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Management System Quality - Essay Example

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The essay "Management System Quality" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues concerning the definition and evaluation of management system quality. Quality is an incorporative management technique that helps the organization to increase its performance…
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Management System Quality
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Introduction Quality is an incorporative management technique that helps the organization to increase its performance. It can also be a business management philosophy aimed at creating awareness of quality in all organizations operations. This concept has widely been used in educational institutions, manufacturing industries, government agencies, call centers, service industries and space science programme such as NASA. Many techniques and concepts have been created to help in the management quality causing aspects of business operations. Basically; there are two quality related functions in business Alasuutari, P. (2004). The principle quality was first applied during industrial revolution era. Earlier most goods and services were produces by the same person to meet quality. Production of a lot of brought many people to work at various production states to ensure quality products. In late 1800s businessmen like Fredrick Taylor and Henry Ford identified major limitation that affected mass production. Taylor instituted quality department that dealt with correcting errors and ensuring quality production whereas Ford traced on standardization quality to ensure all organization produced products fit for human consumption Arnaboldi, M., Azzone, G., Savoldelli, A. (2004). Execution of quality in organization was the duty of quality departments. This mainly did inspection to ensure products were defect free. In the second half of 20th centaury, quality was emerged as a profession and a managerial tool. Over the year's quality developed from simple control to engineering then to system engineering. Later in 1990s quality system emerged these are the quality management system and the total quality management Bryman, A., Stephens, M., Campo, C. (1996). Quality is a depiction of the culture, attitude and ethics of an organization that aims at providing quality services and goods to its customers to satisfy them. The cultural part calls for adoption of quality system aspect in all the operations of an organization, Bryman, A., Stephens, M., Campo, C. (1996). A quality management system (QMS) These are set of rules or policies necessary for planning production of services and products in the business. QMS incorporates various forms of internal processes within the business environment and offers a implementation approach.QMS enables the organization to identify measures, controls an improve the various processes with a business that contributes to prosperity of the organization. In short QMS assists organizations to identify defects and prevent them from happening (Hill Stephen, 1991) Quality management system helps the organization to; accomplish high reliability in the operations they are engaged in including providing quality products or services Decrease high costs of operations. increase competence and sufficient by humanizing the use of time and the available resources identifies and improves customer satisfaction Market the organization to the rest of the world. Discover other areas that they can engage in control growth more efficiently by making it easier to incorporate new employees frequently improve the products, processes and systems Total management quality (TQM) This is the process that ensures the totality of quality management in all departments within an organization. It entails planning, leading, managing and controlling. It called so because it ensures high output and meets the satisfaction of stakeholders including clients, suppliers and even employees, Bryman, A., Stephens, M., Campo, C. (1996). In general TQM aims at; Helping the management to make well informed decision that will help in the overall prosperity of the organization. Help the organization as a whole to meet the needs and desire of the customer by carrying out market research before it embarks on production. Ensuring that there is bottom top problem solving abilities. Participation of all the stakeholders of the organization in the operations to ensure everyone is at per with the organizations performance. Ensures on job training of all employees whether senior or junior so that each one of them is a ware the designed systems of quality, Bryman, A., Stephens, M., Campo, C. (1996). Let us consider the implementation of quality system in Manufacturing Company A that deals with production of sugar. The details of this case study will include: implantation of quality system, benefits of quality systems, problems in the implementation of quality system and solutions to this problems, Tsoukas, H., Papoulias, D. B. (2005) Implementation of quality system Implementation of quality system in organization is essential as it assures the organization of high results. Company A, has to come up with research methodologies like the use of questionnaires which will help them acquire their objective that is to satisfy their clients and improve their performance. Requirements for implementation are; Foremost is carrying out a market research to identify customers' needs and desires. At this stage all organizations process should be considered and come up with plans to incorporate them with the outside world. For example the case of company has to come up with different packaging sizes of sugar like in 250,500, or even 1 kilogramme to meet the needs of its various clients. After which the organizations embarks on what exactly to produce as the production team already knows the customers needs. For instance, after the market research company A will discover if the customers need sugar or something else and decide to change or not. Now it's the responsibility of the organizations management to reevaluate its work force such as the human resource, machinery and raw material. This is essential as it ensure experienced work force will ensure satisfying the customers' needs and desires. The case of company A why are the clients against the production of sugar is it because they way it is produced or the raw material. Therefore, company A will come up with strategies like recruitment of qualified people who are able to use quality system to produce quality services and products, Tsoukas, H., Papoulias, D. B. (2005). It s time for Company A determine and review the outcome and identify is there are positive impacts after everything is in place, Brown, K., Waterhouse, J., Flynn C. (2003) To accomplish quality system the top managers there is need for regular and open communication among the organizations employees. So that problems or other issues concerning quality of products or services are identified such that they are tackled at initial stages to ensure customer satisfaction. On job training should also be in place, such that employees are trained on quality assurance standards. Benefits of implementing quality system in organizations When quality systems are fully adopted by an organization in all its architectural infrastructures performance is likely to increase. The case of company A this is likely to lead to: Improved participation: Quality ensures that all an organization employees understand their duties and responsibilities in relation to a firm's objective to realize its goals. With the adoption of quality system the employees are likely to work in teams to ensure that there are in charge of their roles,TQM as well encourages and motives employees Increased free and easy communication: With sufficient and adequate implementation of quality ethics in firms communication is improved. As a result employees will treat each other in a good