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Professional Challenge-Contemporary Issues and Policies - Assignment Example

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The national health care policy of USA always gives emphasis on the growing demands and changing needs of the people suffering from various ailments (Weissert, 2006). Hence, it always comes up with several new initiatives that address the health needs of majority sections of the…
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Professional Challenge-Contemporary Issues and Policies
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In other words, the private health agencies work with the profit motive where as the public health agencies aim for meeting the social obligations. Hence, any change in the health care policy affects significantly the efficiency of public health organization which in turn would influence the health care of the people. In the present paper, an attempt has been made to evaluate the impact of current health care issues and policies on the performance of public health care organization i.e. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA), United States of America.

VA meets the social obligations by providing a wide range of benefits including, education and training, disability, vocational rehabilitation and employment, dependant and survivor benefits, burial benefits, medical treatment and life insurance. At the same time, VA provides benefits only to some selected and defined sections of the people like veteran, Veterans dependent, surviving spouse, child or parent of a deceased Veteran and uniformed service members. The national health care policy has always been designed keeping the overall welfare of the all the sections of the society in to consideration.

For example, a joint VA and Department of Defense program was initiated which provides service members the opportunity to file claims for disability compensation up to 180 days prior to retirement from active duty or full time National Guard or Reserve duty which is very useful for the veterans under emergency circumstances. The national health care policy also facilitated the operation of ambulatory care & community based The economic burden of implementing new health care policies is the main factor that decides the success of the organization like VA.

Day by day the needs of the patients have been growing necessitating higher number of out door units and ambulance services incurring additional costs. The national health care policy of USA has been ensuring that the

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