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Advanced Fire Administration - Essay Example

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This essay "Advanced Fire Administration" discusses the main objective of the paper which is to assess the readiness of a town against a fire disaster that may occur. Planning entails, looking at future possible consequences that may arise and incorporating them into a blueprint plan…
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Advanced Fire Administration
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Advanced Fire Administration Introduction The main objective of the paper is to assess the readiness of a town against fire disaster that may occur. Planning entails, looking future possible consequences that may arise and incorporating them in a blueprint plan. This paper is based on a five year plan of a city; the city planner is expected to come up with a detailed blueprint report of how the town growth will be managed. The objective of the paper is to look at how a plan is prepared specifically on fire related emergency and the current mechanism put in place to, handle any emergency that will be in use five to ten years to come. This is because of the increase in population attributed to the dynamic nature of it and also the issue of developmental growth. Every city is expected to show some growth, and this growth must be maintained and planned parallel. In the first part of the paper, an overview is sampled on what is expected in five to ten years based on an expert view. The main objective of the paper is to evaluate how and the measures that are put in place during planning; these facts have a direct impact on how the city will be able to respond to disaster in the future. Also, to show how the administrative body will ensure infrastructures that are coming up are abiding to the planning regulation. Planning is the most essential element of any development, proper planning focus on the future outcome and incorporates the concept of growth, a city cannot remain static it must be dynamic either negatively or positively. Use of proper planning tools is essential because bad planning always leads to disorganised results that conflict with each other. Interview about the future The person that I interviewed is a county planner, his works entails planning for the future and he gave me an overview of what is expected in 5 to 10 years to come. A proper planner should focus on the future rather than the immediate situation. Population is dynamic and would not remain the same as today therefore in about five to ten years to come, the number of people living per square kilometre will have increased and so the urge of new resources. The current resources cannot be able to serve the number that was available at that time, so need to keep changing resources as the demand will go higher. Different measure has been incorporated that relate to fire management in case of a disaster. One of the measures that have been addressed in the plan is buying and upgrading the number of capabilities of fire responses. The higher the population the more the administrative body requires necessary logistics to be able to deal with the challenges that posses with increase in population. Fire element planning is a continuous program that cannot have a specific time limit and is constantly under review to make sure it meets the necessary requirement. This is in order to have the expected capability to tackle fire incident as a result of increased in population. For example a car fire engine serving an area of approximately 5000 people per square kilo meter cannot be able to adequately, serve an increased population of 10000 people per square kilo meter in ten years to come. To solve the issue of fire, a blue print have been developed that shows how city houses will be built in order to have an expanded responsibility in handling fire incident. This will include installation of automatic fire detectors in buildings that will automatically go off in case of a fire; this will help the fire department in dealing with fire related threats as a mechanism is already in places and operates internally. Fire readiness report In the interview that conducted I found out that, fire fighting and management incorporates different agencies that come together, various utilities in a city. In the city that I base my context on, I found out that, the administrative body has a 5 year plan that strategy on disaster management on how to tackle any foreseeable threat that may arise; this includes preparedness, recovery and responses. Working together with different agencies and organs of the society helps to effectively approach the issue of fire related outcomes this is because a civic education is channelled out in different ways. This has been incorporated in my area of case study, where the fire fighting council has teamed up, with local leaders and religious groups in educating the society in ways to prevent and be ready of disaster. Also volunteers have been trained on how to manage fire related incidents that may arise (Jacky 67). The town also, have a valid fire assessment plan that looks at how to manage any disaster that may arise, this is consistent with the changing growth in population, a valid assessment risk policy corporate all aspects of development and growth that can be undertaken (Jacky 31). The fire strategy incorporates other parties in order to be fully functional and valid. Involving other parties adds benefits that come up as a results disaster management, this party may include but not limited to, communication sectors, power control line and transport control department. These have been entailed in the master plan for fire response and management plan that outline for how all of these sectors coordinates to tackle a fire emergency. The transport control centre opens and clears the way for the rapid response unit to get a way to access the site of the fire. The communication centre is used to relay and collect information all around the city and relay to the appropriate department, members of the public will be able to pass out the info to the required personnel. The power control helps to stop the spread the risk of the fire that has risen up by cutting the supply of power in the affected area; this is another form of measurement undertaken to show how the city is well prepared to tackle fire outrages (Jacky 79). The benefits of using SORC to judge the preparedness of a fire plan are the realistic aspects of it. It looks directly to the future and the current needs of the place being judged. A person is able to exploit all necessary information to be able to come up with comprehensive information about the city structure and respond unit. The other added benefit that comes with the use of SORC is, the ability to determine if the level of capability of a fire management plan and response, this comes about with the ability to practically evaluate the fire plan system. Use of SORC shows how the overall management control is capable of and if is effective in implementing realistic policies that are fitted with the changing times. Also the system provides Suitable & Sufficient Risk Assessment of the plan that has been devised (Jacky 100). Recommendations I would recommend the persons in charge to critically evaluate and calculate the growth rate of the population to be able to make a clear and accurate plan based on these findings. Also, the planners should embrace technology changes in their plan, to enable them adequately are more prepared as a result that comes with the added benefits. The plan needs to address the issues that cause fire, not on how to tackle fire, this is to enable the society to directly prevent causes of fire rather than how to deal with fire itself, this way the fire management plan will be more effective in all aspects that needs to be addressed (Ashley 19). The other recommendation I would make is, establishment of civic education about fire, this education should be targeted to the public and should be incorporated when a person joins school. This will enable future generation to be able to grow knowing what it takes to tackle fire incidents (William 176). Strategic tools Master Plan This is the overall blueprint that I would use to ensure that I achieve the overall goal that is set out; this would be my guide in achieving my objective. The master plan would include how I plan to work out the intended purpose (William 254). Strategic Plan These are the strategies that I will employ to achieve the set out plan. This is the arteries that run a master plan, because it is the one use to implement the master plan (Jacky 150). Budget Budget is a financial estimation of how much I have and how I will include to serve the intended purpose. Operational Plan (short and long term) It’s the long term focus on how to implement and grow a plan. This is the entails the levels the plan wants to grow to or expand. Mission Statement This gives the purposes of the business or the plan, the purpose of this is to give out the core reason that makes the plan. Vision Statement It’s the breakdown of what a person intends to achieve by implementing the plan, and usually its entails a short term vision although other plans include even long term plan. Network Diagrams It’s a typical show of how the plan will be interconnected with other aspects that will facilitate the achievement the plan. A plan cannot rely on its own. Retention policy is the policy of retaining crucial information regarding a plan; this facilitates the privacy of the plan. This is to protect it from unauthorised access of the information for malicious use or rumours spreading. A policy that is in place to share information with the public intends to protect the public from missing information regarding certain things. In case of fire management, the public is supposed to have easy access to information that entails fire prevention and management .The policies in the fire management are clearly written to make anybody to understand them including a toddler because of the effects they have on the larger society. Medical records are adequately protected with regards to medical ethics laws that require enormous of the patient’s records. Works Cited Ashley, James . Risk Management Factors . London: Vintage , 1998. Print Jacky, Chen. Developing Managment Policies. Columbia: Universty of Columbia press, 2009. P rint Jacky, Jimma. Fire managment Plan. Nairobi: Longhorn, 2003. Print William, James. Planning Stratergies . London: Vintage, 1999. Print Read More
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