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I hypothesize that people enter this field for any number of reasons however it is likely that a lot of people are starting to enter the field owing to the relative job security guaranteed as a result of the recent financial crisis. Furthermore, it may be seen as an excellent opportunity for workers who wish to remain in more rural areas, and people may look to this field as it is the case that there seems to be a growing demand for these positions.
The objective of this research piece will be to first break down a topic into several different subcategories such as people studying to be social workers, people who were recently hired as government social workers, people who have been working as a government social worker for a long time, etc. Then through a systematic examination of research that has already been conducted on these subgroups, it will hopefully be determined that a research gap exists.
The research method that will be conducted will be directed towards exploratory research to determine the new issues. To research this issue a combination of primary and secondary research will be conducted. Moreover, several case studies will be examined with a focus on finding five usable case studies.
In terms of the method of data collection that will be employed, a strategy of conducting qualitative research is through conducting interviews with a variety of people who are either social workers or are seeking to be social workers. A survey will have to be designed in which pen-ended questions will be asked to the interviewees with a mix of direct and open-ended questions. By using this mixed survey format a kind of grounded theory approach will be taken. The questionnaires will be analyzed using Microsoft excel and potentially SPSS to determine any particular trends in the field of social work. Moreover, in regards to secondary research, it is the case that a great deal of academic literature has been generated on specific subgroups of social workers. Furthermore, there is a great deal of academic literature dedicated to this topic yet these instances of academic literature tend to be more than five years old and may not reflect some modern trends in the field. The reasoning as to why this research approach will be taken is because by examining past literature some previous trends may be determined and by conducting primary research new information may be determined on past trends.
The sampling method that will be employed is a focus on a variety of people who are either already social workers (but have been employed for five or fewer years) or are seeking to be social workers in the United Arab Emirates. The reasoning as to why this group has been chosen is because to determine contemporary motivations it is the case that this research piece will have to focus on people who have entered the workforce under contemporary conditions.
The first imitation of this research piece is the lack of funds. As such this will place restrictions on the amount and variety of interviews I can conduct. Furthermore, there are some time constraints insofar as it might be beneficial to follow trends over a long period to determine some trends but for this paper, a kind of “snapshot” will be taken.
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