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Role of Mao in the Chinese Revolution - Essay Example

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The essay "Role of Mao in the Chinese Revolution" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues on the role of Mao in the Chinese revolution. China has a rich culture that emanated from its past leadership. But one leadership seemed to be endured in time…
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Role of Mao in the Chinese Revolution
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China's Past China has rich culture that emanated from its past leadership. But one leadership seemed to be endured in time that even now others still feel the scar of an ideology that engulf them yet less perpetrated today. China was once ruled with ten dynasties each has its own feature that contribute to modern China. But the most significant change is the premier of communism where it opened a modern China into the world. When the dynasties was viewed as appalling to the interest of the people, it soon replaced by a more belligerent ideology, communism. China was under the siege of USSR, the biggest socialist nation contributed to a larger and successful invasion against the common foe, the Axis powers during WWII. For several years, Allied powers became successful to its campaign to stabilize the World from further destruction caused by the Axis powers. At the same time, each Ally has raised its leverage to the world. Separated by ideologies, surprisingly, these nations remain on the zenith of political and economic power. Nonetheless, they found each other threatening most especially by the Neo-liberalist USA and the socialist USSR. China on the other hand was beyond that contingency because unlike Russia, they never have place their selves into that astringent situation where war should be waged to reconcile a two diverging ideology. China's communism stratagem was started during the time of Dr. Sun-Yet San. It soon progress when a young leader named Mao Tse Tsung revolutionized those who were left behind. Communism was not the only philosophy that pervades during that time. Nationalism was on its way headed by General Chiang Kai Shek. Both were on the same side of exonerating Japan's mighty invasion off to China. Yet prior to the agreement to battle Japan, they had launched several clashes that could trigger a civil war in the mainland. Apparently, Allied success was on the forefront, this liberates China from further subjugation. Thereafter, the battle of power resumed. Nationalism was less adhered mainly because majority of Chinese population is working class including peasants and laborers. Nationalist party were consists of elites and middle class warriors which entirely had different interest to that of the working class. Chiang's boldness had faced severe failures even when he was backed up by the United States. For fear of losing title, US indirectly penetrated to the mainland through Chiang. The continued global upheaval is a form of transmutation of the global political and economic philosophy to liberalism. Chiang's insistence of nationalism to rule China brought relentless aggression. According to King "Chiang attacked the Communist group in Goumindang or Kuomintang while some other survived fled. He also attacked Jiangxi in China where the famous Long March was set off, all the survive communist escaped to the north and take a long voyage perhaps 6000 miles for 368 days while some other present are women"(King, 2001). However unsuccessful he was, he still established his long dream as the head of the Chinese state in exile. The Communist Party of China was established under the leadership of Mao. In the year 1950, China signed a treaty with the Soviet Union establishing an alliance between them and giving back the other Chinese territories taken by Russia a decade ago. China helped other Communist state in French Indochina and in North Korea in 1950's. In order to restore and improve the nation's economy, Mao has proposed several options. One of which is reviving the agricultural regulation through Commune System. His first proposition is land redistribution to the peasants. The CCP had directed that all properties shall owned by the government. It is their sole right to appropriate all wealth of nation to its people, such as the discretion to divide the land (as it is the main source of income of most of the families during that time) proportionate to the need of the family. Several cooperatives were raised to share labors and pooled off resources. In order to achieve maximum efficiency, quotas had to be met primarily because the country depends on it. The government also implements its first five year plan in 1953 through the abovementioned government controlled farms. "In 1957, Mao initiated the Great Leap Forward through industrialization and complete collectivization of agriculture". (Ibid).The Commune System however was failed by nature and some peasant uprisings. Finally, an economic plan was constructed called the Regional Self sufficiency. This would encourage self-sufficiency among the diverse regions of China. Each has to design a plan that would utilize the resources of the region depending on its major landscape. The economic implication of this system is to balance the disparity that had razed the majority of peasants. (Bachman, 2006) "Accordingly, the GLF central plan is focused on developing heavy industry like steel and iron works. Its emphasis was to improved infrastructures in China, building heavy machinery, launching mining projects and massive construction projects"(Ibid).. The majority was ignored and the commune system is failing. This caused the population decay