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Human Resource Management Training Programs - Essay Example

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The essay "Human Resource Management Training Programs" focuses on the critical analysis of the design of the training programs undertaken in different organizations. The key activities of Human Resource Management are the decision regarding staffing needs…
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Human Resource Management Training Programs
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Human resource: Introduction: The key activities of the Human Resource management are the decision regarding the staffing needs. The Human resource team is very important for the organization not only to meet the staffing needs but also for the training and development of the already present employees in the organization. “The focus of all aspects of Human Resource Development is on developing the most superior workforce so that the organization and individual employees can accomplish their work goals in service to customers.” (Heathfield, 2010). Learning is a two way process and requires equal participation of the learner in the developmental activities. In this paper we would understand the nature and the role of the learners or the employees in the process of training of the employees. We would undertake the study of the different learning theories and the learning styles of the individuals. Further we undertake the study of the planning and the designing procedures of the training and the development programs. We undertake case studies to evaluate the design of the training programs undertaken in different organizations. We also evaluate the purpose of the evaluation of the programs; finally the study of the initiatives provided by the government in the training of the employees is undertaken. Learning Theories and Learning Styles: Teaching or development and learning are interactive and two way processes. People are different from each other and have different styles or methods of learning. Teaching is a process of intervening in the learning habits so as to help in the learning procedure. The HRD team aims at involving the employees in new experiences and opportunities. There are different theories that have been developed for the learning styles and the procedures of the subject. Each theory has a different approach to the procedure of learning. Under this section we undertake the study of the learning theories developed by Honey and Mumford (1982) and Kolb (1979) to analyze the different learning styles. Honey and Mumford (1982): Honey and Mumford undertook studies to develop a learning style questionnaire (LSQ), this questionnaire helps in understanding the preferred learning style of a individual. The study of Honey and Mumford (1982) divide the learners and classify them into four different sub groups. The questionnaire developed by them helps the identification and the classification of the individual into the sub group. The groups have been classified according to the traits, environments and the participation of the individuals in the learning procedure. The first sub group is that of the activists, the people belonging to this group are open minded and enthusiastic with new ideas but their interest do not last after the implementation. They are hyperactive when it comes to the taking of actions. After the identification of the traits the theory discriminates between environments in which these people learn and adapts the most, the theory also outlines the environment, which is not favorable for the different groups. The Activist learns best in the practical atmosphere. They do not enjoy theoretical classes and if involved in the discussions and team tasks they would be able to grasp the learning’s in the best manner. The second group according to the theory is the Reflectors. Reflectors generally analyze a situation carefully before they act or take decisions. Reflectors are good listeners and present their perspective only after the listening to others views. Reflectors absorb best if they are given the opportunity to observe individuals at work. They can produce good analysis at work however they generally cannot act as a leader in the learning procedure. Reflectors cannot work under deep pressure and tight deadlines. The next group is the Theorists; they are the people who are comfortable with the step-by-step learning procedures. They tend to be perfectionist and thus can integrate and produce logically sound theories. Theorists can learn best if kept in structured situations, they can navigate through complex scenarios using their skills and knowledge. The theorists prefer freedom of questioning and expressing views in the learning process. Theorists are non emotive professionals thus are unable to learn in the situations where they are asked to participate in scenarios where they have to emphasize on feelings. Being perfectionists they need proper briefings and support, they cannot manage through a poor briefing session. They are less adaptive to the people with different learning styles. The final classification is that of pragmatists, these individuals are impatient and keen to try out different things. They keep on updating themselves according to the different requirements of their job. Pragmatists learn best under the influence of a model or an idol they can follow. They get encouraged if shown the techniques or tricks related to their performances. In the same manner the pragmatists get discouraged if they are unable to recognize the potential and the impact of the learning procedure. They are practical people who would not be comfortable with the theoretical methods of learning. Thee identification of the individuals can help the HRD teams in the facilitation of optimum learning environments of all the individuals according to their needs and interests. The learning cycle presented by Honey and Mumford is presented as follows:  Figure 1. Learning cycle presented by Honey and Mumford (1982). Kolb (1979): Kolb in the year 1979 developed a learning theory that stressed on the point that the learning effectiveness lies within the process of the learning experiences. Kolb considers learning as a series of events interlinked with one another. The learning process is enhanced with the critical reflection of the experiences. The reflection process is divided into two activities perceiving and processing. Kolb also includes another step in this process and calls it as ‘Abstract Conceptualization’. This is a stage where the learner reflects on his experiences