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Professional Application of Arms - Essay Example

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The author of the paper titled "Professional Application of Arms" states that the professional application of arms during wars is a legend in all the communities while most of them were remarkable for the prudential epitome carried by certain arms in particular. …
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Professional Application of Arms
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Splendid stories of wars fill the joy of the listener while the s of arms add to the beautyof the theme of the narration. Professional views about the roles of individuals in an armed force varies from person to person, however, to a large majority, a regular attachment to arms and war stories emerge as an inspiring mechanism to unfold the science and ethical concerns of the possession and exercise of arms. Development and deployment of arms of various kinds have been part of evolution in accordance with the change in civilization and technological position of the makers and distributors of weapons.

 The war-booting tactics designed by the kings were based on the professional assumptions of different kinds of fighting styles involved in wars mainly by focusing on the geographical features of the war-field. It is not exaggerating that arms governed political defragmentation even in the ancient times. Later, as part of the provincial developments, several combat concepts like soldiers, knights, weapons, arsenal and everything evolved and the idea of profession of arms was introduced universally.

It was centuries and centuries did man take to evolve from the self defensive stone pelting to the technology that has been used presently. Though the history of human civilization takes the road to the time when man used stones and sticks as his primary arms, it is incredibly true that the world presently is an armory of sophisticated arms to deal the wishful deeds of human combating strategies. After the journey that lasted several hundreds of years, the research in arm designing has reached at a stage where even information technology can be a fatal weapon in the frontline.

Information in war refers to the observable facts about target regions which were conventionally transferred manually. Modern designation of information has been powered by scientific and cybernetic tools to locate and analyze the targets of political interest. However, it has become a curse of civilians in many countries whose daily life in a densely populated city is vulnerable to the targets of terrorists and enemy countries. Thus it can be seen that development in technology has brought the modern arsenal views together into a compacted design of digitally governed information database with which countries are capable of managing their defense tactics against internal and external threats.

Presently, armed forces of all military segments in the world are operated through internet based as well as remote sensory devices. With the emergence of internet, there has been a transition of war tactics from the industrial format to information system which assures the compatibility and preciseness of a war that can meet the root-level destruction of the enemies’ economic, political and administration systems without actual deployment of a formidable fighting team. According to an assumption, “the high-tech military of the future will be smaller but more sophisticated and specialized” (Gumahad, 17).


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“Profession of Arms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words”, n.d.
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