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The introduction gave a brief description of body mass index (BMI) as a measure of obesity. The historical background of the research is focused on the increased cardiovascular risk for obese children.
The importance of measuring BMI and its validity in establishing obesity was a good platform for establishing a good hypothesis. The study was conducted by no less than one of the authors (Pietrobeli) with another group of researchers. Studies citing complications that arose from obese children in a 40 yr follow-up study by Jacques et al in were presented. Accordingly, the study by Jacques revealed that childhood obesity did not only result in diabetes but led to increased mortality due to coronary artery disease as well. The present study hypothesized that early childhood obesity along with a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk for diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. This translates to a higher incidence of mortality when these children become adults.
For the methods section, a comparative survey that compares the BMI across teens in the US was used. The cited study was done by Lissau et al published in 2003. The method engaged was a cross-comparison of the incidence of obesity in teens in the US against teens in Europe. The comparison resulted in the conclusion that the occurrence of obesity in US teens is three times higher than in European counterparts. Unfortunately, much cannot be said about statistical data since the study was just referenced in the journal Much of the given conclusions were summaries of compiled studies. The journal is more like of an informative and persuasive article that warns the public of the dangers of childhood obesity. The journal also comments on what directions, programs and policies the European Commission must do so that European teens would not experience the same situation as American teens. The suggestions posed by the researchers were interventions such as limiting access of school children to soda and encouraging the consumption of milk. Unfortunately, milk is packaged as “ice cream” which also contributes to an increase in body fat. Some studies such as the North Karelia project and Kiel Obesity Prevention Study were cited as means of advocating a healthy lifestyle. Nevertheless, the journal concluded that parental supervision of their children’s diet would be the first step in preventing obesity. The researchers also suggested increased physical activity and a limited amount of watching television as suggested by the American Academy of Pediatricians.
The journal provides a lot of important insights into the nutritional health of children. However, no study would be successful unless the partnership is a collaboration between parents, government and health professionals. Read More