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Thoma Keneally' chindler' Lit - Movie Review Example

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The paper "Thomaѕ Keneally'ѕ Ѕchindler'ѕ Liѕt" describes that the theme of the movie iѕ man'ѕ inhumanity to man. Nazi ѕoldierѕ randomly ѕhot people for the ѕlighteѕt incorrect move. Thiѕ theme iѕ portrayed the beѕt when we ѕee a little girl in a red dreѕѕ try to hide from the Nazi ѕoldierѕ. …
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Thoma Keneally chindler Lit
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chindler' Lit chindler' Lit Thoma Keneally' chindler' Lit i the hitorical account of Okar chindler and hi heroic action in the midt of the horror of World War II Poland. chindler' Lit recount the life of Okar chindler, and how he come to Poland in earch of material wealth but leave having aved the live of over 1100 Jew who would mot certainly have perihed. The novel focue on how chindler come to the realization that concentration and forced labor camp are wrong, and that many people were dying through no fault of their own. Thi realization did not occur overnight, but gradually came to be a the buine man in Okar chindler turned into the avior of the Jew that had brought him o much wealth. chindler' Lit i not jut a biography of Okar chindler, but it i the tory of how good can overcome evil and how charity can overcome greed. (Paldiel, 2007) chindler' Lit begin with the early life of Okar chindler. The novel decribe hi early family life in the Autro-Hungarian Empire, and hi adolecence in the newly created tate of Czecholovakia. It tell of hi relationhip with hi father, and how hi father left hi mother. Hi mother i alo decribed in great detail. Like many German in the outh, he wa a devout Catholic. he i decribed a being very troubled that her on would take after her etranged huband with hi negligence of Catholicim. Okar never forgave Han, hi father, for hi abandonment of hi mother , which i ironic conidering that Okar would do the ame with hi wife Emilie. In fact Han and Okar chindler' live would become o much in parallel that the novel decribe their relationhip a "that of brother eparated by the accident of paternity." Okar' relationhip with Emilie i alo decribed in detail a i their marriage. The heart of the novel begin in October 1939 when Okar chindler come to the Polih city of Cracow. It ha been ix week ince the German' took the city, and chindler ee great opportunity a any entrepreneur would. For chindler, Cracow repreent a place of unlimited poibilitie becaue of the current economic diorder and cheap labor. Upon hi arrival in Cracow he meet Itzak tern, a Jewih bookkeeper. chindler i very impreed with tern becaue of hi buine prowe and hi connection in the buine community. oon chindler and tern are on their way to the creation of a factory that would run on Jewih labor. Around thi time, the perecution of the Jew of Poland begin with their forced relocation into ghettoe. Thi turn out to be timely for chindler a now he i able to get very cheap labor. (Fench, 1995) The next few year would go well for chindler and hi factory for they turned a great profit. In fact he made o much money that he i quoted a aying, "I've made more money than I could poibly pend in a lifetime." Hi worker were alo very happy. Thi i becaue "chindler' Jew" were treated a human a oppoed to being treated a animal. For them, working in chindler' factory wa an ecape from the ghetto and from much German cruelty. They loved chindler o much that hi factory became known a a haven throughout the Jewih community. However, thing began to go our for chindler, when the German ordered the liquidation of the ghettoe. oon all of the Jew in the Cracow ghetto were relocated to the Plazow labor camp. By thi time chindler had grown o affectionate toward hi Jewih worker that he refued to hire Pole, and intead ought of a way to keep uing the Jew that he had grown o accutomed to. A the Cracow Jew were relocated to the Plazow labor camp, Okar chindler came into direct dealing with the camp' director, Amon Goeth. He did not like Amon, but he tried to get in on hi bet ide in order to keep uing hi Jew in hi factory. Amon agreed to let chindler ue them, and thu aving hi Jew from ome of the harhne of the Plazow labor camp. A the war began to go badly for the German, they decided to accelerate their "final olution" by ending the Jew to more initer concentration camp uch a Auchwitz. Thi i when Okar chindler finally come to the realization that he had the power to help hi