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Living with COPD - Essay Example

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The paper "Living with COPD" highlights that mild symptoms can remedy by the use of bronchodilators that relieve breath difficulties in COPD patients. Being diagnosed with COPD causes stress how one deals with it mentally has a great impact on his or her physical health…
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Living with COPD
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COPD is a serious progressive lung disease caused by smoking that affects nearly 13 million Americans. This infection is purported to affect individuals between 25 to 80 years of age. Several activities have been proposed to help suppress the symptoms of this infectious disease. NHS (2015 p.23) explains that regular exercise help victims of COPD have less difficulty in breathing by suppressing the symptoms for better quality, active life. Smoking tobacco being is a major cause of the infection. Individuals with COPD experience physical changes that lead to worry and sadness (American Lung Association, 2015 p.7). The physical changes come in terms of disabilities limiting the individual’s indulgence in tedious activities in the family and place of work. The changes also cause emotional experiences like worry leading to the victim’s withdrawal and reduced participation in family and societal activities.

COPD is a progressive lung disease that deprives victims of breath (NPR, 2013 p.8). The victim’s lungs get clogged by smoke and other irritants hence blocking the airflow into and from the lungs. COPD is diagnosed using a machine called Spirometer that measures the rate at which air enters the lungs (Thor Laboratories, 2015 p.4). The Doctors prescribed the use of inhalers to help COPD patients get fresh oxygen which is vital when the symptoms strike unexpectedly (The Lung Association, 2015 p.6).
COPD is characterized by the production of large phlegm (COPD Support Ireland, 2015 p.5). The phlegm is produced due to the inflammation of the air sacks and is produced in large amounts during a cough which is characteristic of the infection. The pulmonic infection leads to the development of other lung diseases. Among the related infections is Alpa-1 which is a genetic COPD that can be remedied by early treatment and quitting smoking (ALPHA-1 FOUNDATION, 2015 p.7). Everyday Health, Inc. (2015) explains that colds and flu result from exacerbations and one can protect him by getting the yearly flu vaccine. The vaccines help suppress the severity of the infection and reduce chest pains.
COPD advances through different stages during its severity that comes with several symptoms. Exacerbation is the COPD stage where symptoms suddenly get worse (British Lung Foundation, 2014 p.12). This is the most dangerous stage that leads to the deaths of most victims. These symptoms are known to worsen due to continued use of tobacco. COPD is mostly diagnosed among smokers who find it difficult to quit the act. Health professionals encourage smokers to seek support from social groups to quit the act without much struggle. Support from health professionals and family help COPD victims quit smoking as stated by Living Well with COPD (2015). COPD symptoms are known to worsen due to rejection of the victims by family members; this causes emotional instability to the victim. Family members need to support COPD victims to help reduce stress, depression, and anxiety as that provided by Health Line (2015). Lack of adherence to medication causes the severity of the infection; this in turn leads to deaths among the patients. To help victims evade pains and deaths resulting from the disease, COPD victims need to take medication as soon as they run out for healthy living with COPD (Lung Foundation, 2015).

The COPD Foundation (2015) explains that after COPD diagnosis, victims experience changes that may have big impacts on their lives. The changes lead to the victim's less involvement in several activities both at the family and society level. Among the lethal infections, COPD is the fourth in causing death rate in the US, the leading in causing disability and a pandemic in the Globe (COPD-Support, Inc., 2015 p.23).
There is no known cure for COPD. However, there are practices individuals living with COPD can engage in to help improve their quality of life as advocated by The Asthma Foundation (2012). Frequent medical checkups combined with abidance to the doctor’s medical prescription in taking the drugs are among the suggested practices. The NIH (2015 p.6) proposes that victims should quit smoking to help reduce the severity of COPD. Victims are known to shy away from seeking treatment due to the serious health impacts that the detection of the disease has on them. Avoiding lung irritants by breathing fresh air are steps in reducing COPD infection (Lung Foundation, 2015 p.4). COPD patients need to avoid tedious activities to prevent chest pains (COPD Support Ireland, 2015). Victims should devise ways of going about house chores easily by having various house equipment positioned appropriately to avoid much movement. Consequently, healthy persons remain advised to stay away from industrial fumes and dust as a means of avoiding the contraction of the disease. Read More
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