towards preventing middle class women from theft offenders at shopping malls. TCP/IP is implemented to secure and combat trafficking of the middle class women from the theft offenders. These technology systems are executed in the current era for protecting and assisting the trafficking victims and providing support towards achieving the human rights. The study focuses on providing overall view about the vital importance of TCP/IP technology towards overall security as well building ban on trafficking of the middle class women. Implementation of TCP/IP also restricts the generation of various criminal offences and impulses, which creates negative impact towards growth of the society. The research objective of the paper is also to emphasize on the problems arising through the implementation of TCP/IP technology in the security system of anti-trafficking for middle class women. This research also reveals about the limitation of TCP/IP towards delivering overall protection and security to middle class women from trafficking and also in banning various criminal offences and impulses. Various methodologies and data analysis tools and techniques have been implemented to judge the effectiveness of the security system of TCP/IP towards protecting and assisting the women from trafficking as well banning the excessive crimes and offences in this modern age by theft offenders and criminals (Ali, 2012; UN International Organizations Network, 2000; Jain, 2002). TCP/IP System of Networking (Source: Jain, 2002) Problem Statement The technology of TCP/IP is implemented to prevent and assist the women from trafficking activated by theft offenders and criminal activists. In this regard, it can be stated that identity theft offenders mainly focuses on the middle class women because they are regarded as an easy target at the shopping malls. Women of middle class get easily influenced and attracted towards the lucrative aspects presented by the identity theft offenders especially in the shopping malls. They due to the lack of information provide information to the offenders and help them in their unethical activity. These uses of data by the theft identity offender lead to the misuse of data leading to various forms of crime. In this context, technology has various problems towards effectiveness of anti-trafficking. These are transmission of data and information from server to another through Local Area Networks (LANs) and Wide Area Networks (WANs) (Ali, 2012; UN International Organizations Network, 2000). TCP/IP is technology based devices, which can be used by expertise professionals to gather the requisite data essential towards tracking the criminal offenders. Similarly, crime offenders and activities nowadays procure various advanced technologies through which they can obtain required data of the targeted victims. There are also situations when f TCP/IP technology is implemented keeping in view the sensitivity of cases of the victims. Moreover, defensive and protecting department, other protecting organizations and law enforcement agencies all are bordered on the effectiveness of the TCP/IP technology. This technology is inherited in the wireless and surveillance devices to capture the frequency of information and data circulating in various electronic devices. These data and information are channelized through servers and ports from LANs and WANs (Ali, 2012; UN International Organizations Network, 2000). Purpose of the Study This research study intends to shows the positive and negative effect of TCP/IP towards trafficking of women as they are being targeted due to their lack of awareness. This technology was implemented in order to protect trafficking and deliver foremost attention towards the middle class women. TCP/IP also provides assistance to trafficking victims and makes supportive gain towards human right issues. This acts as an added advantage towards cooperative behavior with the state and federal defensive and legal authorities to tackle and ban the major issues of trafficking of women and criminal offenses and impulses. The two major versions of TCP/IP, which are version 4 and 6, are evaluated to determine the benefits. Internet protocol (IP) version 4 can be abundantly accessed through mobile devices by internet users through cable and ADSL modems. However, it got migrated to IP version 6 because it was not effective towards routing and addressing, translation of network address, security, workload administration and support in mobile devices (Ali, 2012). The below diagram depicts a comparative study about the effectiveness of TCP/IP version 4 and 6 in respect to the assistance and security of middle class women from trafficking by theft offenders and criminal impulses (GAO, 2005). Comparison of IPV4 and IPV6 Address Spaces IPV6 has the capacity of 4.3 billion IP addressing spaces, which is approximately 3.4 *1038 more than IPV4. IPV6 apply method of 128-bit address, which is faster and effective than IPV4 and apply 32-bit addressing system. This aspect is effective as it delivers unique IP addressing system, which procures security communication and data transmission facility between devices such as videos and voices (GAO, 2005) Research and Subsidiary Questions In this research study we have to analysis about the necessity and requirement of TCP/IP version 6 in the networking system. In the contemporary era, there is a huge demand for networking services, which includes email, web access, peer-to-peer technology and mobile devices. IPV6 is structured to tackle the internet growth, demanding necessity of services, overall security system in network communications and mobility. TCP/IP networking system has enhanced its IP addressing to 128 bits in version 6, which was 32 bits in version 4 (Ali, 2012; Lee, 2010). This allows trillions of unique IP addressing system for individuals to have effective transmission and communication of data, video and voice services. This enhanced security system in networking enables security from trafficking and assisting victimized women. Defensive authorities and officials can have regular tracking and surveillance to ban and control trafficking and other criminal offences and impulses. IP security (IPsec) a suite of IPV6 is used to protect communication