people. (Yule, 1997) The now enlightened chindler decide to ue hi entire fortune to buy the live of the chindlerjuden in order to ave them from the ga chamber of Auchwitz. Thi i how chindler' lit came to be. 1100 Jewih name that had in ome way touched hi life were put on a lit and bought. Hi plan wa to end the 1100 Jew to hi newly created ammunition factory in hi native Czecholovakia. However, chindler' plan doe not go moothly for an entire train load of hi women were accidentally hipped to Auchwitz intead of to hi factory. chindler then ue more of hi diminihing financial recoure to try to get hi Jew out of Auchwitz. He ucceed in doing thi, and thu the chindlerjuden have ecaped the wore. Meanwhile in Czecholovakia hi plan continue in that he trick the German into thinking that they were going to produce quality ammunition, but intead not one good hell wa ever produced to help the German army. Gratefully, within a few month Hitler wa dead and the German were defeated. Unfortunately, Okar chindler wa now pennile for he had given everything in order to ave a many Jew a poible.( Knight, 1998) Thoma Keneally wrote chindler' Lit to be more than jut the tory of a man and hi heroic deed, but alo to how today' world of the danger of hatred. He emphaize thi latter point through hi decription of how cruelly the Nazi treated the Jew. Keneally alo trie to point out how one man can make a difference a i the cae with Okar chindler. However, perhap Keneally' greatet objective with chindler' Lit i that the world hould never forget Okar chindler and what he did for the Jew a well a for mankind. chindler' impact i o great that even the numerical fact are atonihing. In fact if one compare the number of direct decendant of the chindlerjuden to the number of Jew alive in Poland after 1945, it i evident that there are more chindlerjuden today than the total number of Jew in 1945 Poland. Thi tatitical fact how how greatly chindler, who died in 1974, will be mied. Perhap Keneally hare the chindlerjuden' remore for their avior by the way he end hi novel. Keneally end the novel with the omber line, "He wa mourned on every continent." (Palowki, 1998) chindler' lit ha many tereotype the mot obviou one i that every Jew i bad and mut die. When the guard pull omeone out of their place the tereotype i that the guard will kill the peron who ha been pulled out of line. One point in the movie one guard went oft and after hi gun mifired on an older worker he decided to let the man go free. The older the worker the more worthle they are o they were alo killed, a were children and mot elderly women. The younger generation of worker were judged equally, a long a they proved themelve worthwhile they could tay working, and are able to gain jut one more day of life. (Paldiel, 1993) Peruaion wa a le obviou leon in the movie. But the further you get into the movie the more peruading you will ee. The very firt cene of the movie how chindler peruading Jew to invet in "a partnerhip" he took their money and their valuable. Then thee people were rounded up with their familie. They were peruaded to think that they were going to labor camp, while mot of them ended up dying. Toward the middle of the movie chindler pay official off o he can ave ome of the Jew after he ee what a huge mitake that he made. The lat train that went to the concentration camp were peruaded to think that they were going to go work for chindler, but intead were routed to the camp. After chindler realize that thee people are going to be huffled off to Auchwitz he ruhe out to pay the official for thee people to pare their live. After they were recued the Jewih worker were allowed to celebrate the abbath day, and other ritual. A couple of day after thee Jewih worker were recued the war ended and they were et free. Many guard were influenced to kill the Jew becaue everyone aid that they were worthle and didn't deerve to live. Guard would jut ak a random quetion and if they didn't like the Jew' anwer they were hot and killed. Jew were influenced to work hard o they could live. If they didn't pa a phyical or got ick they were killed becaue they became worthle to the camp ucce. The main influence in the movie i when chindler ee the little girl in red. Thi point to me ymbolized innocence, chindler alway aw her and from the firt time he aw her he knew that what he wa doing wa wrong. chindler then began working on getting th priioner to come work for hi plant. When the guard were hired to work at hi plant he made it clear that everyone wa equal, and that no one wa to be killed becaue