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Emotional Impacts of the Child Abuse - Essay Example

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I would then ask more questions in a nonchalant way and without betraying anxiety about Summer’s living arrangements and ask how long Sandy has been doing…
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Emotional Impacts of the Child Abuse
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"Emotional Impacts of the Child Abuse" is a great example of a paper on social and family issues.

1.     How would you respond to Summer's friend?

I would first ask more questions to ascertain that what I believe that Summer is implying is what she is saying. I would then ask more questions in a nonchalant way and without betraying anxiety about Summer’s living arrangements and ask how long Sandy has been doing the ‘bad things’. I would also report the matter to the appropriate legal authorities. I would also make appointments with Summer’s parents or guardians to speak about what was happening to Summer at home and find out if they knew of the situation and are simply ignoring it or have never known that Summer was being sexually abused right under their noses. In the meantime, I would try to make Summer’s time at school as peaceful and happy as possible; and engage her in fun projects while treating her with respect and caring.

2.     What are your legal obligations?

As a member of my community, I must report any offenses, sexual or otherwise, that are brought to my attention by my students. As a teacher, I am aware that many times, students who are being molested at home have no other recourse apart from their teachers at school when they are molested. The state also recognizes this fact and so trusts that teachers do not merely impart knowledge to students but also look after their emotional and security needs.

3.     How do you talk to Summer about this?

First, I will deal with my shock before approaching Summer because exposing feelings of fear or disgust will only serve to make the child shut down. I will then question Summer calmly without demanding things that will add more guilt to her already burdened conscience. I will encourage Summer to express her feelings about the attack without becoming too relentless in my requirements, and also encourage Summer to speak to a counselor I introduce her to. In each of my talks with Summer, I will ensure that we are alone and in a comfortable place so that she does not have to worry about people walking in on the conversation. I will also try to reassure her that what took place was no fault of hers.

4.     Discuss the impact child abuse may have on the child's future, including emotional, physical, social, financial, and other impacts

Sexually abused children, when not well counseled, suffer from the loss of self-esteem and confidence, the feeling of safety, and can develop regressive behaviors such as bed-wetting. In the future, they may also exhibit aggressive behavior towards others and may even become abusers themselves (Corby, 2005). They tend to be preoccupied with sexual subjects and have very real difficulties in trusting other people when they become adults. Adults who were sexually abused as children may also suffer from pains that seem to have no physical cause, and emotional disorders that are fed by negative self-judging thoughts. Even when they have friends, such adults find that they cannot be open with other people and are always wearing ‘masks’ to cover their true feelings. Even those who cultivate many friendships suffer from a feeling of being alone and desperate inside.

5.     Discuss the impacts on the extended family, considering that a relative is perpetrating the abuse.

Sexual abuse deeply affects all the members of a family when it is revealed. The parents of the victim may be in such shock that they refuse to acknowledge the reality of what has taken place by hoping that the child may be mistaken. They are plagued by guilt as to why they did not see the symptoms of it and stop it from happening. The relationship between father and mother suffers strain as each parent tries to reconcile with what has happened. The parents of the child will inevitably blame each other for not supervising the children more closely and will then forbid their other children from many ordinary past times that they may feel will expose them to abuse. The parents can easily become paranoid about other people and will seek to stop their children from leading normal lives in the effort to protect them. Only the families that are truly committed to healing the wounds of abuse will be able to hold on to each other despite the deep anger, pain, embarrassment, and uncertainty that all the family members go through when a child of the home is sexually abused by a stranger or even a relative.

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