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Rationale behind Increasing Computer Crime - Essay Example

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It is evidently clear from the paper "Rationale behind Increasing Computer Crime" that hackers dent into the security system of companies to steal sensitive data. The instances of increasing software piracy and data theft certainly reflect that computer crime is increasing…
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Rationale behind Increasing Computer Crime
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Online Transaction has raised the alarm regarding security check that is essential to eradicate 3 different Computer crimes - fraud, identity theft, and compliance with a legal issue. They apply different techniques of payment like credit cards, e-cheques, and shopper’s cards. Smart cards and e-wallets are a few techniques to protect customers’ information and convenient and safe for transactions and processing of data.

Suggestion for Tracking down Offenders of Computer Crime

            Privacy has also grown in stature similar to security concerns to keep the personal information of customers intact. Technology and outsourcing model of business has taken the pressure off the management team to some extent. Encryption, VPN, Firewall, SSL, and precautionary measure from the customer is essential in keeping the security system in control (Ghosh, 2001). The customer follows the three mandatory steps for processing the transactions. He enters the details of the credit card to the e-merchant or payment gateway that passes through the secure socket layer (SSL) of the server and the digital certificate of the online service provider.  Once validation in the initial layers of the security check is complete, details provided by the customer are processed by the associated bank that handles the complex security information collected in the payment gateway. This collects the details of the order and customer through an e-business associate to finally approve the transaction.

            Authentication is the first step in privacy matters that can ensure that the right person is using the card.  VeriSign Secure Site Program shows the sign of trust when someone uses the websites to purchase the product using his credit card which requires sensitive personal information. Public key infrastructure (PKI) and digital certificates supplement the encrypted algorithm to encounter the challenges of illegal activity and augment the business operations to target potential customers. Firewalls are another method of network security that prevents unauthorized access to the sensitive link. Virtual Private Network (VPN) gives secure access to a firm’s network. The recent development in technologies provides a way to track the offenders of computer crime by checking the security measures applied for the safety of information (Johnson, 2009).

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