of learning and tries to find the answers for his queries. Kolb describes this stage as “In this stage, learning involves using logic and ideas, rather than feelings to understand problems or situations. Typically, you would rely on systematic planning and develop theories and ideas solve problems." (Kelly, September 1997) The learners participate in the learning procedure by making generalizations and drawing conclusions from the learning experiences. Kolb stresses on the experimentation as the basis of the learning procedure. Kolb developed a ‘Learning Style Inventory’ model of learning styles. This model helps the learners to analyze and discover their strengths and weakness thus helping them to learn in an efficient and appropriate manner. “The inventory measures the learners preferences in the four stages learning. Preference of one or more stages over others indicates a preferred learning style.” (Kelly, September 1997). The inventory style of the learning process benefited not only the learners but also the educators. It emphasized on the critical part of the learning procedure. The Learning Style Inventory reflects that the internal methods of learning need to be attended as seriously as the external. (Kelly, September 1997).  Figure 2. Learning cycle developed by Kolb (1979). (Kelly, September 1997) These two theories on the learning cycle explain that it is necessary to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the learners before imposing the learning procedure on them. Different individuals have different abilities and they learn in different manner. The learning procedure would be most effective if they are provided with the environment in which they learn the best. Both the theories emphasize on the critical evaluation of the process of learning to bring out the best results. The learning curve: The learning curve implies that repetition of a task makes the learner efficient. According to the learning curve theory learning occurs if the task is continuously repeated and the learners by practice become efficient in that particular task. “Progress in skill learning commonly follows an S-shaped curve, with some measure of skill on the Y axis and number of trials on the X-axis.” (Dewey 2007). The learning curve reflects that the efficiency from the learning in the beginning I slow and takes time to pick up pace. Once the learning picks up pace, the efficiency accelerates at very high speed. This implies that by performing tasks and learning the practices practically the employees learn the techniques of the trade fast. Once the learning efficiency reaches its peak it takes a plateau shape and becomes stagnant or stable. This is a stage, which requires relearning in the form of training for the employees. “Most growth processes follow the same S-shaped curve as motor learning.” (Dewey 2007). This S shaped curve is applicable for all learners and particularly for them who learn a complex task in an organizational structure. The initial learning procedure takes time as the employee needs to accustom himself with the new environment and the new task, once the task starts gaining pace the efficiency increases rapidly till the time it becomes stagnant due to development of a new technology or method. By steep learning curve it implies the portion of the curve where the learning process is the easiest and the fastest. Performance measure Plateau Steep acceleration Slow beginning Number of trials or attempts at learning Figure3. The S shaped learning curve (Dewey 2007). Critical evaluation of the planning and the design of the training and development program: The training and the learning of the employees help the employees to meet the organizational and personal goals through identification of the policies of the organization and the strengths of the employees. Training of the employees would directly help by increasing of the Job skills and the knowledge of the employees thus resulting in the increase of efficiency of the employees. Training helps in the skill enhancement thus expanding the sphere of the performance of employees. Each organization has a set of technical and behavioral requirement which is different from other set ups. Training helps the employees to understand the set of technical and behavioral requirements of the organization thus helping the employee to meet the organizational goals effectively. Training and development helps in improving the quality of the work as well as the organizational culture and efficiency. Training promotes healthy work setting and increases satisfaction among the employees. Training helps in the development of the leadership and crisis management skills among the employees. Finally training a development also helps in creating a good market image for the organizations. (Team Building Training, 2010) We now undertake the study of training and development at the Wipro Limited, a leading software development and IT firm in the world. Wipro hires thousands of professionals worldwide. Every recruited professional undergoes a training program after being hired at the cost of the organization. The organization spends large amount of money on the training and progress of the employees. The training period of each employee varies from a week to few months depending upon the process and the profile the recruit is hired for. “Talent Transformation has a mandate to provide technical & business skill training based on the departmental and divisional need” (Wipro technologies, 2010). The organization focuses on the competency enhancement of the employees through regular training and briefing sessions. Wipro offers trainings and learning opportunities across a wide spectrum. Employees are eligible to take up trainings based on the project needs. The training programs can be accessed online as well. “In addition to class room training one can take e-Learning with out waiting for class room training.” (Wipro technologies, 2010) This process of training and development facilities make Wipro the leading recruiter of professional in the world. Model of training and development by Honey and Mumford: This model distinguishes the different learners according to the attributes they show, the learners are divided into subgroups with common characteristics or preferences in the learning procedure. The individuals are identified into groups of ‘Activist, Reflector, Theorist, Pragmatist’ respectively. (Aterton February 10, 2010) The model emphasizes on the point that every learner is different and there is a need of adjustment between the mentor and the learner for effective learning. Learning is a