of IP by confirming the sender, providing reliable protection and optional protection of confidentially information (Radack, 2011). This study also illustrates about the overview of TCP/IP which shows effectiveness in security and reliability in transmission and communication of data and information used by individuals in various internet supportive devices. The main question of the research is to identify the reasons and evaluate the effectiveness of TCP/IP version 4 and 6 importance in relation to women trafficking. It also questions the factors leading to the aspect of safety and security with relation to networking. Definition of Terms Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is the suite of protocol, which provides reliability of security and accuracy of transmission and communication of data and information through various internet supportive devices. The information and data packets are segregated and forwarded to TCP by IP. This transmission of data is illustration below through a diagram. Data transmission from IP to TCP Source: Jain, (2002) Internet protocol (IP) is the suite of protocols that segregates the packets of data in relation to its direction of transmission and forwards it to TCP. IP segregates and forwards datagram’s through layer 3 protocols. Datagram’s are IP addressing programs designed to set channelization between source and destination IP address for effective transmission and communication of data and information. The illustration of consecutive steps is shown below through a diagram. Data transmission process through Internet Protocol (IP) Source: Jain, (2002) Importance of Study As stated above, women are being focused as they are not very technical savvy and can get easily influenced. Due to this aspect the women become an easy victim of trafficking. To mitigate such issue the research study acquainted about the abundant growth and implementation of IPV4 and IPV6 towards effective transmission and communication of data through TCP with support of local LANs and WANs. The study reveals that through the implementation of this networking system United Nations Convention have strategized and evaluated various techniques and tools to prevent, suppress and punish the trafficking people against middle class women and also to combat crime (Radack, 2011; Tech Target, 2014). United Nations Convention has formed an article to take necessary measures in order to protect women from trafficking and combat against the convict persons. IPV4 and IPV6 provide support to deliver sophisticated data so that trafficking victims can raise their voices for justice under Human Rights Act. United Nations Convention also implemented Article 10 through information exchange and training. It is evidential that IPV4 and IPV6 delivers accurate and essential data and information through system of network making cooperative sharing of information between law enforcement, immigration and other anti-trafficking parties of state and federal level to trap and control the trafficking activities. Moreover, Article 12 amended by United Nation Convention reflects about the security and control of documents.IPV4 and IPV6 offers extreme protection on the valuable document as these are channelized through networking signals in various surveillance and wireless devices (UN International Organizations Network, 2000; 2012). Limitations of Study The limitation of the study is that t is no clear mention about the actual difference in efficiency of IPV4 and IPV6. It is illustrated that IPV6 had procured 128 bits having 43 million IP addressing space capacities which is 3.4 *1038 more than IPV4. There had been in general terms mentioned that in current era there is a huge demand of networking services, which includes email, web access, peer-to-peer technology and mobile devices. Illustration emphasized about the security aspects of TCP/IP version 6 networking system. IPV6 is structured to tackle the internet growth, demanding necessity of services, overall security system in network communications and mobility. IP security (IPsec) a suite of IPV6 is used to protect communication of IP by confirming the sender, providing reliable protection and optional protection of confidentially information. Through the implementation IPV4 in large internet users and mobile devices through ADSL and cable modems utilizing internet connection. This enhanced supportive system will give excessive security and control anti-trafficking to protect women Conversely, IPV4 also have certain limitations towards effectiveness in security system to control and ban trafficking of middle class women. IPV4 networking system are not fixed as well as extended and hence generates problems to appropriately segregate the packets of data and forward it efficiently and in large scale to TCP networking system. It also procures the issues of insufficient addressing space, which creates problems in delivering overall security of data and information of abundant users. But no descriptive process has been given about the channelization of TCPIP (Ali, 2012). Chapter 2 Literature Review UN International Organizations Network (2000) stated that United Nations Convention has implemented prevention, control and punishment measures towards trafficking of middle class women. They have executed general provisions through the amendments of Article 1 to 5 in collaboration with United Nations Convention to take measures against corporative crime. They have taken steps with amendment of article 6 to 8 to protect trafficking victims from the theft offenders and criminal activists. United Nation Convention preventive and cooperative measures amended in article 9 to 13 is to deliver effectiveness in controlling and banning trafficking. According to Radack (2011) IPV6 is essential for better networking system. It describes about various positive security aspects of IPV4 and IPV6, which enables to create the growth of internet, mobility, demanding of services, core security and network communication. Conversely, author explains negative security aspects of IPV4 and IPV6, which can be easily attacked by trafficking activists. Unauthorized deployment of IPV6 in networking system of IPV4 also creates complexity. It is unable to detect appropriate and