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Physical, Cognitive, and Socioemotional Development in Early Childhood - Essay Example

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Naturally, after entering first grade the early childhood stage ends early childhood is an exciting time for both the child and caregivers. During this period, they begin to trust others…
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Physical, Cognitive, and Socioemotional Development in Early Childhood
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Extract of sample "Physical, Cognitive, and Socioemotional Development in Early Childhood"

"Physical, Cognitive, and Socioemotional Development in Early Childhood" is an outstanding example of a paper on child development. There are complex stages that human being goes through which are very crucial in life.  Naturally, after entering first grade the early childhood stage ends early childhood is an exciting time for both the child and caregivers. During this period, they begin to trust others outside the family as well as gaining independence, self-control, and learn to take creativity and affirm themselves in socially tolerable ways. Child development may be divided into four areas as follows social/emotional, physical, cognitive, and language, and development in one area affects and is influenced by development in all other areas (Daeschner & Richardson, 1997. This writing analyses activity that may help in child development more sore social-emotional, cognitive, and physical developments in the early childhood stage.

Activity 1

I would focus on understanding and interpretation of stories as well as developing the ability to respond to questions by reading a simple story from a book with lots of pictures. I would then ask the child questions concerning the story I have read immediately after reading the simple story while holding the book in a way that the child can see the pictures. I will ensure the questions are very simple and direct just to test the child’s ability to understand and answer questions. I will ensure I communicate a lot with the baby while putting more emphasis on the vocabulary that is up to the child’s standard. I would ask questions that are very short and precisely such as whom the child sees on the pictures, what the person in the picture is doing, and how the person in the picture feels. I will ensure I read the story several times until the child understands it and this will make the story very enjoyable to the child thus prompting him to take an active process of reading and become more familiar with the story (Steinberg, 2013).

Activity 2

I would require a child to sort items by making use of everyday tasks such as classifying and sorting utensils especially by putting different colors or sizes together. I would ask the child to assist me in sorting fruits and vegetables before putting them inside the refrigerator such as sorting kales, tomatoes, and mangoes. How also ask the kid to help to sort laundry by counting and classifying jackets, pullovers, socks, and dull and white-colored clothes (Florio, 2010).

When a story is read several times for a child, the child will tend to recognize the meaning and the need for reading since he will understand that the interesting story can only be found in the book read. The child will also discover different colors and materials such as utensils and clothing while trying to sort them (Daeschner & Richardson, 1997). Reading stories, discussing the stories and sorting objects in regard to their sizes and colors will help in encouraging social development. Open-ended questions, giving children choices while reading stories, and allowing creativity through art (pictures) really boost cognitive skills.  A child will start holding a book for himself after sometimes perhaps to see the pictures and this will make him develop fine motor skills. The child will also learn a few languages and vocabulary from the story and this will be crucial in language and cognitive development.


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PSYCHOLOGY PRE SCHOOL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words.
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