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DNA Testing in the Criminal Justice System - Term Paper Example

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A significant number of crimes have been solved because of unquestionable evidences based on DNA testing and analysis. This has led into the conviction of criminals as evidences of this kind is scientific and, therefore, conclusive enough. However, there may still long standing questions about its validity or, if not, its implications…
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DNA Testing in the Criminal Justice System
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Nevertheless, the history of the criminal justice system in the country has proven that evidences based on the DNA remains the most potent tool for convicting criminals and even exonerating persons not guilty of crimes. This paper aims to explain in brief the value of this type of concrete evidence in the investigation and prosecution of suspected criminals. Some prominent cases in criminal justice history are mentioned in order to establish its point. Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is a genetic construction of the material, which exists in all cells of living organisms.

It is the basic building block of a person's genetic structure. A person's DNA is unique. Wherever it is taken from, whether from a person's hair, bones, skin cells or blood, the DNA is the same. It can also be taken from forms of excretion from the human body such perspiration, urine, saliva, semen, and feces (DNA Initiative). Due to the uniqueness of DNA for every individual, identification has been its most major use. Many times, taking samples of human skin, bones, or hair from an unrecognizable dead body can lead into its identification if the person already has a DNA record prior to his death.

For decades already, it has also been used as evidence in crimes, which can be used to identify a victim or point out the suspect. In fact, this has been considered as the most convincing piece of evidence that could be used in prosecuting and convicting a criminal. DNA is a type of physical evidence accepted by the courts. (National Institute of Justice, US DOJ) This is, particularly a biological evidence, which is tangible enough to implicate person to a crime. Forensics, the scientific tests or techniques used in a criminal investigation, have made DNA sampling the most important part of any scene of the crime investigations.

Crime scene investigators have been equipped with knowledge, skills, and the most high technological instruments to handle DNA evidences. This task involves identifying, collecting and examining DNA samples from a crime scene. This also includes analyzing it in an appropriately equipped laboratory. Ultimately, this also leads to presenting such evidences in court. (DNA Initiative) The contribution of DNA evidences in solving crimes is already a fact all police investigators have considered.

In fact, even much older cases that were believed unsolvable can be concluded with the culprits discovered if there are evidences from which DNA can be extracted for analysis. Anthropologists and biologists, in studying and identifying specimen hundreds of years old, have used this method. Therefore, it is not impossible to do the same with crimes that may have been committed decades ago. The common perception is that evidences containing DNA samples cannot be easily tampered with. What it is needed for a breakthrough in a crime scene investigation is that such physical evidences are found such as a strand of hair, a used drinking cup, or drop of blood.

This is the reason why police investigators have become strict in maintaining the integrity of a crime scene by ensuring that no unauthorized intrusion is made. The skills involved are too much for an ordinary police officer, which means that only those who have the training and the

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