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Pilot Project for CLC - Essay Example

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This project was based to curb the deaths occurring from abrupt cardiac arrest on the patients out of the hospital which was generally used to refer to those patients discharged from hospital or are out of reach of hospitals. This involved all stakeholders, being included were…
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Pilot Project for CLC
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"Pilot Project for CLC" is a worthy example of a paper on the health system.
This project was based on curbing the deaths occurring from abrupt cardiac arrest on the patients out of the hospital which was generally used to refer to those patients discharged from the hospital or who are out of reach of hospitals. This involved all stakeholders, being included where the laypeople, EMS dispatch and care, and the paramedics. Representatives were chosen from multiple areas that ensured all groups were fully represented in the conference. The nominees were chosen through nomination by the committee when they satisfactory shown their capabilities to tackle each question or their respective organization had successfully vetted them (Holden, & Makic, 2006).  Every individual is impacted by the change since every group is fully represented in the forum. This discussion involved all people from the specialist to the illiterate in the society. The change involved training people on the ways to detect the disease and how to minimize its damage. People are equipped with the skills to enhance self-reliance at all levels of their lives.

The change is implemented to sensitize people on the importance of knowledge. This facilitates them to curb all diseases that come in to minimize the loss of lives. This practice is carried out at all places in the country to educate people on the issues of the disease.

This practice change is being implemented to educate all people on the difficulty of the disease and ways to control its ability to affect the people. Also, it implemented to show ways to prevent its prevalence in the people it already existing in. Change of the carrier would have to be totally discussed but the reasons for trying to divert my career would have to be fully explained. recommendation for better salary in the new field, presence of allowances and good conditions of my working place. All these factors must be considered before accepting any document tabled before me. (Holden, & Makic, 2006).   Thus it's important to acknowledge these conditions.

New equipment comes in with the need of acknowledging new skills. Thus to implement new equipment both skills and additional experts are needed. This is to ensure that perfection and accuracy have been achieved since in medics nothing less of maximum accuracy is expected. Also, giving further responsibilities to existing employees may hinder them from performing the job they are well familiar with. This specialization is needed in every department to ensure the outcome is satisfactory

To purchase new equipment, one can borrow funds from friends, ask for a loan from banks, use nest capital, use grants, or Plough back profits made in the company. The new employees need training from experts in each particular field. This is to ensure that skills are passed to the new employees to enable them to work at every level as per the requirements. Closer checks up are necessary at every level of the training by the head of the department or the manager where there is no existence of the head of the department. These follow-ups are important because they keep both the trainees and the trainer at the toes and help them to take their responsibilities seriously (American Heart Association, 2011).

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Pilot Project for CLC Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words.
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