mitigate inappropriate data and information. The author had given various recommendations to secure the deployment of IPV6. This will enhance the standard of protection and controlling measures executed towards trafficking issues. GAO (2005) explains about constructive measures that must be taken by Federal agencies for transition and manage risks concern for the security of middle class women from trafficking. Jain (2002) had given an architectural design view about the TCP/IP networking system. TCP/IP reference model provides an overview how TCP and IP collaborates functions towards effectiveness of data segregation and transmission to protect and control trafficking of women. Ali (2012) gives comparative study between IPV4 and IPV6. Here author reveals that IPV6 is much effective than IPV4 protocol system in segregating and gathering packets of data later forwarded to TCP, which transmits the data with proficient communication to the users. This aspect is of importance for the safety and securities of women are mainly targeted by the theft identity offenders. According to Pratt et al. (2010) shopping mall is stated as a medium wherein women of middle class are being targeted due to the increase number and frequent visits. Another reason middle class women are targeted is that they have the money to spend but do not have adequate knowledge or information regarding the proper safe use of the electronic gadgets. These aspects cause high risk of identity theft amid women. Moreover, to prevent such issue of traffic the IPV4 protocol is an important aspect. Chapter 3 Methodology For the research study, various authors’ illustration has been examined to analyze the security aspects, issues and reasons of up gradation from IPV4 to IPV6. Here qualitative methodology had been implemented to emphasis on the quality of security; control and reliability to measure the effectiveness of IPV4 and IPV6. Moreover, peer reviewed articles have been used to analyze qualitative aspects. Moreover, the behaviors of women in the shopping malls are also identified to determine the aspect of crime. The Big Bang Here study emphasizes to show the more effective protocol system between IPV4 and IPV6. Although, IPV4 procures the capacity of 32 bits of IP addressing space but does not cover the overall data of the users. IPV networking system is fixed and not extendable which lacks to gather and store necessary data of the users. Conversely, IPV6 have the capacity of 128 bits of IP addressing space, which fulfils the storage of all users. These gives advantageous support towards utilizing, trapping and banning the trafficking activities prevailed by criminal offenders. Modular Implementation The implementation of IPV6 routers and hosts increases the distribution of network. This aspect makes the network administrators easily understandable about the transmission and communication of data and information delivered by the end users. IPV6 requires minimum updating of IP addresses for the users as IPV6 data automatically transfer to IPV4 addressing system. This leads to low cost initially as it had migrated from IPV4 to IPV6 (Ali, 2012). This aspect of implementation is vital for the safety of the women being targeted. Chapter 4 Data Analysis In the research study, qualitative data analytical methods have been taken into consideration to flash the effectiveness of IPV4 and IPV6 for protecting and controlling women from trafficking. Qualitative data analysis helps shows the depiction of various human and corporate authors who have presented their different approaches about the security aspects, limitations and up gradation of IPV4 to IPV6. As per the analysis the data gathered which are effective to illustrate about the effectiveness of IPV4 and IPV6 towards the growth of IP addressing system essential to secure data of users and various network supporting devices. Conversely, some corporate authors describe about the various anti-trafficking organizations who had executed various strict measures and actions in respect to control and ban anti-trafficking of women. However this does not relate to the role of IPV4 and IPV6 protocol system, which can be related through illustrations of other authors. Security model for PeopleSoft ERP system IPV4 is considered as security model for PeopleSoft ERP system. This security model segregates packets of data of the users and forwards it to TCP, which delivers prominent transmission through the support of network all over the country. Moreover, IPV6 which is more advance and extensive in segregating and gathering the data gives comprehensive support towards forwarding appropriate and abundant data to TCP to provide effective transmission around the network (Doshi, 2012). This security model is another vital aspect, which helps in reducing the effect of identity theft among the women of middle class. Strong Security Model IPV6 with, IP security (IPsec) provides strong security model to secure IP communications among with transmitted information with integrated protection. This will deliver effective protection and control over the techniques and tools utilized in anti-trafficking of women. This will also provide extreme support to the defensive departments, ant-trafficking and enforcement agencies to have successive control on trapping and banning this major issue and also implement further effective measures towards enhancement in anti-trafficking procedures (Juniper Networks, 2014). Know the Security Threats This research study flashes about the security threats in the deployment of IPv6. The theft and criminal offenders take advantage of the developing tools and techniques of IPv6. Regular monitoring of IPv6 segregation of packet data and forwarding it to client devices cannot detect the threat. This issue can be mitigated by re-configuring the IPv6. IPV6 deployment in the networking system hampers the production networks of IPV4, which further cannot be detectable or even mitigated. This will also lead to dual protocol environment, which increases the complexity of transmission and communication signal of networks (Ali, 2012). PeopleSoft ERP Secure Environment The implementation of IPv4 and further IPv6 delivers extreme support and security towards the PeopleSoft ERP software