stepwise procedure and major stages should not be neglected in the induction of the training programs. This model divides the learning procedure into two stages, the concrete experience stage; this is a stage, which corresponds to the theoretical experience of the individual. This is a stage where the theoretical and the practical approaches are adopted to enhance the skills of the individuals. This stage undertakes the division of the learners into subgroups and training them in the environment they are comfortable in. this stage focuses on the development of the employees both personally and professionally. The next stage is the reflective observation, which concentrates on the testing of the experience or learning. The basic aim of this stage is to analyze the learning’s of the employees and the effectiveness of the training program. This stage is the reflective stage where the employees are given the leverage of analyzing the training sessions. Stage 1:  Stage 2;  The two stages of the learning procedure according to the Honey and Mumford (1982) model of effective learning. (Aterton, February 2010). Training and development help in increasing the efficiency and productivity of the employees as well as the firms. There are various factors to be taken into account for the training and development procedure. The training procedure is a costly affair with involvement and investment of huge amount of monetary and human capital. It is very necessary to identify the requirement of training program and executing the training accordingly. The identification of the subjects required for the training is the other necessary step to be adapted. Training requires the identification of the skills and the weaknesses of the employees to plan and execute an effective learning process. Identification of personal attributes is a huge task and completing it effectively is a challenge for large organizations. Wrong identification of the skills may lead to the wastage of resources invested in the training program. Further from the learning curve we know that training immediately does not produce the desired results. It is a long term process. The returns from the training take time to produce. Retaining of the employees who are trained is another challenge for the organization. However many large organizations are dealing with these problems by applying strategies of bonds and contracts. Some firms even go to the extent of applying self paid training programs, which are reimbursed after the returns from the training start pouring in. Government intervention in the training programs: The U. K government has undertaken various training programs and initiatives for the development of the individuals at the personal and professional levels. These programs aim at enhancement of the skills of the individuals employed in different sectors. The NVQ an MCI programs are the part of these initiatives. National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) is based on the development of the skills through practical experiences. This program helps in imparting the knowledge of the job to individual effectively. “NVQs are at levels 1 to 5 on the National Qualifications Framework. The framework shows how different types of qualifications compare, in terms of the demands they place on learners.” (NVQ’s, n.d) The NVQ pograms are for those people who already possses a skill of job and want to enchance it or for the people who are fresh with no experience. These kinds of programs fail to meet the needs of the mid level proffessionals who want to learn the new trends in the market. Moreover these are general programs and cannot meet the needs every professional. MCI training program focusees on the teaching and training of the mentors, this is a program which focuses on the “learning of the teachers.” This program was initiated by the U.K governmnt to enchance the skills of the trainers of different sectors. This program helps the trainers in being updated about the latest Human development trends. The course focused on the training of the trainers to develop as mentors. The U.K governemt had been continously investing in Human resource development and management. In the recent years the governmet had come up with various innovative programs for the development of the country’s human resources. Conclusion: Human resource development includes a broad range of issues including career development and organizational development. The Human resource team plays a huge role in the ‘talent management’ that is the activities of developing and retaining employees. Human resource individuals are ‘people’s person’; they are the point of contact between the employees and the employers. Human resource team is responsible for the handling of crisis related to staffing and developmental needs. They handle the administrative tasks to ensure that the employee benefits are properly administered. The HRD team helps the employees to develop and sharpen their personal and professional skills. This framework enhances the knowledge and abilities of the employees. Different theories have been developed to understand the learning procedures of the individuals at the organizational level. Theories suggest that knowing ones preferred learning style would definitely help in the process of accelerating the rate and the quality of learning. It further helps in identifying ones weakness and strong points in the learning procedure. Organizational development requires a process which is planned for developing the organization to be more effective in meeting up with the market structures and the accomplishing the desired goals of the organization. Successful organizational development plan requires effective operational plans and development of the effectiveness of the team members References 1. Heathfield M. S. (2010). “What is Human Resource Development (HRD)?” Available at: (Accessed on June 15, 2010) 2. Aterton J. (February 10, 2010). The Experimental learning style. Available at: Accessed on June 15, 2010) 3. Kelly C. (September 1997). David Kolb, The Theory of Experiential Learning and ESL, The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. III(9). Available at; (Accessed on June 15, 2010) 4. Dewey E. (2007). The learning curve. Available at: (Accessed on June 15, 2010) 5. Team Building Training. (2010). Available at: (Accessed on June 15, 2010) 6. Wipro technologies. (2010). Talent, force to reckon with. Available at: (Accessed on June 15, 2010) 7. NVQ’s what are they?. (n.d). directqov. Available at; (Accessed on June 15, 2010) Read More
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