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The Terrorist Among Us - Research Paper Example

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The sole purpose behind Rudolph targeting the event was because he felt there was too much socialism in the state and \he needed to teach the government. In…
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The Terrorist Among Us
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The Terrorists among Us Eric Robert Rudolph Eric Rudolph, commonly known to most as the “Olympic park bomber”, placed abomb on Olympic park in July 27 1996. The sole purpose behind Rudolph targeting the event was because he felt there was too much socialism in the state and \he needed to teach the government. In addition, the terrorist stated that among the reasons for targeting the events was to ensure that it was cancelled and the money was spent on other functions that benefited the communicated the community as a whole.

After the Olympic Park bombing, Rudolph executed two other bombings. One was outside a gay club in Atlanta in which eleven people were injured although nobody lost their lives. The second bombing was outside a building, near an abortion clinic, whichwas believed to have been the prime target in the bombing. His actions did only portray him as a hero to the people in the community who had similar views, but also encouraged some of his followers to commit similar acts (Collett, 2005). To make it worse, a restaurant even came up with the sign saying “Rudolph eats here” as a way of trying to reach out to more customers who had similar affiliations as Eric Rudolph.

At the time of the two bombings, people were not that open to the idea of gay marriage or abortion. As of 1996, gay people and abortion was not a generally accepted fact among the members of the society. After managing to accept the death sentence, Rudolph wrote a over a dozen essays stating is beliefs on abortion and gays. Ted Kaczynski Although a mail bomb is a rather rare occurrence, people need to be on the lookout for any suspicious mail that may arrive at their premises or organizations.

In most instances, the return address is normally nonexistent of fictitious. In most cases, if not all, the bomb mails are normally addressed to particular people. The letter bombs always targets individuals Additionally, the bomb mails are usually marked as private. They are normally personal; and addressed a specific person unlike other forms of bombing. Personnel working in organizations need to be able to identify suspicious mail without necessarily opening it. There are various indicators, which may act as a red flag to mail bombs.

Alternatively, there are various aspects, which may symbolize or give a clue to mail bombings. Some of the common aspects, which may indicate mail bombs, include excessive weight, attributed to the parcel of package, excessive postage, excessive postage material, unusual odors on the package and excessive securing the material such as tape. In most cases, most terrorists use letter bombs as a way for them to spread fear and gain some form of publicity. The public needs to watch out and take precautions whenever a letter seems a bit suspicious (Waits & Shors, 1999).

Ted Kaczynski commonly known as the Unabomber was a mathematician from America and a serial killer. The Unabomber in this case was an FBI target and was publicly named the Unabomber by the media. From the targets of Ted Kaczynski bombings, it is easy to see that letter bombs are normally addressed to a specific target, institutions and organizations. Ted Kaczynski acts of terror are a clear indication of the type of terrorists living among us in the modern society. ReferenceAabye, C & Letnes, R. J. (2003).

Terrorists among us. Gwinner, N.D.: McCleery& Sons.Collett, G. (2005). Eric Rudolph and me: A parallel of two unconnected lives.Bloomington, Ind: AuthorHouse.Waits, C & Shors, D. (1999).Unabomber: The secret life of Ted Kaczynski.Helena, MT: Helena Independent Record.

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