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Change Management in Schools - Essay Example

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Considering an undeniable factor that the process of change management in our institutions has been a reason of continuous concern, this issue has been extensively discussed over the last 40 years. Despite the many facets and aspects that play a part in the process of change management in schools, there is no identifiable structure or crisp definition for it…
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Change Management in Schools
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But here this paper instead of filling its contents with intentional verbosity, our approach is quite goal-oriented. In addition, many of these research areas are further convoluted with links and interactions to other, nor-related research that need to be considered. Finally, the lack of accurate measurability severely hampers the statistical assessment of suitability of a stated hypothesis. But this paper is rather unconventional and attempts to dig out the actual problems and stumbling blocks that hamper the process of change management in our institutions.

While above-mentioned factor pertaining to the lack of accurate measurability is true for the entire field of education, it is particularly acute in researches directly related on such topics. For this reason, published articles have the search for an explanation of actions and phenomena in common as a general rule all, albeit from different points of views. But this paper is, as mentioned above is rather goal-oriented fraught with realistic recommendations and suggestions. Despite the fact that the field of this issue has attracted some of the best researchers within the educational realm, the lack of unity in opinion as well as a structured overview is outmost apparent.

This paper attempts to overcome this lack by providing a comprehensive overview and analysis of current recruiting and retaining concepts. Nonetheless, an attempt is made with this paper to lessen the validation pressure from lack of data by providing the results of a small but comprehensive literature review thorough a number of books, journals and web-based sources. Thus, coming out from the ambit of educational concerns, this issue has become an inevitable topic to think upon in general. To date, there have been various researches conducted on this topic; similarly this paper is a humble attempt from my side not only to have a discussion on it in general but also to explore some unexplored avenues related with this issue that may further help us reaching at rather down-to-earth conclusion.

There is no doubt that in Britain, in the last ten years, we have seen massive strides forward in the education system. The establishment of a national curriculum and other reforms have provided the basic framework for improvement in educational provision, but at a considerable cost to teachers. Since the Education Reform Act (1988), we have seen a continuous stream of systemic, top-down change which has had a major impact on teachers' professionalism. Their roles in strategic planning and decision making have been dominated by the requirement to implement externally driven initiatives, and workloads have expanded leading to high levels of stress, low levels of morale and difficulties with recruitment and retention.

This study is offering a strategy to help school management reconstruct their professionalism by providing a framework within which they can play a full and active part in school improvement and school development. The research carried out and the consequent conclusion thereof offered here has the potential to bring about lasting change and has raised standards through the enhancement of teachers'

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Change Management in Schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 Words.
“Change Management in Schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 Words”, n.d.
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