way as their regular communication. Improved productivity; Quality system transforms the organization in the manner in which operations are carried out leading to conducive working environment. As a result employee participation improves; problems are able to be identified at their initial stages and even tackled at the lower levels, Tsoukas, H., Papoulias, D. B. (2005). Increased quality: With the adoption of quality architecture in organization quality of the output is the main concern. Eradication of the causes will be the main concern rather than the correcting problems. Also more efforts will be used to identify the requirements and ensure actively incidences. Risks will be identified at their early stages and corrected by professionals resulting in high delivery of quality products and services. Quality products will be on the market leading to the satisfaction of clients. Increased customer satisfaction: As far as there is open and frequent communication between the employees, distributors and clients. The clients' requirements can be identified and adjustments made. Costs are reduced: When quality systems are implemented in an organization. Costs of operations will reduce such as late deliveries will be avoided. Increases competition: With successful adoption of quality system an organization will be able to survive in the fast growing market. From a personal perspective implementation of Quality system is very crucial because it helps senior managers know the performance of the organization. That is with all the quality system in place such training of employees will ensure that there is open and free communication and they will treat one another as equals irrespective of positions, Bryman, A., Stephens, M., Campo, C. (1996) Further there are chances in the performance of the organization because there is that aspect of identifying the needs and desires of the consumers that put the organizations to know exactly what to produce in terms of size, packaging and composition. Quality system ensures participation of all the stakeholders of the organization this leads to their empowerment. However, the empowerment should not be mistaken by the junior employees, Tsoukas, H., Papoulias, D. B. (2005). Problems associated with the implementation of quality systems All people related to organization that is Company A to work together when implementing quality system. There are several ways in which Company A can use to implement quality system.However; there are problems this company is likely to encounter in the implementation of quality system they include; Lack of awareness: most organization consider implementation of quality systems through training .The training mostly focuses on personal development as most of senior mangers do not have adequate knowledge about quality practices. Therefore this calls for management and other employees to be fully trained about quality system within Company A to ensure prosperity of the organization, Brannen, J. (2004). Inadequate participation: commitment and teamwork are essential in the implementation of quality system. In organizations the most of the decisions are made by senior management without consulting other employees as result of this the organization ends up producing products/services that do not meet the client's needs and desires. In most cases the management of Company A does not involve junior staff because they feel threatened and that way they will be empowering them, Bryman, A., Stephens, M., Campo, C. (1996). Inadequate information: efforts to implement quality systems have failed in Company A because of insufficient information on quality. For instance, senior management is not committed in sharing available information with the rest of the staff they only consider the responsibilities are performed. Standards put in place have not been realized/implemented by the government agencies or even the concerned sectors, so most organization tend to assume them and produce low quality products and services as long as at the end of the day they get high returns, Bryman, A., Stephens, M., Campo, C. (1996). Lack of strategy: Many organizations aim at managing all operations. Most of them lack policies that guide these operations. For instance, Company A there is no policy the guide the rewarding employees that extremely work hard as in their work is of high quality as a result they are not motivated so whether they produce high or low quality is not an issue but as long as they are paid their dues at the end of the month, Bryman, A., Stephens, M., Campo, C. (1996). How to control problems associated with quality system implementation It is evident that quality systems are very important in an organizational performance. As we have seen in the case of Company A. Therefore the above problems can be solved through the following strategies: Training and education: All employees in Company A including the senior management should be trained on various quality systems. Basics such knowledge and skills should also be considered, Kim, H.J., Pan, G., Pan, S. L. (2007). Training can be on individual or team work. If possible there should assessment examinations to evaluate the employees understanding of the system in place. During these meeting policies governing the quality system should be put in place. Regular departmental meetings to be held after trainings to ensure that viable results are realized, Brown, K., Waterhouse, J., Flynn C. (2003). Communication; this strategies can also be employed to ensure effective implementation of the quality. With regular communications within Company A, that is communication between senior management and other employees. Everyone will feel appreciated and their will be minimal cases within the organizations. Further, as a result of communication employees can come up with other strategies to help improve the organization's performance, Hood, C. (1991) Participation: allowing participation of the organizational stakeholders including the clients and even the employees assists in the control of problems encountered during implementation of quality system. This will automatically lead to acceptance of the implemented system. As a result of incorporation of the entire Company A stakeholders they will be able to identify a likely problem in the initial stage and assist in solving it before it becomes severe as leading to investment of huge funds to deal with it, Brown, K., Waterhouse, J., Flynn C. (2003). Conclusion Specifications are means by which information, scientific advances as well as good practices are shared: an imperative element of the global industrial as well as post industrial infrastructure underpinning fiscal activities, communal requirements as well as equitable opportunities- in undemanding words sustainable evolution. The central functionality of specifications has been completely acknowledged, since a long epoch, in the education programmes casing an extensive variety of technological disciplines, Kim, H.J., Pan, G., Pan, S. L. (2007) Conversely, it is a more recent pattern the amplified consciousness of erudition institutions globally of the significance of specification activities in a more shared sagacity: for the input afforded to business of merchandize as well as services, to promoting good business traditions and in nurturing scientific modernization. These patterns of extreme impact are championed by ISO that is comportments in elementary contribution that enlightening schools can present learning of what constitutes global specifications and the accomplishments that can be realized through the same, Alasuutari, P. (2004). ISO is inclined to underpin these schools in their endeavors as well as efforts and in encouraging the same institutions in diffusion information, understanding as well as proficiency. Furthermore, considering that erudition and review are often associated, ISO requires promote studies and surveys affiliating to the macro-and micro-fiscal benefits of specification. 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