and eventual famine during the early 1960's. Things began to worst when the Soviet withdraws its economic support for China. The US had tamed the lion during the Cuban Missile Crisis and China was left in isolation. The 1959 uprising in Tibet has further pushed China into his dejection when its co-ally the Dalai Lama had fled the country. As a result thereof, the international relations of China were hampered. To address the situation, Mao organized the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution as one way of rejuvenating the spirit of communism. Through constant imbibing and practicing the legacy of communism, others were distinguished as a threat into the nation. They were removed and sent into labor camps where many of them died. The Red Guards were instituted to conduct pro-Mao gatherings. The re-education process undermines the many intellectuals bringing them into the countryside to work as manual laborers. Many had suffered and died. This stigma awakens the other intellectuals to join into instituting the fervent liberalist since it invokes national freedom not relegating those who have the brilliant minds. China re-created its own economic reforms many times. This is to prove other industrialized nations that free market economy is not only the measures of success. The decentralizing reform of China entails each individual and every region to practice being self-sufficient to prove their worth. This scheme somehow has helped to increase the GDP of China since 1980. China after Mao. "Chairman Mao's demise and Premier Zhou Enlai changes the course of Chinese politics and economy. There is the continued struggle for power by the reds and the moderate"(Clunas et al., 2006). An officer came to power who don't have any attachments to any of the two contending parties. Hua Guofeng is the successor of Mao. He aimed at stabilizing the economy of the nation. His term however did not last. Perhaps one of the most famous leadership commands is Deng Xiaoping. He restored the peace that was deprived during the proliferation of communism. Peace as to the majority of the people relatively overturning the legacy of communism through uprisings of the peasants and several critics from the outside network. "Deng had liberalized trade and foreign relations as well as instituting a family-centered farming. His "Four Modernizations Project" is pacing. This will foster agriculture, industry, technology, and defense growth. Through his family centered farming, Deng veered to the communist act of decentralization. It is in this way that maximum utilization of the land will be deployed with an independent management of the family. He also encourages foreign investors; Guangdong Province is well-situated nearby Hong Kong, this is a potential location to encourage foreign investors directly from Hong Kong"(Ibid.). Deng had also liberalized the education in China which was inundated during Mao's time. He restored examination as a means of selecting college students. College students were given the opportunity to study advanced technical and management training abroad. The 'brainees' was given intellectual freedom to contribute their knowledge and expertise in their fields. Several schools were reopened to further revive the military system in China. China's success is due to the people. They were the catalyst of change who wanted either democracy rather than being purge in a system of political economy that won't have any probable success. Under Deng's regime, the diplomatic relations of China to other nation such as Japan and the United States was in so far smooth. Even when Deng was seen on the right side, their government still pursued the CCP. "Discontent so arose when several basic human rights were curtailed such as the lack of political freedom"(Ibid.). This event created massive protest one of which is the one staged at Tiananmen Square where bold students air their grievances to the government. The event further conflagrated when Gorbachev visited Beijing to end the rift between the Communist nations before. Deng responded by firing the students killing hundreds of unarmed civilians and eventually, he declared Martial Law. Despite the far-flung political dissent in the mainland, majority of the Chinese agreed on the reform pacing by Deng. In the study done by the Program on International Policy Attitudes, University of Maryland, 74 % of Chinese feel that free market economy is the appropriate economic law in China for there is the room for economic boomed. Several economic reforms were set in the year 1990's and onward. After the renowned leaders of the new socialist China, Deng and Jing, Hu Jintao succeeded in 2003. Several laws and amendments were passed to fashion the modern China into the world. Economic reforms were also made such as the installation of Special Economic Zones (SEZ's) where industries were to practiced self-management, get tax breaks and have profits. As well, like the future of Russia, China adapted the Western thinking of liberalism. Now even the name of CCP is engraved in the heart of China, liberalist idea is the answer to the dreams of many Chinese. Mao's legacy. Mao like the other former communists premier Karl Marx and Lenin believes that so long as there is the establishment of the state, there is always the rift of the rich and the poor. Now in order to eliminate such this, the majority of the class shall be the driving force of the state. Chinese majority are peasants. They should be perhaps the driving force of the state to establish communism. (Rogaski, 2006). The success of Mao did not promise economic exuberance. The industrialized nation today started on free thinking that shall peak off to the individual minds. There are many who