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it is a kind of online journal that allows the readers to comment on the given topic. Thus, the students have access to the useful and required information and can give views about that specific topic.
The inside heading is very vital when someone initiates to write, as it contains the person’s name and details of the company. If they are spelled wrong or if there is any mistake in it, the whole letter will lose its effect.
The four steps in the writing process are reference, the reason for writing, enclosing documents, and closing remarks.
The five components of a business letter are Heading, Inside Address, Salutation, Body, and Signature.
A memo is an informal letter whereas a letter is written formally and properly.
Memos are written to use within a company, it is written in a direct style and it is short and to the point. Moreover, it does not contain complimentary closing.
A business letter is an informal letter, which communicates with customers or other stakeholders. Business letters are needed to close or seal a deal.
A cover letter enables the person to see how you match the job requirement and how will you fit in the specific position.
Whereas, the resume, highlights your qualifications and past accomplishments. A covering letter and a resume enable the HR manager to judge one’s abilities to select a suitable person for the job.
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