they were Jewih. In chindler' cloing word he aid to the guard "You can go home men or you can go home murder, you chooe your fate. I ugget that all of you go home men." Everyone went home men, no one killed any Jew. After the war wa over chindler wa a hunted man, he wa wanted for protecting the Jew from the war. chindler wa told by the Jew that they all upported him and they had igned a paper ymbolizing their thank to him for aving their life. In the end of the movie the little girl in red did end up dying. Plot In eptember of 1939 World War II tarted and Polih Jew were forced to regiter and relocate. Okar chindler walked into the Jewih Council to find Itzhak tern. chindler want to open an enamelware factory with tern' help. Jewih people are now living in ghetto and they cannot own buinee. In the early month of 1941 ome Jew are forced to leave Krakow and go to other town. In June 1942 German build forced labor camp (or work camp) in Plazow, while deportation and hooting i going on in the Krakow ghetto. In February 1943 Amon Goeth take command of the work camp in Plazow. Then on March 13 - 14 in 1943 the ghetto were liquidated and Jew taken to either work camp or to Auchwitz (a death camp). chindler want to expand hi factory to Plazow and ucceed in March of 1943. chindler goe out to try and recruit worker for hi company. Then chindler wa interviewing ecretarie for hi factory and then he picked all of the pretty women for the job. He then hot a party for all of the Nazi official at hi own expene and end them gift baket with all of the bet wine, cheee, etc... chindler' mitre come to the door and hi wife anwer, he i angry with him. He take hi mitre out to dinner where he ee hi "girlfriend". They go home and chindler' mitre ay the only way he will tay with him i if he promie not to leep with anyone ele. He cannot keep that promie o he leave on a train. One day Itzhak tern bring an old man with only one arm to chindler. The old man want to thank chindler for hi job and he i working hard for chindler. After the man leave chindler i angry with tern becaue he think that a man with one arm i uele a a factory worker. The Jew are now forced to hovel now and the Nazi oldier' pick the one armed man out of the line. They alo think he i uele and he trie to explain that he i one of chindler' worker, and that he i very ueful. The oldier' laugh at him and hoot him in the back of the head. chindler want ome compenation for the lot worker but i aked how ueful the man wa ince he only had one arm. chindler explained that he wa a killed metal worker and that he wa very ueful. Itzhak tern forget hi work pa at home and hi name i put on a lit and he i boarded on a train. chindler come down to the train tation and tell the guard that tern doen't belong on the train, and he threaten the two guard. They find tern and take him off the train and chindler i angry with him. The luggage that the Jewih people had to leave behind i taken into a building and put into pile (picture, clothing, gold, ilver...) . The Jewih jeweler it at table and examine different jewel for their value. One jeweler ha gold teeth, taken from the mouth of Jewih prioner, dropped in front of him. Amon Goeth goe to ee the Jewih women worker. They line up for him and he trie to chooe a woman who can be a houekeeper, and he finally choe Helen Hirch. A whitle blow and the women all ruh back to work. A Jewih woman who i an engineer run up to the Nazi oldier and tell him that the foundation i untable and the whole thing ha to be torn down and rebuilt. The Nazi official hoot her and then order the other women to take off their clothe and put in a hower room. The women wait, afraid of what might come out of the hower head. The light go off for a minute and the women cream and panic, but then water come out and they are all relieved. chindler recue the women from the death camp and they are waiting to get on the train. The Nazi guard come around and tart taking the young girl away from their mother. chindler top the guard and tell him that the little kid have mall hand to clean the mall cae. Back in Czecholovakia chindler announce that the guard are no longer allowed in hi factory unle chindler ay it i allowed. chindler tell the rabbi that it i Friday and the un i going down, the abbath i approaching. The Jewih people are allowed to pray in chindler' factorie. Churchill announce that the war will officially be over at midnight. chindler bring the guard into hi factory and all of the worker are aembled into one place to announce the end of the war. He alo tell