were more convinced that free market capitalism is the cure for all ailing economies. Free market economy started off in the great minds who draw capitalism. This involves free trade by some private individuals who have the capacity to produce and reproduce money, to be able to utilize all the resources of the nation into a potential economic success. United States and some European nations geared for this remarkable development. Capitalism came to its way when industrialization is commencing in England followed by a more organized economic patterns. There is the interplay of demand and supply and as thus large companies and manufacturing companies started. There were pools of laborers in the market to help build the loin of the nation. Before many manual laborers were employed to do the framework of these industries. They were compensated equally. Since the degree of education was not yet considered as the requisite in employment, thence, everybody can have a guaranteed job. With the introduction of machines, massive lay off engulf many companies, and as such educational requirement became mandatory. Laborers nowadays were compensated based from their degree of education. As there were many nations upholding the same economic philosophy so are the companies grew and there is a massive need for more laborers and workers. It is a mutual benefit for both the laborers to the companies. The companies provide the former sufficient amount from their jobs and the laborers help those companies to expand and accumulate large profits. Not only that those companies provide for the basic needs of the individuals. They carry the responsibility to provide for the needs of the people. In the communist credo, take China, there is no room for economic enjoyment for an individual. All the properties are owned by the state and it is the state who shall decide to appropriate all resources of it to the people. There is no right to own a property nor transfer it. Neither there is a better education that will help mould an individual's mind. The mainland focuses on a far-fetched cultural revolution of ideas and inculcates nothing but to invoke bloodbath to other industrialized nations. (Colon, 2006). Furthermore, when the success of the communist is apparent, Mao had actually lack the knowledge to run China and bring its economy into a more decisive economy. Instead he began recuperating the peasant's life by subjugating their land and centralizes it to the government. (Ibid.) Ironically, when the land was taken off to you which is the source of your living, you are not being recuperated. How's then the initiative of those poor farmers to till their own land and use its proceed to feed their appetite. It a lame decision, after all it's been worth calling for. Many had been disgusted with that past regime warranted by some attempt uprisings. Mao's lacking economic-mindedness was recapitulated in his three consecutive failure plan, the Great Leap Forward, Regional Self-Sufficiency and his Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. Although there is an oscillation of success and failure, to appraise it well, it does not bring any success at all. All has a shallow foundation that can easily be ransacked by the economic progress of other industrialized nation. China was only revived when the essence of free market economy was soon realized. Looking China today, it was a great success that communist China was purged by the more liberalist thinking. Mao's communist regime is substantially has many flaws, looking on the future, communism is still a futile philosophy. Many had tried to establish it only to find them out in the pit of nothingness. Communism is total isolation to the world, international relations now have profound idea that communism bears no good on them; especially that it threatens the globalization process. Essentially, international relations is a vital part of the economy, this liberalize trade and foreign diplomatic relations. The economy of a nation stagnates if there are no foreign investments in the country. Foreign investors are also the ones who have save the economy of China from eventual falling during the Restoration period of Deng Xiaoping. Also, the terrible cut from international relations has also leave China in economic distress that was during the time Mao. Those staged hostilities executed by the communist factions became the primary reason for them to be removed from international relations. (Ibid.) Also, there were no financial help from other international lending institutions which would leave their economy bare. Being withheld from international relations is a suffering since there was no economic, political and financial support. Imagine when China is still adhering to its communist belief, which would have helped him today. Because there is no apparent economic bombast in a communist nation that is why, to hear the Maoist culture a sour reply shall be heard reverberating from the people today. Mao's demise is the demise of CCP; the name exists today but only the name and leaves nothing but a dreaded past. BIBLIOGRAPHY: King, Margaret L. 2000. "Western Civilization: A Social and Cultural History. Volume 2:1500-The Present." 2ND Ed. Calmann & King Ltd. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Clunas, Craig et al. 2006. "China". Microsoft Encarta (DVD). Redmond, WA. Rogaski, Ruth. 2006 "Mao Zedong." Microsoft Encarta 2006 [DVD]. Redmond, WA Bachman, David. 2006. Bureaucracy, Economy and Leadership in China. Institutional Origins of the Great Leap Forward. Washington. Colton, Timothy J. 2006."Communism." Microsoft Encarta [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Read More
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