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Radio Frequency Identification - Essay Example

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This essay "Radio Frequency Identification" is about one of the developments that have great potential. It is a chip that can store identification information of products, thus, its use is being considered in the market. RFID is a small gadget that can be detected from a distance of few meters.  …
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Radio Frequency Identification
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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) In the rapid advance of technology in the world of commerce, the RFID or the Radio-Frequency Identificationis one of the developments that have great potential due its essential functions. It is a chip that can store identification information of products, thus, its use is being considered in the market. Described as a modern barcode, RFID is a small gadget that can be detected from a distance of few meters. Another benefit is that digital inventory was made possible. It has great impact in the market because its advantages can be acquired with a relatively low price compared to the barcode, thus, there is a decrease in the cost incurred by retailers and manufacturers (RSA Security, 2004a). According to studies, the price of RFID will approach $0.05-0.10 if purchased in bulk. When this trend continues, it would not be long before the market will lean towards the RFID due to cost-effectiveness, thus, possibly defeating the role of barcodes that are widely used for commercial purposes with about 5 billion worldwide occurrences daily. One of the organisations that are working to regularise RFID is the EPCGlobal Inc., which is a cooperative effort between UCC and EAN. These are the two parties responsible for the application of barcodes in the U.S. and Europe market (RSA Security, 2004b). Through the advantages brought about by the RFID, problems in the privacy of consumers are raised by certain groups. Concerns on the possibility of detecting the possessions of the consumers without their knowledge are the main objective of these groups. If access of being able to detect and read the RFID were given to the wrong hands, possibility such as robbery and other crimes is at hand. Also, the business groups perceive the possibility of RFID being a tool for company surveillance. As a possible answer to the security issues, RSA Security provides ways to validate RFID readers and to be able to make protected internal transactions (RSA Security, 2004a). The Radio-Frequency Identification or RFID is made up of a silicon microchip that is fastened to an antenna. It comes in many forms and shapes. It can be approximately one-half millimetre in size while other kinds can be implanted in materials as thin as paper. Upon activation from the reading device, the RFID tag sends a signal which can be translated as a distinct number that can identify the particular item. In this effect, the RFID tag does not require a power source because it can be considered as inert and works only when stimulated. There are already practical uses of this technology. One application is for proximity cards that are used more conveniently than metal keys. Other examples include payment devices such as Speedpass, E-Z Pass and FasTrak. Another advantage is for identification of lost pets wherein RFID tags implanted through surgical procedure can be scanned to be able to determine the owner even if other sorts of identification are lost (RSA Security, 2004b). Basic System Schematic Source: Important technologies led to the development of the RFID. One invention that can be related to the evolution of this technology is the apparatus for the Soviet government with the main purpose of surveillance made by Lon Theremin in 1945. It works through a process similar to the RFID wherein activation was possible through the intercepted radio waves and audio information. According to references, technology applied in the RFID was present in the 1920s although it was also stated that such application was just discovered in the 1960s (AIM, n.d). Another technology that may have an influence in the RFID development was the IFF transponder in 1939 that belongs to the British and was used during the World War II. Using this technology, they were able to determine whether airplanes are enemies and which are allies. In the study of RFID, one of the earliest people who made interest on the technology is Harry Stockman in his work "Communication by Means of Reflected Power" in 1948 (Proceedings of the IRE, pp 1196-1204, October 1948). According to him, the primary objective regarding the reflected-power technology must focus on in-depth research and exploratory studies to be able to solve any problems that may arise. This he deemed important before the considering it as a tool in any field (RFID Journal, 2006; "RFID", 2006). Radio Frequency Identification or RFID is label that encompasses the group of radio frequency communication technologies such as Bluetooth, mobile phones, and WiFi which are considered very functional although high-priced. The wireless computing devices are also included in this group which functions not only for bar-coding but also for more complex