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My virtual child did not feel too close to his father because the father was not within the proximity of the child too often. The child starts recognizing the persons in the surrounding by sensing the smell. Touch, sight, and smell are important elements to provide comfort to the child. For the mother of course it will be next to impossible to forget the pains with which she can have the child. While early on the baby appears confused as the sensory mechanism is not fully developed, at the 3-month-old period the child is certainly in a position to recognize the parents and tries to feel better in the company while resisting the efforts of others in taking control.
8-month period is certainly a long period for the child-parent relationship. The child starts uttering a few words and indulges in some innocent sign language, which helps the bonding among the individuals. 2. Describe and give examples of changes in your child's exploratory or problem-solving behavior from 8 through 18 months and categorize them according to Piaget's theory and information processing theories. Note that 8 months is included, so you'll need to use the timeline to look back at 8 months for examples.
The period between 8 and 18 months happens too. These changes take place with active support from parents. Jean Piaget explained in 1930s that the cognitive development in a child passes through four phases, namely (Meadows, 1987); Sensory-motor (first 2 years)Pre-operational (from 2 to 7)Concrete operational (from 7 to 10). Formal operational (10 onwards)In this case the period up to 18 months will be the one where the sensory power will be developed.3. Analyze your parenting philosophy and practices.
What principles from social learning theory, Bowlby, Ainsworth, Piaget, Vygotsky, information processing theory, developmental neuroscience, and other theories do you appear to have relied on in making your parenting choices or interpreting your child's behavior Include three principles/theorists from the above list in your answer. Mary Ainsworth expanded upon the theory of Bowlby and tried to observe the growth of 12-18 months. The 'strange situation' is one of the pioneering works of Ainsworth.
Based on this Ainsworth underlined three major styles of attachment, namely, secure attachment, ambivalent-insecure attachment, and avoidant-insecure attachment. Piaget came out with the cognitive theory by analyzing how the minds of children work and develop over the years given the surroundings and the style of grooming by parents. He concluded that the development of thinking is not smooth in kids, instead, it develops into stages. 18 months, 7 years, and 12 years have been found as three critical stages by Piaget for this purpose.
Vygotsky social development theory underlines the importance of social interaction in the cognitive development of a child. Slightly differing from Piaget, Vygotsky inferred that development follows social learning.
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