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Training outline for pilot process - Essay Example

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This mail is further to the continued discussion on the inefficiencies pointed out in the Packing, Storing and Shipping processes. In order to reap the benefits of the successful installation of the new labeling software system, imparting training to the staff who handles the labeling at the packing process becomes vital…
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Training outline for pilot process
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ZJZ Cosmetics Mail Sharon/VP Research & Development Re: Outline of Training Programme for the New Labeling Process This mail is further to thecontinued discussion on the inefficiencies pointed out in the Packing, Storing and Shipping processes. In order to reap the benefits of the successful installation of the new labeling software system, imparting training to the staff who handles the labeling at the packing process becomes vital. An outline of the proposed training programme on the new labeling process is appended below for review and comments.

For coherence and understanding the write up is suitably sub divided.Objectives:The basic objective of the training is to remove the inefficiencies found in the labeling process like Wrong labels being put on the productsSpelling mistakes on labels Incorrect expiration dates being shown in the labels.With the proper training these inefficiencies are expected to be removed altogetherAudience:It is recommended that the following staff and workers being the people who handle this particular process may be advised to attend the training module:Export ExecutiveExecutive Logistics Supervisor: Packing ProcessSupervisor: Labeling processSupervisor: Shipping ProcessFive staff from the Labeling process-it is imperative that these people attend the training.

Apart from the above, optionally two staff each from the Packing process and shipping process may attend the training.Topics to be covered:Ideally the following topics may be included in the training module:General introductory remark about the business the company is in and the recent quality issues that are cropping in the different processesImportance of labeling processPast mistakes in the labeling process and repercussions of such mistakes (monetary loss and loss of reputation need to be emphasised)New label production process-Theoretical presentation with the help of the Process Mapping describing the label creation processNew labeling production process-Practical presentation with all the participants creating labels for defined productsTraining Mechanism:The training programme may be arranged as a combination of paper based and visual based process with slides to be exhibited.

Additionally print outs may be handed over to the participants. The programme may be coordinated by Vice President Logistics assisted by the Vice President Human Resources. Responsibility of arranging the training materials shall be with the HR in association with the Logistics Department.Training Duration:The training may be arranged as one day seminar with the training session in the morning and an interactive practical session followed by a question and answer session in the afternoon.Mechanism to ensure that the participants received the required training:In order to ensure that all the participants received the required training, each one should be given a 'feedback sheet' containing pertinent questions on the training received.

All the participants should hand this over back duly filled in immediately after the training session.Expect to receive comments for any suitable modifications.

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“Training Outline for Pilot Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words”, n.d.
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