applications. A scenario in the future wherein the RFID becomes a tool for the World Wide Web, there is a possibility for the application to trace every single item through the web. This also means that the web can take hold of tangible entities in addition to the vast data and information that it holds today. Thus, the coverage of the web extends to hardware rather than being largely confined to software. The use of the RFID can also be compared to that of using the web. Data and information are saved in the cyberspace, thus, physical storage is not required according to the provider EPCGlobal vision. For the application of such technology, the backend or control system is very important and the main priority of any organisation of company that considers the possible utilisation of this technology. Data are first encoded through the activation of the tag that in turns releases the distinct code and entered into the database. Retrieval of the information can be compared to viewing the web. The tangible RFID tags correspond to URL of the web. EPCGlobal uses a system to view RFID which is very similar to viewing a URL (RSA Security, 2004c). RFID tags are classified on the basis of internal power supply. The types of RFID tags are the passive, the semi-passive or semi-active, and the active tags. The group of RFID tags that lacks internal power supply is the passive tags. The CMOS integrated circuit (IC) located in the tag operates through the power that the influx of radio frequency produces. The minuscule electrical current gives the tag enough power to convey a feedback. This is made possible through the use of backscattering techniques of the antenna, the aerial portion of the tag. In this type of mechanism, the antenna has the dual capability of generating power derived from the inbound signal and to give off a signal back to the reader ("RFID.", 2006). The semi-passive RFID tags operate through the use of a low-powered battery as the energy source for transmitting a feedback. This group works as that for passive tags but it does not require the dual capability of the aerial because the power source that allows for the tags to give off a signal is continually available. The battery allows faster rate of response as compared to the passive tags, thus, information retrieval is time saving ("RFID", 2006). On the other hand, the active RFID tags contain built-in power supply. This allows for the ICs to transmit outbound signals immediately, which is relatively advantageous as compared to the passive and semi-passive RFID tags. These RFID tags are considered beacon tags, although there are also feedback tags available. Beacon tags works in the absence of a reader because it gives of outbound signal at certain predetermined period of time. The signal transmitted is the unique identification information emitted in certain time. On the other hand, other active tags work as that for passive and semi-passive tags that requires the stimulation of a reader signalling the time for broadcasting an identification data. Enhanced features of some active RFID may also be available. One example is the temperature monitoring capability which is used for concrete maturity monitoring. Aside from the identification information, temperature data are transmitted to the reader. This is commonly used for the supervising perishable items in the market ("RFID", 2006). The Radio Frequency Identification technology presents advantages which are deemed important in its standardisation in the market. As compared to the use of barcodes, the RFID tag can carry detailed information of the product which is very important in tracing products. The common barcode carries information such as product kind and the manufacturer, while a RFID tag has the capability to store information such as serial number unique for products of the same kind enabling detailed and specified control of products dispersed in the market. Such capability will change the face of commerce because the manufacturers can predict the behaviour of the market, thus, marketing techniques will be planned working greatly for the advantage of both the producers and the consumers. The RFID tags make reading of such details without having physical contact which is very efficient considering inventory purposes. This made possible because it uses radio waves instead of light waves that are used for reading barcodes. It also has the capability of extracting the serial numbers and pertinent information through other objects. Proximity to object is one factor that has less effect to the RFID technology. Unlike the barcodes that requires proximal optical contact with the scanner to be able to retrieve information, the RFID can give feedback with a few meters range. A scenario in purchasing products in the supermarket would be an RFID reader reading the products data simultaneously and accurately at a certain distance while the barcode scanners derive information of one item at a time in close contact. To this effect, the RFID technology offers more competent commercial transactions ultimately improving the turnout of production. The Wal-mart and the U.S. Department of Defence enable a study of the use of the technology by sampling and applying it in the market through a certain period of time. The main objective is to monitor items