system. This sophistically procures and segregates the packets of data in concern to priority of transmission of information. IPv4 almost provides limited support on the security and segregation of packets of data but IPv6 through its extensive technology delivers appropriate and accurate data towards TCP for effective transmission throughout the network (NTIA, 2004; Dimension Data, 2014). Chapter 5 Purpose of the Study This research study gives elaborative view about the effectiveness of TCP/IP with version 4 and 6 in networking system to protect, control and combat with trafficking of women. Different views of various human and corporate authors were illustrated on the aspect of security, quality and limitation of IPv4 and IPv6. Through this variant study qualitative data analysis has been done to emphasize on the data and objective of the research. Summary The above research study comprehends about the various qualitative methods and techniques that have been implemented to analyze the effectiveness of IPv4 and IPv6. The above also describes about the importance of study, problem statement, limitations of study, literature review, application of methodology, up gradation of IPv4 to IPV6, data analysis, IPV6 as security model for PeopleSoft ERP system, strong security model, various security issues and implementation of IPv4 and IPv6 in PeopleSoft ERP system to secure software environment. Conclusion From the above study, it can be revealed that IPv4 and IPv6 are effective to protect, control and combat trafficking of women from theft offenders and criminal impulses. The reason for such aspect is the lack of knowledge amid the middle class women while using cards and other information at shopping mall. Shopping mail is the target areas as much of the women spend their time in shopping and for theft offender the maximum data are available from the same area. IPV4 and IPV6 implementation in PeopleSoft software system enhances the security system of ERP environment. This delivers effective protection and accurate segregation of various data stored in the PeopleSoft software system used by various organizations for their working processes. In PeopleSoft ERP system various strategic planning reports and data are stored, which are vital towards the effective growth and development of the organization. IPv4 and further IPv6 provide effective protection, reliability and accuracy of data stored. This will help to frame a constructive plan in enterprise resource planning process to secure their essential and vital policies, processes and guidelines formed to deliver competitive advantage and profitable growth of the organization. Significance of the Study The research study emphasizes on the importance of IPv4 and further IPv6 through the implementation in PeopleSoft ERP system to secure the operational and plan framework and traditional infrastructure of the organization. Through, the two internet protocol system huge planning procedures can be framed and evaluated with lesser effort and time. These protocols are effective towards educating the technical system about IPv6, which makes them proficient to deliver effective work performance to enhance the security system of the organization. This also gives extensive support on accurate maintenance of data through establishment of dual stack Domain Name System Infrastructure (DNS). This also leads the organizations to upgrade the policies regarding security and maintenance for better security and mobilization of data (Dimension Data, 2014; CISCO, 2014). Suggestions for Further Research The above research study, analyzes about the devastating role of IPv4 and Ipv6 in networking system to protect, control and ban the mobilization of trafficking of women. Various positive security aspects as well as threats and limitations of IPv4 and IPv6 have been addressed for the effectiveness of the future research. IPv4/IPv6 delivers strong protection and control over the security system of department of defense of the United States of America. These protocol systems are the main stem of interoperability within Department of Defense (DOD) (Department of Defense, 2006). One aspect that can be suggested is to use the cards wisely and safety by the women especially in the locations such as shopping malls. The implementation of IPv4/Ipv6 in surveillance cameras enhances the video surveillance system of the organization. IP support surveillance system support to plug the cameras to Ethernet LAN, which delivers extreme and accurate video clipping essential for trapping various mischievous activities. IPv4/IPv6 addition in surveillance network minimizes the loss of data, enhances the security system and maximizes the flexibility of data in the network (Allied Telesis, 2014). There will be successive up gradation of public/external services and servers, which leads to efficient delivery of data and information as required by the government to mitigate the issue of women trafficking (, 2010). References Ali, A.N.A. (2012). Comparison study between IPV4 & IPV6. International Journal of Computer Science, 9(3), 314-17. Allied Telesis. (2014). Top 14 best practices for building video surveillance networks. User Files, 1-7. (2012). Planning guide/roadmap toward ipv6 adoption within the U.S. government. Strategy and Planning Committee Federal Chief Information Officers Council, 1-57. CISCO. (2014). 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Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 47 (3), 267-296. Radack, S. (2011). Internet protocol version 6 (ipv6): nist guidelines help Organizations manage the secure deployment of the new Network protocol. ITL Bulletin for January 2011, 1-8. Tech Target. (2014). IPv4 or iPv6—myths and realities. Global IPv6 Strategies: From Business Analysis to Operational Planning, 1-53. UN International Organizations Network. (2000). Protocol to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons, especially women and children, supplementing the United Nations convention against transnational organized crime. United Nations, 1-11. (2010). Memorandum for chief information officers of executive departments and agencies. Executive Office of the President, 1-3. Read More
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