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Bonjour Tristesse by Francoise Sagan - Essay Example

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When Francoise Sagan, at the age of 18 in 1953 wrote her novel, in one month, she portrayled and exposed many controversial issues. With a group of protagonists whose integrity and moral character determine how they behave, the themes of jealousy, lust, love, immorality, rebellion and sexuality are explored…
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Bonjour Tristesse by Francoise Sagan
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He was young for his age, full of vitality and possibilities, and when I left school two years before, I soon noticed that he lived with a woman. It took me rather longer to realise that it was a different one every six months. But gradually his charm, my new easy life, and my own disposition led me to accept it It was easy to love him, for he was kind, generous, gay, and full of affection for me.' Sagan (p9) Cecile repeats his assertion that fidelity and commitment are 'arbitrary and sterile' Sagan (p13).

That he is shallow and superficial, and will behave so, is expressed in her statement: 'Although I did not share my father's aversion to ugliness, which often led us to associate with stupid people, I felt vaguely uncomfortable with anyone devoid ofphysical charms.' Sagan (p11)In fact, she is more like him than she thinks, for having met Cyril, she is very taken with his looks, though touches on his character as an afterthought. Here too are the signs of awakening sexuality.'He looked typically Latin, was very dark and sunburnt.

There was something reliable and protective about him which I liked at once. He was tall and sometimes beautiful, with the sort of good looks that immediately inspired one with confidence.' Sagan (p11) Such values inherent in both Cecile and Raymond suggest that how they behave will be driven by these. This, despite her slight criticism of Raymond as follows:'His only fault was to imbue me with a cynical attitude towards love which,considering my age and experience, should have meant happiness and not only a transitory sensation.

' Sagan (p21)The suggestion is that Cecile is already corrupted and that the later behaviours she displays are evidence of that corruption. That Cecile is the narrator helps to give immediate insight into the themes and characters of the people, describing what they are and how their behaviours make things happen in line with any particular theme at the time. The opening lines are brilliantly expressive of a rather selfish young girl whose thoughts are ambivalent.The reader is made aware that for Cecile, the love from and for her father, together with the life they lead, is her greatest happiness.

With the explanation of how they live, Raymond's immorality and character are exposed:In fact, she is more like him than she thinks, for having met Cyril, she is very taken with his looks, though touches on his character as an afterthought. Here too are the signs of an awakening sexuality.The suggestion is that Cecile is already corrupted and that the later behaviours she displays are evidence of that corruption. That he and she will selfishly seek sexual gratification, with little concern for fidelity is only a short time away.

The catalyst is Anne's arrival, a woman who, unable to hide her feelings and character, puts in motion the jealousy and self-protection which overwhelm Cecile motivated by love and perhaps self-importance, Raymond's by lust and love, they cause the manipulative, distressed and confused teenager to em

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Bonjour Tristesse by Francoise Sagan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 Words.
“Bonjour Tristesse by Francoise Sagan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 Words”, n.d.
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