by volume which will determine the effects on the supply chain efficiency. The technology dawns a change in monitoring due to possibilities such as accuracy in real-time inventory which means that inventory cost and time is not required because through data retrieval the inventory of items are done automatically. Thus, the use of this technology will lessen production cost and diminish inventory budgets. Although it is presently possible in using the technology for bulk items, its use on per product level needs further practical study and may not be available in few years time (RSA Security, 2004b). On the other hand, its application in the supply chain operations is nearly feasible in the near future substituting the manual procedures along with decreasing the cost that it brings. In a storage area, for example, inventory of the items can be done by scanning the items in crates as they go by. This can be done by establishing a network of RFID in significant area on site. The data gathered can be then forwarded to the main control system where the organisation and reporting of the gathered data can be done. This is where the workforce is required but compared to the manual process which is tedious, the job in this area is relatively undemanding. In this form of operation, the recipients of the products for delivery can acquire the specifications of the items even before the physical delivery is done. This enhances the efficiency of the supply chain system in the near future (RSA Security, 2004c). Through the application of the RFID technology, it can be viewed then that there is a decrease in the production and marketing costs, increase rate of delivery and improved product quality. Through the possibility of worldwide application of the technology, the business world will never be the same for both the providers as well as the consumers. Still one of the advantages in the consumer services, wherein if there is an occurrence of returns of purchased items, information can be recorded and thus related solutions of the problems can be done such as improvements in the product range, item personalisation and ease in making purchases (RSA Security, 2004c). Through the benefits that the RFID technology can provide, the other side of the story is needed to be heard. One weakness of this technology is with regards to metals' disruptive effects in the transmission and operation of the readers. The signals emitted by the readers returned by metal surfaces or more so hindered by the presence of metallic objects. This deemed unbeneficial since storage nowadays are in metal shelves and containers. Possible inconvenience may arise in the application of the RFID technology. In an experimental use of the RFID for an automated checkout counters wherein carts of purchased items pass through a scanner, NCR Corp. found out that there is a possibility of committing errors in separating purchased items of consecutive customers in line, thus, payment can be made for the items of another consumer. In this regard further studies are needed to be able to answer such technical problems brought about by the system. A possible solution was offered by a company that provides tagging system for metal items by attaching active tags that may be powered by batteries. In such cases though, the feasibility of the solutions are needed to be studied because these is a significant difference between the proposed models with the real scenario (RSA Security, 2004c). Although RFID technology has a lot of useful benefits, there are also disadvantages in related to security issue. This can be used by the bad elements in tracking down personal information as well as the highly confidential information of private establishment and government security agencies particularly the military that uses RFID tags for handling their supply chain. It stirs up concern on the possibility of putting electronic product code (EPC) RFID tags in products. Thus, RFIDsec made a particular feature that may allow the control over the transmission of data that may cause replication of such items done through technical improvements ("RFID", 2006). Another concern voiced out through the New York Times was the possible effect of computer viruses on RFID tags. Other comments which were stated by The Wall Street Journal is that "RFID is a Pandora's box...," whose capabilities remain as a mystery especially with regards to privacy of individuals. As an answer to this, RFID Blocking Wallets was noted as being made to be able to protect the bank card information from being known without the permission of the person insuring the security. Another study resulted in the suggestion of 'wallet phones' with built in tags that can counteract the effects readers as stated by Bruce Schneier, a security expert on Weizmann Institute of Science ("RFID", 2006). The RFID is deemed as a having hazardous effects with regards to being put in the personal things and items of a person without them being conscious about it. An example is in the seams of clothing and shoes which has very little possibility of being detected. Compared to the tags used today for robbery prevention, these have distinct number and data, making it possible to monitor the consumers. This can be compared to the proximity cards that can only open certain locks or can