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Information systems 2 - Coursework Example

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Databases where information about me exists include Tesco supermarkets, the national library, Red Cross and national center for population. Information is captured differently in these…
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Information systems 2
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Red Cross gets information about individuals during membership registration, blood donation exercises or during participation in charity activities. Individual details are regularly updated in these institutions as in Tesco updates are made when one shops online. Individual’s tastes and preferences are updated depending on his or her shopping basket. Too details are updated when one uses his or her Tesco credit card or club card when shopping. There are loads of concerns about personal data privacy.

Privacy about personal information is of much concern like on financial status for example Tesco supermarkets can access accounts of its credit card holders. Health data should be held secret. Therefore people are afraid of hackers, email scams or phishing and cookies which may expose them to dangers. Data can be retrieved from different sources. The sources can be either internal or external. For Tesco, internal sources of data include sales from internal operations such as sales data, in cventory data, human resource data, systems data, product data and marketing data.

These may include information from data from internal research, campaigns and promotions. External sources in Tesco include information from competitors’ sales and products, from website, and other third party data such as census data, survey data and demographics data. There are a number of assumptions that are made during warehouse building. For web sources it was assumed that conjunctive queries were enough to retrieve information of interest. Too the information collected was assumed to cover the whole population.

The integrity of data was highly reliable. A decision support system is a computer based system or subsystem that is interactive and intended to assist in decision making. It employs the use of communication technologies, documents, data, and knowledge models to solve problems and make decisions

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“Information Systems 2 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 Words”, n.d.
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