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Sep 11, 2001 and the Global War on Terror During the month of September 2001, a series of coordinated suicide attacks destroyed and damaged a number of highrise buildings in the United States, which changes lives of millions of people in the country, as well as, outside the country due to its social, economical, as well as, political impact. Hundreds of people were killed in these attacks; however, the Global War on Terror, which was counter-response of 9/11 attacks, deteriorated lives of millions of people around the globe that associated al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussain behind the 9/11 attacks.
**A special intelligence unit was set up by Secretary of Defense who proved al-Qaeda as the possible terrorist organization, even in absence of any proofs. A number of experts have related Sepoy Mutiny, as a conventional version of suicidal attacks of September 11, 2001, and Global War on Terror with the United States attempt to dominate the globe with its absolute military supremacy.** (Johnson, pp. 139) In specific, this paper will try to understand different aspects of 9/11 attacks and the responsive Global War on Terrori in light of readings from the given text.
The abovementioned suicidal attacks of September 11, 2001 resulted in deaths of 2974 people in the country. Civilians were the irresistible majority of casualties in these attacks. Additionally, collapse of the World Trade Center resulted in contaminated dust that resulted in the deaths of many people due to lung disease. In light of such tragedy and losses of human lives, a golden opportunity was provided to the United States for removal of Taliban from the face of the globe without support from any of the countries.
(Johnson, pp. 181) A number of experts indicated that public relations activities of the Pentagon were boosted and went to its pinnacle only hours after the 9/11 attacks, which assaulted Afghani Taliban, al-Qaeda, and Saddam Hussein behind these devlish attacks. On the other hand, Central Asian oil politics was one of the hidden and significant causes of the Global War on Terror besides the responsive action after the 9/11 attacks. (Johnson, pp. 181)A War on Terrorism was declared by the United States soon after the 9/11 attacks, and deposition of Taliban’s involvement in the attacks resulted in launching of invasion of Afghanistan.
The USA Patriot Act was passed for the abovementioned deposition of harbor of al-Qaeda militants. In the result, law enforcement authorities were expanded by a number of other nations, such as the United Kingdom, Canada, Pakistan, etc. Some of the critics have identified one of the other objectives behind the Global War on Terror, which was reopening of the Afghan civil war, as Tajiks and Uzbeks were given more than fifty million dollars in cash to defeat the Taliban. In the beginning, counter and prevention of terrorist threats and attacks was one of the primary and official objectives of the Global War on Terror that started in the year 2001.
However, incapability of justification for such a destructive war by the United States has resulted in a number of arguments by critics outside the country, as well as, in the United States. One of the major factors of such a criticism is violation of international and human rights law due to deaths of thousands of civilians in Afghanistan, as well as, in Iraq. Conclusively, the paper has defined, discussed, and evaluated the different terms and caused related with the commencement of Global War on Terror and its links with September 11, 2001 attacks.
It is hoped that this paper will help professionals and experts to understand the relation of these events.Works Cited Chalmers Johnson. The Sorrows of Empire. Verso, 2004.Word Count: 593 WordsChecked by &
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