CHECK THESE SAMPLES OF Pope John Paul II - A Man for Others
Lantantius's position was clear: a man could not even charge or be charged with a capital offense.... After Tertullian and Lantantius others began to write on the subject.... In the Catechism of the Catholic Church, it seems clear that the church's response should be to support the use of capital punishment, as long as it is done justly and all efforts are made to guarantee that an innocent man or woman is not put to death.... Felix in his work ‘Octavius V', written around 225, states that it is wrong for the church to assist in the killing of man, or even to listen to an account of it....
9 Pages
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Research Paper
pope john paul ii was very much a person of reform.... While the NE is a doctrine and set of ideas that was put forward by john paul ii in the early 1990's, the roots of this belong in the establishment of the Second Vatican Council (1962) and in documents like the LUMEN GENTIUM (1964)[1].... Compare this remark with what john paul ii says about the NE: Today, in particular, the pressing pastoral task of the new evangelization calls for involvement of the entire people of God, and requires a new fervor, new methods and a new expression for the announcing and witnessing of the gospel [5]....
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pope john paul ii and the Dogma of Mariology pope john paul ii has not only adhered to the traditional dogma of Mariology, he has spearheaded its advancement and further definition for the Roman Catholic Church.... pope john paul ii through his encyclicals, public speeches and actions supported the theological belief of mariology as an essential and core belief of Catholicism.... ? From the onset of his pontificate, on 17 October, 1978, pope john paul ii makes clear his unswerving allegiance to his Marian faith....
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pope john paul ii's effect on our times is something conceded by critics and admirers alike.... Power of the Papacy between Sixth and Eleventh Century pope The Papacy is a term used to refer to the office of the Bishop of Rome, commonly referred to as the pope.... pope Gregory the great was pope from 590 to 604.... ?pope Gregory was the fourth and considered last of those considered the traditional Latin ‘Doctors of the Church'....
5 Pages
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Research Paper
a man once believed that economic growth alone will bring forth happiness in the lives of people.... The paper 'pope Benedict XVI and Consumerism' will focus on consumerism, a universal problem that baffles solution.... The author describes that the pope turned his attention from ecological devastation to focus on 'more serious' destruction of the human environment....
8 Pages
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Research Paper
With the death of Pope Pious XII and the election of pope john XX11, Montini was named a cardinal by Pope XXIII in the same year, 1958.... With the death of pope john XXIII, cardinal Montini was elected pope on 21stJune 1963, and he chose the name Pope Paul VI (Norwich, 2011).... The paper looks at the life of paul VI and all the significant events in the life of paul VI; the paper also looks at the works and the accomplishments of Pope paul VI.
9 Pages
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Research Paper
The author analyzes "Centesimus Annus" document by john paul ii and despite frequently looking back to the past, and the lessons it can teach, in particular about the way that neither Communism nor Capitalism has worked to really help the poor, the pontiff also looks to the future .... But if Christ is the same, as Christians believe, then so is the task he gave his church, a task of caring which although time passes, does not lessen, only changes in its details and the solutions required john paul ii, born in 1920 as Karol Józef Wojtyła, and ordained in 1946, he was elected to the papacy in October 1978, taking the name of his immediate predecessor....
7 Pages
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Term Paper
This essay "pope john paul ii and the Dogma of Mariology" sheds some light on pope john paul ii's Mariology that is all evidenced in his life and ministry where he has affirmed it wherever he went.... pope john paul ii always reaffirms his Mariology.... In the final section of his would-be last encyclical, pope john paul ii in Ecclesia de Eucharistia (The Church and the Eucharist) honors Mary with the title 'Woman of the Eucharist....
9 Pages
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