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Gardners Multiple-Intelligences Theory: Overview: Howard Gardner came up with the Multiple-Intelligences Theory in the twentieth century in an attempt to explain the term “intelligence.” Gardner basis his theory on the argument that the traditional definition of psychometrics as in the IQ tests lacks the representation of all the cognitive skills humans are naturally blessed with. Gardner’s theory renders the conventional means of judging an individual’s intelligence by means of specific IQ tests meaningless in that they are only a tool to measure one or two of the numerous shades of intelligence people retain.
The theory identifies nine fundamental traits of intelligence, namely spatial, mathematical, kinesthetic, linguistic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, existential and naturalistic intelligence. (Smith, 2002, 2008). Gardner never claimed that the traits of intelligence are limited to the ones he identified. Brief explanation of these types of intelligence is as follows: Spatial intelligence is concerned with the imagination. Artists are typically equipped with such an intelligence. Linguistic intelligence makes it easy for an individual to memorize difficult vocabulary and interpret thoughts into words.
People with technical accuracy of thoughts have mathematical intelligence. They are good at calculations. People with quick physical reflexes have a high kinesthetic intelligence. They are good at tasks requiring physical exercises. Some people compose very good songs and have a nice taste for music and hence excel in this field. They are equipped with sufficiently high musical intelligence. People with good interpersonal intelligence level are social and have management skills. Their social circle is large.
Others who are introverts have a sound understanding of their own self and have inclination towards philosophy. They have a high intrapersonal intelligence level. People who stay close to nature and appreciate it have a goof level of naturalistic intelligence. Existential intelligence allows an individual to comprehend and interpret infinity.Critical analysis: The Multiple-Intelligences Theory has acquired mixed reviews of the philosophers and educationalists. Although the theory has not met with great success, there are many who acknowledge the theory proposed by Gardner as presenting the matter in a broader spectrum.
The approach adopted by Gardner, is indeed realistic and mature in that it identifies nearly all traits of intelligence and explains why, some people with a high IQ are not good at performing certain tasks that their counterparts with lower IQ level are proficient in. Keeping Gardner’s theory in view, one draws the conclusion that organizations need to customize the conventional IQ tests as per the abilities required for a certain type of job. Different tasks require the display of different types of intelligence from the wide range identified by Gardner.
Customizing the IQ tests meant for the selection of employees according to the nature of job can indeed, a big step in the way of acquiring talented workforce. This would however, require a big contribution from all organizations who rely on such tests to judge the cognitive abilities of their candidates in that new ways of identifying the individuals’ intelligence level would have to be recognized. Owing to the difficulty of the task, not many people favor Gardner’s Multiple –Intelligences Theory.
References:Smith, M. K. (2002, 2008). “Howard Gardner and multiple intelligences”. The encyclopedia of informal education. Retrieved from
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