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Significance of Acute Lymphatic Leukemia among Children - Essay Example

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Absence of some types of food that supplies the nutrients or availability of the foods in poor quality causes malnutrition that is a significant problem in the society. Its significance arises…
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Significance of Acute Lymphatic Leukemia among Children
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Extract of sample "Significance of Acute Lymphatic Leukemia among Children"

"Significance of Acute Lymphatic Leukemia among Children" is an engrossing example of a paper on cancer. Malnutrition occurs when a person’s diet lacks significant nutrients to the body. The absence of some types of food that supplies the nutrients or availability of the foods in poor quality causes malnutrition that is a significant problem in society. Its significance arises from the roles that nutrients play in the body such as in growth and development, in replacement of worn-out tissues, and in the protection of the body from attacks by microorganisms. This paper offers a summary and response to an article on malnutrition.   

Summary of sections of the article

Introduction and background information

The article’s introduction identifies the significance of Acute Lymphatic Leukemia among children and the relationship between significance and malnutrition. The researchers, therefore, sought to investigate the role that malnutrition plays in the rate of oxidative busts functions of neutrophils. The study focuses on children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (Cakir, et. al. 649).


The study implemented an experimental design of qualitative research methods. It was conducted at Marmara University and used 58 participants, out of which 28 had acute lymphoblastic leukemia while the remaining 30 were healthy. Out of the patients, 13 were diagnosed with malnutrition while the remaining 15 were safe from malnutrition. Data on the healthy participants were collected upon admission and after three months. Data on patients with malnutrition were collected before the administration of chemotherapy and after the malnutrition condition ceased while data on patients without malnutrition was collected before and after the administration of chemotherapy. Data related to neutrophil oxidative burst function and was collected through tests (Cakir, et. al. 649, 650).


The oxidative bust function was significantly lower among the patients than among healthy participants but not different between patients with malnutrition and patients without malnutrition. Similarly, the significance of infection and the effectiveness of treatment was the same for patients with malnutrition and for patients without malnutrition. Other aspects of oxidative burst function such as repeated occurrence, which increased after the third month, and frequency of episode, which decreased after the third month, we're also similar for the patient. The aspects improved towards measures among healthy participants after the three-month period (Cakir, et. al. 650, 651).

Discussion and conclusion

The article does not identify the effects of malnutrition on OBF among patients though a significant difference exists between patients and the control group. The researchers, however, recommend further studies with a wider scope on the subject (Cakir, et. al. 651- 654).   

Response to the article and study

The article identifies the major features of a scientific research paper and therefore meets validity, reliability, and ethics compliance concerns. Its exploration of background information developed a strong basis for the formulation of the problem that the researcher's studies. Its use of the experiment also facilitates the validity of generated data. Information from the article can, therefore, be used to inform other scientific research. Further, the information can be used for general knowledge on the topic of malnutrition because it is significant in many population segments. The information can help in making decisions for the management of acute lymphoblastic leukemia and other health complications that are normally associated with malnutrition. The article is therefore useful to diverse stakeholders.

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