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Impact of Flu Shot in Combating Flu in Nursing Facilities - Essay Example

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"Impact of Flu Shot in Combating Flu in Nursing Facilities" is a great example of a paper on the immune system. This article describes a case study that examined what and how the Arkansas State University Student Health Centre communicates on influenza and influenza vaccination…
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"Impact of Flu Shot in Combating Flu in Nursing Facilities" is a great example of a paper on the immune system.
Afolabi, O. (2019). Communication About Influenza Prevention: A Case Study of Arkansas State University Students Health Center (Doctoral dissertation, Arkansas State University). 

This article describes a case study that examined what and how the Arkansas State University Student Health Centre communicates on influenza and influenza vaccination. It also discusses the primary message of overcoming barriers to vaccinations with little interest in providing direct efficiency-centered messages. The article researches the devotion of determinants of vaccination decisions.  It describes the impacts and reasons why the nurses need the vaccination shots. One is that they are the front line of public health defense systems against infectious diseases. The article describes the dangers that the nurses are protected from through vaccinations and how they protect the public from the illness. 

Gavazzi, G. (2019). Vaccination of Healthcare Professionals and Protection of Hospitalized Adults and Nursing Home Residents. In Adult Vaccinations (pp. 77-85). Springer, Cham. 

This article focuses on the flu shot as a way of combating the illness. The article discusses the major impacts of vaccinating the nurses as a measure of protecting themselves and protecting the patients. The article is about a facility with numerous vulnerable residents, which makes it more susceptible to infectious diseases. The vaccinations in long-term care facilities decrease the flu impact, and it is one of the numerous determinants of vaccine reluctance as well as acceptations. However, the authors also discuss the ethical issues that affect the administrations of the shots and the possible impacts that may occur in the facilities and the personnel. They are likely to be more affected as a result of the spread of the flu.

Resnick, B., Gravenstein, S., Schaffner, W., Sobczyk, E., & Douglas Jr, R. G. (2018). Beyond Prevention of Influenza: The Value of Flu Vaccines. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 73(12), 1635-1637.

This article dwells on research that was conducted to support prior research that was conducted to explore the relationship between hip fracture and influenza immunization. The authors also discuss the reasons to immunize residents and the staff.  The article discusses the nurses as special case healthcare workers as they come into contact with various kinds of people as part of their work. The authors describe the dangers that could arise before the healthcare facilities if the vaccination is not taken.  The nurses can unwittingly serve as vectors for the patients. The nurses are workers who are in short supply, and they need long-term care as an added motivation to enhance productivity and efficiency in care delivery.

 Sorge, J. (2018). Prior influenza vaccination effects on vaccine effectiveness: a point of consideration for health care workers. Canadian journal of respiratory therapy: CJRT= Revue canadienne de la therapie respiratoire: RCTR, 54(4), 73.

The article starts by describing the major impacts of vaccination as an effective intervention of primary care to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.  The article describes how vaccinations contribute to disease prevention and health prevention. The nurses are part of the healthcare providers that could also turn into vectors and highly contribute to the spread of the illness. These vaccinations also serve as motivation factors for the nurses as they are driven to work and interact with other entities through their line of work as they feel secure and catered for.

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(Impact of Flu Shot in Combating Flu in Nursing Facilities Immune System Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words, n.d.)
Impact of Flu Shot in Combating Flu in Nursing Facilities Immune System Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words.
(Impact of Flu Shot in Combating Flu in Nursing Facilities Immune System Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words)
Impact of Flu Shot in Combating Flu in Nursing Facilities Immune System Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words.
“Impact of Flu Shot in Combating Flu in Nursing Facilities Immune System Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words”.
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