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Abdominal Pain and Discomfort - Essay Example

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This assessment involved application of inspection technique to examine the abdomen. The objective was to check for the presence of abnormalities in the abdomen. She…
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Abdominal Pain and Discomfort
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Extract of sample "Abdominal Pain and Discomfort"

"Abdominal Pain and Discomfort" is a perfect example of a paper on the gastrointestinal system. This was the result of the admission of a woman 34 years of age following her history of abdominal pain and discomfort. This assessment involved the application of an inspection technique to examine the abdomen. The objective was to check for the presence of abnormalities in the abdomen. She indicated blue and grey discoloration in the umbilicus with several scars of previous surgical operations. Further examination revealed that her blood veins were engorged in the walls of the abdomen. Also present were massed in the abdominal walls and renal masses in the lumbar area. The enlarged veins were an indicator of high blood pressure building up in the woman’s blood circulation system. The result of the inspection gives room for qualitative data analysis, which will assist in deciding whether the patient suffers from Multiple Sclerosis.
  1. Musculoskeletal Examination

The 34-year-old woman was subjected to a process known as inspection and palpation. The purpose of this was to check the client for the presence of a musculoskeletal system problem (Schapiro, 2010).

The muscles are tested for pain and discomfort by varying the position and how deep the palpation was. The patient responded well when the pupation was superficial but when the depth increased, she responded in a manner to suggest severe pain. The tightening of the muscles shows rigidity and reactions to hidden inflammation. Inspection in this test involved the gentle checking of the muscles. This required the use of fingertips. The examination finding was that the woman experienced a crunching feeling on the crepitus on the musculoskeletal regions (Rhoads & Petersen, 2014). Secondly, inspection discovered the presence of gasses and other forms of fluids in the subcutaneous body system. This was accompanied by the presence of irregularities or inconsistencies in the wall of the muscles in the cranial nerves, showing areas of high tenderness.

Thirdly, there were rounded and symmetrical lines of contours having bulging flanks indicating high tension on the abdominal wall. The percussion was done to test the reflexes of reflexes. The process of percussion was vital in the description of the size of the liver. The woman had a loose balance during the walking, especially after the inspection process.

  1. Neurological System

The final examination of the woman involved the assessment using the Auscultation process. This process involves the assessment of the Bowel sounds and checking for the presence or absence of intra-abdominal infection. The test indicated that the woman had distorted mental ability, bowel sounds, and distention of the Abdomen (Weber, Kelly & Sprengle, 2014). It also reconfirmed other previous evidence of hypertension and abdominal pains. Additionally, the woman had Progressive Bruits, with occasional abdominal rubs on the liver and spleen. Finally, she faced tumors and infarction, with a rare inflammation in the intra-abdominal mass. This indicates the presence of inflammation or irritation of the wall of the abdominal regions.

  1. Treatment

Following the result of the examination in the four processes, the most appropriate treatment to be carried out on the patient is an analysis that is more detailed and a change in nutrition and diets. Her verbal confirmation shows that her diets mostly consist of too much fat. This leads to recommendations that the woman should consume more vegetables and fruits than proteins and fats. The second vital aspect of her treatment involves a change in lifestyle, whereby the woman should engage in regular exercise and the use of prescribed medication upon medical checkups. The checkups can be done at equal intervals of at most three months, to treat emerging new incidents and evidence of complications on the abdominal wall.


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(OBJECTIVE data collection of a patient who has Multiple Sclerosis Coursework, n.d.)
OBJECTIVE data collection of a patient who has Multiple Sclerosis Coursework.
(OBJECTIVE Data Collection of a Patient Who Has Multiple Sclerosis Coursework)
OBJECTIVE Data Collection of a Patient Who Has Multiple Sclerosis Coursework.
“OBJECTIVE Data Collection of a Patient Who Has Multiple Sclerosis Coursework”.
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