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Mental Health Law - Essay Example

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"Mental Health Law" is an outstanding example of a paper on the health system. The social, biological, and economic factors all play an important role in affecting the health of an individual. It is said that if an individual is suffering from mental disorders during his childhood or adulthood, then their family will face financial and economic problems in their lives…
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Mental Health Law
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Mental Health Law The social, biological and economic factors all play an important role in affecting the health of an individual. Itis said that if an individual is suffering from mental disorders during his childhood or adulthood, then their family will face financial and economic problems in their lives. It is reported that about 10 percent of children are facing mental problem every year. If this mental health problem is not treated the following social and economic problems can be faced by these individuals during their parenthood. These problems may include lower salaries when employed due to which they may get involved in criminal activities such as theft, kidnapping, etc., as they do not have enough education to apply for well qualified jobs. They may also face problems in their relationships. Therefore these patients are said to have an economic burden on the society. Strategies and policies should be made by the government to promote mental health and protection (Mental health: strengthening our response, 2014). A law that has been passed by Parliament is called Common Law and it is also known as Case Law or Judge Made Law. Mental Health Act is an example of common law. According to this law an individual has a right to decline the treatment but this may be harmful for the patient as it can cause injury, or in extreme case death of an individual .The application of common law can be seen when health professional like mental health nurses perform their duties of care towards their patients (Common Law - Free Law Essay, 2014). A statute Law that has been passed by the legislative body such as a council member of a country or city is known as a statute law. Application of statute law includes that an individual has a right to access health care. It also includes prohibition of discrimination and torture and gives the right to access information from public. It gives the individual the freedom of expression and the right to life, liberty, and respect towards private and family life. Examples of statute law include Health and Social Care, Nurses, Midwives and Heath Visitor Act 1997, Health Act 1983 and Mental Capacity Act. This law is also known as laws of the land. The Mental Health Nurses are specialized to support and help the people suffering from various different mental and behavioral illnesses. These nurses work in psychiatric care unit and help the patient deal with their mental and behavioral conditions. They work with people of all ages who have mental problems including children, young people and old people. The annual salary of a Mental Health nurse was reported to be $53,397 in the year 2014.The roles and responsibilities of a Registered Mental Health nurse may include evaluating the patient’s progress and building a trustful relation with the patient by talking, listening and comforting them. They must write down the patient’s record and keep updating it in a way that the nurse can monitor the patient progress. The nurse should try to fulfill the social and emotional needs of the patients as well (Mental health nurses, 2014). The nurse should make a treatment plan for the patient and prescribe the patient with medications. The nurse should also work with the patient’s family and provide them with information about the patient’s disease and the treatment plans. The nurses should encourage their patients to join different support groups and social activities so that they can get benefit from these activities. The nurses should also conduct psychotherapy program for their patients and provide them with support and care. Moreover, the mental health nurse should team up with doctors and other health professional and make a best treatment plan for their patients. The may also visit the patient at their homes and discuss their problems and help them to deal with their problems (Mental health nurse, 2014). It is reported that one out of four people suffer from mental and behavioral disorders in their lives. Mental disorders can affect the people of any age, including children, young people, adults and old people. This problem is common in all the industrialized countries of the world and currently it has been reported that about 450 million people are suffering from different mental disorders. Some of the commonly occurring mental disorders include anxiety disorders, phobias, and post-traumatic stress disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders, border line personality disorder and schizophrenia. The treatment methods that are commonly used for the treatment of mental disorders are somatic and psychotherapeutic. In somatic treatment there is a use of drugs and electroconvulsive therapy which stimulates the brain cells. However, psychotherapeutic treatment may include different behavior techniques, hypnotherapy and psychotherapy. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder which is more commonly seen in men than women. It begins during adolescence and affects the thinking and feeling of an individual. The patient commonly suffers from illusions, confusion, anxiety and loss of personality in extreme cases. Drug therapy Various drugs are used suggested by the psychiatrics for the treatment of schizophrenia. These drugs show side effects in rare condition and therefore they are used for long term treatment of schizophrenia. However in some cases such as when a patient becomes resistant to taking this drug, injection are given instead of drugs. These drugs act on the neurotransmitters of the brain, dopamine and serotonin, and control the symptoms of this disease. Other interventions used for the treatment of schizophrenia include family therapy, social skill training, individual training and vocational rehabilitation and supported employment. Family Therapy In this therapy the patient’s family is given education about how to deal with schizophrenia such as by establishing a daily routine for the patient. Social Skill Training This therapy focuses on improving communication of the patient with others. Individual Training This therapy helps the patient to deal with their disease. Vocational Rehabilitation and Supported Employment This therapy helps the patient suffering from schizophrenia to find a job for themselves (Schizophrenia Treatment and Recovery, 2014). Others treatment plans may include relaxation and deep breathing exercises to overcome anxiety related disorders. If an individual is suffering through depression, he may take psychotherapeutic treatment to overcome depression. References Common Law - Free Law Essay. (2014). Retrieved Janauary 18, 2015, from Law teacher: Mental health nurse. (2014). Retrieved January 18, 2015, from Prospects: Mental health nurses. (2014). Retrieved January 18, 2015, from Nursing and Midwifery Council: Mental health: strengthening our response. (2014, August ). Retrieved January 18, 2015, from World Health Organization: Schizophrenia Treatment and Recovery. (2014). Retrieved Janaury 18, 2015, from HelpGuide.ORG: Read More
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