them that urvivor will be looked for oon afterward. chindler tell the worker he will tay with them until five minute after midnight but then he mut flee becaue he i part of the Nazi party and he will be a hunted man. ome of the Jewih worker get together and pull a gold tooth from one of the men to make a ring for chindler. They alo wrote a letter trying to explain everything he did for the Jew in cae he got caught; it wa igned by all of the worker. They preented the ring to chindler and engraved on the ring wa a aying "For he who ave one life, ave the world entire". May 8, 1945 marked the end of World War II, and the end of the Holocaut. The next day a oviet army liberated the camp at Brennec. On eptember 13, 1946 Goeth wa found guilty of war crime and wa hung in Krakow. Okar chindler died in Frankfurt Germany on October 9, 1974. Character Analyi Okar chindler - He wa part of the Nazi party. In December of 1939 he opened an enamelware factory with Jewih worker. In March of 1943 chindler wanted to expand hi factory at Plazow. He goe out to recruit worker for hi factory and interview ecretarie for hi office. He give the job to all of the ecretarie who applied. Itzhak tern, who help him run hi factory, forgot hi work card at home and wa almot taken to a concentration camp, but chindler come and recue him. chindler viit Amon Goeth and pay for hi factory worker to come back and work for him. In October of 1944 chindler create a lit of Jewih worker for hi factory and pay a lot of money for them. The women' train i routed to Auchwitz and chindler goe and recue them from certain death. He take them back to Czecholovakia. Then the Nazi guard try to take the young girl from their mother but chindler recue them and tell the guard that they are killed worker and can polih mall cae. Back in Czecholovakia chindler keep the guard out of hi factory, and allow the Jewih people to pray and oberve the abbath. Itzhak tern - A Jew who chindler aved. He wa an accountant and friend of chindler. He forged reume for Jewih people who didn't have the required experience neceary to be a factory worker. Theme The theme of the movie i man' inhumanity to man. It i vividly portrayed throughout the movie. Nazi oldier randomly hot people for the lightet incorrect move. Thi theme i portrayed the bet when we ee a little girl in a red dre try to hide from the Nazi oldier. Thi movie how u how cruel man can be epecially if they can hoot a child for no reaon, but to kill him or her. We ee how ick man ometime can be. Another, more minor, theme of the movie i the engraving on chindler' ring, "He who ave one life - ave the world entire." chindler aved over 1100 Jew by buying them from Goeth to work in hi factory. The Jew that chindler aved were a mall number compared to how many Jew were in the Holocaut but to the Jew in the factory it wa everything. Reference Paldiel, Mordecai. "Okar chindler." In The Path of the Righteou: Gentile Recuer of Jew During the Holocaut, 167-169. Hoboken, NJ: Ktav Publihing Houe, 1993. (D 810 .R4 P35 1992) Paldiel, Mordecai. "chindler, Okar." In Encyclopedia of the Holocaut, edited by Irael Gutman, 1331-32. New York: Macmillan, 1990. (Ref D 804.25 .E527 1990 v.4) Paldiel, Mordecai. "chindler, Okar and Emilie." In The Righteou among the Nation, 378-381. New York: HarperCollin, 2007. (D 804.65 .P349 2007) Keneally, Thoma. chindler' Lit. New York: imon and chuter, 1992. Fench, Thoma, editor, Okar chindler and Hi Lit: The Man, the Book, the Film, the Holocaut and it urvivor, Foret Dale, 1995. anello, Frank, pielberg: The Man, the Movie, the Mythology, Dalla, 1996. Brode, Dougla, The Film of teven pielberg, ecaucu, 1997. Lohitzky, Yoefa, editor, pielberg' Holocaut: Critical Perpective on chindler' Lit, Bloomington, 1997. Yule, Andrew, teven pielberg, New York, 1997. Knight, Bertram, teven pielberg: Mater of Movie Magic, Parippany, 1998. Palowki, Francizek, The Making of chindler' Lit: Behind the cene of an Epic Film, tranlated by Anna Ware and Robert G. Ware, ecaucu, 1998. Bibliography Brecher, Elinor J. chindler' Legacy: True torie of the Lit urvivor. New York: Dutton, 1994. (D 811 .A2 B74 1994) A compilation of interview with many of thoe aved by chindler. Include report of their experience in the concentration camp and with chindler, and their torie of life after the war. Include over one hundred peronal photograph. Byer, Ann. Okar chindler: aving Jew from the Holocaut. Berkeley Height, NJ: Enlow, 2005. (D 804.66 .38 B94 2005) Biography of chindler, with emphai on hi recue activitie during the war. Part of the "Holocaut Heroe and Nazi Criminal" erie for young adult reader. Include gloary and index. Crowe, David M. Okar chindler: The Untold Account of Hi Life, Wartime Activitie, and the True tory Behind the Lit. Boulder, CO: Wetview Pre, 2004. (D 804.66 .38 C76 2004) Comprehenive account of chindler' early life, buine career, recue attempt, and potwar experience in Germany and Argentina. Baed on peronal interview and archival ource, including chindler' peronal paper dicovered in 1997. Include extenive bibliography and index. Fench, Thoma, editor. Okar chindler and Hi Lit: The Man, the Book, the Film, the Holocaut and it urvivor. Foret Dale, VT: Paul . Erikon, 1995. (D 804.66 .38 O83 1995) A collection of eay, article, and interview which illuminate chindler and the international effect of hi tory. Include a reprint of an article written about chindler in 1949 and ection about Thoma Kenneally' book chindler' Lit, teven pielberg' film adaptation of the tory, and iue and implication of the Holocaut. Fogelman, Eva. Concience & Courage: Recuer of Jew During the Holocaut. New York: Doubleday, 1994. (D 810 .R4 F64 1994) Relate torie about chindler and hi effort to ave Jew in the context of other recue effort and courageou act during the Holocaut. Examine the motivation of chindler and other recuer, including peronal, pychological, and hitorical factor. Keneally, Thoma. chindler' Lit. New York: imon and chuter, 1982. (PR 9619.3 .K46 3 1982) A fictional recreation of the tory of Okar chindler, an indutrialit who aved 1,100 Jew from death by employing them in hi factory in Krakow. Drawn from authentic record, the tetimony of many of thoe aved by chindler, and the author' extenive reearch. Alo publihed a chindler' Ark. Meltzer, Milton. "chindler' Jew." In Recue: The tory of How Gentile aved Jew in the Holocaut, 55-67. New York: Harper & Row, 1988. (D 810 .R4 M247 1988) A brief, peronal account of chindler' life and heroim. Written for young adult. Mller-Madej, tella. Da Mdchen von der chindler-Lite; au dem Polnichen von Bettina Thorn. Augburg: lbaum Verlag, 1994. (D 135 .P63 M8615 1994) In thi autobiographical account, tella Mller-Madej recount her childhood experience during the Holocaut and her urvival a a "chindler Jude" in chindler' factory in Brnnlitz. [In German.] Robert, Jack L. Okar chindler. an Diego: Lucent Book, 1996. (D 804.66 .38 R628 1996) Interweave the biography of Okar chindler with the larger event of the Holocaut, including the rie of anti-emitim and the implementation of the "Final olution". Briefly dicue chindler' life after the war. Include photograph. Written for young adult. chindler, Emilie. Where Light and hadow Meet: A Memoir. New York: Norton, 1997. (D 811.5 .31513 1997) An autobiography by Okar chindler' wife. Tell her tory from childhood to after the war. Preent a detailed, behind-the-cene account of the lit' development and the tep taken to ave Jew. Include numerou photo and two map. ilver, Eric. "The Few Who Diobeyed." In The Book of the Jut: The Unung Heroe Who Recued Jew from Hitler, 147-154. New York: Grove Pre, 1994. (D 804.65 .55 1992) Ue peronal tetimony and hitorical document to contruct a more peronal picture of chindler and to decribe the great length he took to ave Jew by employing them in hi factory and bargaining for their live. kotnicki, Alekander B. Okar chindler in the Eye of Cracovian Jew Recued by Him. Krakw: Wydawn. AA, 2008. (D 804.66 .38 5813 2008) Examine chindler' legacy through tetimony gathered from the Polih Jew aved by hi effort. Contain article dicuing chindler, the lit, and Plazw concentration camp and the enamelware factory. A hort lit of film, pre report, and book i alo preented, along with numerou photo from a variety of ource. Trautwein, Dieter. Okar chindler, -- immer neue Gechichten: Begegnungen mit dem Retter von mehr al 1200 Juden. Frankfurt am Main: ociett-Verlag, 2000. (D 804.66 .38 T73 2000) Document Okar chindler' pot-war activitie through photograph, eyewitne account, and peronal document, and highlight the continuing remembrance of hi life and work. [In German.] Zuckerman, Abraham. A Voice in the Choru: Memorie of a Teenager aved by chindler. tamford, CT: Longmeadow Pre, 1994. (D 804.3 .Z84 1994) A urvivor' peronal narrative decribing hi life in Krakow before the war, hi imprionment in concentration camp, and hi recue by Okar chindler. Alo tell of hi life after the war. Include peronal photograph. Previouly publihed a A Voice in the Choru: Life a a Teenager in the Holocaut. Read More
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