activate and certain devices. But problems such as knowing details related to the items a person own can be done through physical hindrance such as wallets, bags, or clothing, like being more efficient what showing the contents of your belonging personally to unwanted people. This danger is due to the fact that readers can easily be built escalating the dangers of such use. An example is a monitoring that can be done in a store. The owner can check the identity of each person through a database by reading the tags of their registered customers (Garfinkel, 2004). Although such dangers are presented, an application can be considered to prevent such occurrences as the 9/11 disaster in the US, which leads to the plan of fingerprinting and having identification for foreign visitors. This is being considered by the Homeland Security Department in their fight against terrorism in the US. This system can monitor not only probable Al Qaeda suspects but also every other person with the possibility of being a suspect. Although concerned with the problems on terrorism, privacy activists do not consider the use of technologies such as RFID technology that endangers the privacy of the people. Although this is the case, application in field such as pharmaceutical is common. This is to prevent the escalation of bogus drugs in the market by tracking them and destroying them if possible and also for recording and inventory purposes (Garfinkel, 2004). In a 2003 hearing, California State Senator Debra Bowen stated that people do not deserve being spied and their whereabouts known by putting tracking devices especially in their clothing such as in undergarments. This is in the issue that tracking of the items does not end after they have been purchased in the market but extends even when they have been brought to the private confined for the individual home, thus, endangering the owners ("RFID", 2006). Another issue that arises is on the religious aspect wherein according to some there is a possibility that it is what the Book of Revelation (see Revelation 13:16) regarding the Mark of the Beast discussed by Christians under the study of eschatology or the last things. Mark of the Beast in the Left Behind series although not fully described somewhat corresponds RFID tag which is also an embedded chip. The verse stated that a mark will be places on the right hand or in the forehead which would make purchases possible and without it no transaction will be undertaken. This represents a body of knowledge and calls for certain wisdom (, n.d.). There are other secondary technologies used to avoid cloning of tags and one of these is the cryptography. There are tags that use the rolling code method. In this manner, the application of the observed responses is irrelevant because the tag identifier information changes after each scan. Other advance gadgets where developed based on challenge-response protocols. In this protocol, information is not sent thru a not secured channel between the tag and the reader. The reader in this manner, challenges the tag that will respond with computed result with the use of cryptographic circuit (Bono et al, n.d.; "RFID", 2006). Other cryptographic techniques are being undertaken although they are still on the research level to be able to present possible solutions to problems of readers that are not allowed. One limitation that can be seen is that advanced hardware cannot be inserted in the RFID tags due to its size. Another consideration is that in adding such features the cost-effectiveness of the technology will decrease ("RFID", 2006). In the introduction of any technology and advancement in the market it is important to have an in-depth study of both the positive and the negative effects of its application. This also applies to the Radio Frequency Identification system. Although the technology presented an unprecedented change in the face of commerce, it also posts a great danger in the privacy of groups, organisations or private individuals. In cases such as this, authorities need not hasten its application in the market until technical, social and ethical perspectives had been polished and possible solutions to problems and conflicts that may arise was prepared. Reference List AIM. (n.d.) Shrouds of Time Hisoty of RFID. AIM publication, the association for automatic identification and data capture technologies Bono, Steve, Matthew Green, Adam Stubblefield, Avi Rubin, Ari Juels, and Michael Szydlo. (n.d.). Analysis of the Texas Instruments DST RFID. RSA Laboratories. Available from: [Accessed May 6, 2006]. (n.d.). The Time of the Mark is Here. Available from: [Accessed May 6, 2006]. Garfinkel, Simson L (2004). The Trouble with RFID. The Nation. Available from: [Accessed May 6, 2006]. "RFID." (2006). Wikipedia Foundation inc.Available from: [Accessed May 6, 2006]. RFID Journal. (2006). Genesis of the Versatile RFID Tag. RFID Journal. Available from: [Accessed May 6, 2006]. RSA Security. (2004a).RFID Privacy and Security. RSA Security. Available from: [Accessed May 6, 2006]. RSA Security. (2004b). A Primer on RFID. RSA Security. Available from: [Accessed May 6, 2006]. RSA Security. (2004c). RFID, a Vision of the Future. RSA Security. Available from: [Accessed May 6, 2006]. Read More
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