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Leadership in the Clinical Laboratory Science - Essay Example

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This might be owing to the reason of having disparities in their respective managerial powers. This can be justified with reference to the…
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Leadership in the Clinical Laboratory Science
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Extract of sample "Leadership in the Clinical Laboratory Science"

"Leadership in the Clinical Laboratory Science" is a worthy example of a paper on the health system.
The types of managerial power or characteristics required to be exhibited in order to become an effective lab manager have been presented below.

  • The lab manager must possess the power of influencing employees through a reward system
  • The managers must also possess the quality of motivating the employees through valuing their respective skills and knowledge, which is also termed as expert power

The sorts of power that require becoming an effectual task force leader have been depicted in the following.

  • An effective leader should exercise power in making the followers follow every instruction
  • A leader should inspire others towards performing activities efficiently

It can be apparently observed that there often lay certain differences between the roles of an effective lab manager and task force leader. This might be owing to the reason of having disparities in their respective managerial powers. This can be justified with reference to the fact that the managers often act as boss to the employees, whereas an effective leader motivates employees through encouraging their conducted activities (Harmening 65-66).

The leadership attributes required for achieving success as a lab manager and task force leader have been mentioned hereunder.

Lab Manager

  • The lab manager must possess a vision of meeting the organizational goals
  • The lab manager should also  possess certain effective competencies like self-awareness and managing relationships

Task Force Leader

  • A task force leader must develop self-esteem amid the workforce in  supporting the employees towards the attainment of their predetermined goals
  • A task force leader must have a passion for performing  tasks effectively

It can be affirmed that the aforesaid attributes are needed and deemed necessary by a role as these attributes motivate in becoming an efficient task force leader and manager along with supporting the subordinates for meeting their desired targets (Harmening 73).

Three things that can be taken into concern in order to get the task force project going are:

  • Selecting efficient members of the task force
  • Discussing and preparing the project plan in collaboration with the team members
  • Forwarding the plan of the project to the lab manager for approval

For maximizing the effectiveness of a lab manager, the leadership styles that can be used are authoritative, democratic, and laissez-faire. Authoritative leaders are quite able to make the employees understand their respective work schedules and the purpose of staying in the laboratory till the allotted time. Democratic leadership is concerned with considering the employees’ opinions for solving a particular problem. Laissez-faire form of leadership refers to the freedom given to the employees for making their own decisions. Amongst the above-discussed leadership styles to be used, a democratic form of leadership style would be the most effective as it would enable the task force leader in making effective decisions linked with a particular project and attaining group efforts from the team members(Harmening 75-76).      

The strengths required to be an effective lab manager are

  • Understanding organizational objectives
  • Possessing the qualities of an efficient leader

Similarly, strengths for task force leader include

  • Ability to resolve any problem and look after that it does not arise again in future
  • Bearing required knowledge and skills

As a lab manager, the management style of 5/5 (Middle-of-the-Road) will work best as the managers often try to maintain the balance between organizational goals and the needs of the employees. As a task force leader, the management style of 9/9 (Team Management) will work best as the leaders tend to develop trust, commitment, and respect among the organizational members, resulting in developing their performance (Harmening 76).

The most effective managerial approach as a lab manager would be McGregor’s Theory Y due to the reason that the employees have a keen desire to perform better and fulfill the predetermined objectives of the organizations. In this regard, Theory Y would play an imperative role in conducting the same (Harmening 76).

Democratic style of leadership would work better for the task force leader while performing various activities. This might be owing to the reason that all the co-workers would accept the ideas of their leader and work harder to meet the desired organizational targets (Harmening 75-76).  

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