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What I Will Do in an Emergency Situation at Home - Essay Example

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However, the key to survival and saving the lives of people affected by an incidence lies on the knowledge and ability of an individual and their fast response to the situation. A fire…
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What I Will Do in an Emergency Situation at Home
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"What I Will Do in an Emergency Situation at Home" is a perfect example of a paper on wellness and lifestyle. Phelan notes that emergencies can arise anytime and can result from a number of causes (179). However, the key to survival and saving the lives of people affected by an incident lies in the knowledge and ability of an individual and their fast response to the situation. A fire outbreak is one of the major emergency situations that people can experience at home. Fire can start due to an electrical fault in the house or from a gas explosion among other causes. Below are the steps that I would take in case of an emergency at home, being in charge of the situation.
  1. The first step in responding to any emergency is to stay calm and avoid panic. In this regard, I would ensure that I avoid panicking by taking deep breaths in the event of an emergency at home. Avoiding panicking is important since it will enable me to have courage and think and act rationally during an emergency.
  2. The second thing that I would do is ensure that I am safe meanwhile shouting to warn others of the situation. If the emergency happens to be a fire outbreak, for example, I will try to do everything possible to get myself to a safe place. In this regard, I will try as much as possible to use the nearest exit in the building caught by fire, such as a window or door.
  3. Once I have moved to safety, I would try to rescue any occupant who may have been trapped in the building. More specifically, I would try and locate where people are trapped and direct them on how to get to safety. For example, I would try and tell or show those trapped the nearest exit routes and safer locations. If it is safe enough, I would try to grab some people out of the building.
  4.  After rescuing everyone possible, I will then try to determine if any person is injured or unconscious. In case one of the family members is unconscious, I will try to check if he or she is breathing and has a pulse. I will administer first aid to any casualty.
  5. However, I will ensure that the injured victim remains stationary without moving him or her unless the victim is in serious or additional danger. The reason for avoiding moving the patient is to prevent causing additional injuries. For instance, moving a victim whose bones are fractured in the event of trying to rescue himself may result in additional injuries on the bones, which might result in death.  
  6.  I would then assign one of the family members or neighbors the responsibility of calling for emergency assistance (medical, fire brigade, and police) as I continue to stay with the casualties. When calling the emergency number, the person calling will give his name, cell phone number, and the location of the incident. In addition, the emergency team will be informed on how to get home in the shortest time position.
  7. As we wait for help, I would continue to ensure that every casualty is as calm and comfortable as possible, reassuring them as necessary. At the same time, I will try to provide first aid services to the casualty in accordance with how I have been trained.
  8. As soon as help arrives, I would hand the casualty over to the emergency team giving them a verbal or written report of the first aid I have admitted to them. The casualty will be rushed to the nearest hospital for further treatment even as the other emergency team members proceed with other activities such as extinguishing the fire.




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What to Do in an Emergency Situation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words.
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