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Argument Synthesis paper - Essay Example

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The use of robots in research facilities was as assistants. The integration of millions of transistors in the robot technology has increased the robots intellect to human level. This…
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Argument Synthesis paper
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They are also able to take care for both children and adults. With well-programmed algorithms, robots are able to time elder people under medication. The robots have connected the gap for homebound students who would wish to be in school. Robots in the military scope are spies in war prone area. In my view, robots have filled the gap left by human beings in performing certain tasks. For example, if the VGo was nonexistent, the parents of the child would pay the expenses of employing tutors or else the child would never get educated.

Provision of better health care services and nursing is achieved by using timed robots to medicate the elderly in the community. This paper analyses the critical argument as to whether robots benefit or damage the moral fiber and character of the human race. An analysis of robots to ascertain the role robots play in providing accessible education for homebound children. Special needs students in the past have faced difficulties in acquiring education. Parents of special needs children incurred heavy costs in hiring tutors.

With the advent of robots, students are able to take part in class though they might not be physically present. The VGo robot has a two-way stream mode where a student with special needs views class activities. On the other hand, the teacher sees the student via its screen. Such aspects ensure personal contribution to the children who are hospitalized or homebound. It enables the student to socially interact with other colleagues. Thus, boosting their esteem and still kills the loneliness experienced by the student (Brown, 2013).

The robot has different color lights to attract the attention of the teacher in case the student wishes to answer or respond to a question. In addition, robots give relaxation to children during breaks through acting as a toy. This helps the students have fun and get ready for the next lecture. Robots entertain children while the

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