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Fast Depletion of Fish in the Oceans Marine life, like any other ecological unit, is an important element which serves to balance the intricate web of ecosystem. Its function depends on other factors in the environment to make sustaining and in optimal condition--such as human activity and natural phenomena. However, current trends had revealed alarming results regarding marine creatures—the estimated figure of fishes in deep seas has been steadily declining. What could possibly be the cause for the rapid depletion of fish stocks in the ocean?
Basic in the human beings’ need is to eat, and part of their diet is the consumption of fish. According to an article by the United Nations, “fishing is central to the livelihood and food security of 200 million people worldwide…while one of five individuals depend on fish as the primary source of protein” (“Overfishing: A threat”). Current trends in the diet now include fish as a healthier option. Thus, an increase in the demand for fish had driven the fishing industry to catch more in order to supply the higher consumption of fish—starts of overfishing.
With the rapid sprouting of commercial fishing vessels, more marine creatures are caught by the day; however, this in turn produces significant drawbacks. The fishing industry had produced more equipped vessels, ensuring greater catch (“Overfishing”). “As the catches have gradually become smaller, the mesh sized in fishing nets have also decreased, allowing for more smaller fish to be caught” (Layton). The smaller fishes are never allowed to grow into full-fledged creatures. This is an alarming occurrence, for this could disrupt the reproduction process of most fish.
The fishing trend had robbed the ability of Mother Nature to replenish what had been lost at sea. In overfishing, there is over-exploitation and mismanagement, not only by commercial establishments but also on the part of government agencies. Policies on overfishing had been intentionally ignored by most. A report revealed the ongoing illegal activities on the Indian Ocean coast waters, despite government policies—this continued to threaten the over depleted water supplies (IPP Media). Furthermore, it cited that “the number of fishing permits did not correspond with the amount of stocks available in the ocean, hence, the depletion.
” Neglect by the government and continued illegal activities had worsened the already disastrous conditions. All in all, man’s activity (overfishing) is the main contributing factor in the rapid depletion of fish stocks in the ocean. The higher demands had served as the catharsis for the fishing industry, employing technological measures to catch more—giving little allowance for the fishes to reproduce and replenish. Furthermore, government policies against such exploitation were neglected by most—putting more priority on the income generated with overfishing.
With the accumulation of evidence, a diet without fish is now a growing possibility—if overfishing is not halted. Works CitedIPP Media. “This Open Access Well Deplete Our Fisheries.” Illegal-, 8 Jan. 2008. Web. 1 Feb. 2010. .Layton, Julia. “Why Would There be No More Fish in 40 Years?” HowStuffWorks. HowStuffWorks, n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2010. . “Overfishing.” Greenpeace International. Greenpeace, n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2010. .“Overfishing: A Threat to Marine Biodiversity.
” United Nations. United Nations, n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2010. .
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