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The Physical Workout Plan and Obesity - Essay Example

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Persistency and uncontrolled pumping may lead to fatal dysfunctions like stroke and heart failure. High blood pressure hinders circulation and…
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"The Physical Workout Plan and Obesity" is an exciting example of a paper on the health system.

            High blood pressure is a condition of the heart, which pumps blood faster and with higher pressure than expected (Chad & Schein 1). Persistency and uncontrolled pumping may lead to fatal dysfunctions like stroke and heart failure. High blood pressure hinders circulation and affects the body resistance leading to cardiac diseases (Chad & Schein 2). Patients suffering from this malady ought to seek ways of managing increased heart by ensuring it is slow to avoid complications that not only affect the heart but also other varied body organs (Chad& Schein 3). The disease’s intensity increases with weight, hence making it rampant among overweight people (Chad & Schein 4). Also, the victims should avoid salty foods and snacks to curb the disease (Chad & Schein 47). However, Chad & Schein argue cite hundreds of deaths caused by high blood pressure are preventable with constant physical activity by the victim.

            Obesity means having much fat in the body which prompts one to be overweight (Kelly 1). Besides, obesity increases the risk of contracting diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and cancer (Kelly 2). Mainly, this disease occurs due to the increased intake of many calories than the body requires (Kelly 5). Being obese, Stella needs to work out slowly without high intense exercises so as not to bring further complications (Kelly 4). The volume of exercise needed for weight loss is greater than that which is necessary to improve fitness.

Physical workout

            Regular physical exercise is worthwhile and may take varied creative approaches to make it effective and efficient to the patient (Chad& Schein 18).

            Stella should wake up exactly two hours before her usual time for work The first ten minutes are set for her warm-up session to get ready for the main physical activity (Llunch 12). This activity should be of low impact but incorporates the whole body and engaging adequate mobility of her stature. Stella should take a five minutes’ walk along the street as this prevents the excess weight from overstressing the joints (Llunch 13). According to research, scientists cite that, 10 minutes walking can burn close to 150 calories for an overweight female (Llunch 9). Stretching the muscles before work out prevents back pain and increases body mobility (Llunch 14). Stella should do this while on the floor so as not to support all her body weight with one leg. Sit on the floor with feet apart (Llunch 18). Maintain her back straight and reach for the toes on one foot. Hold this position for 30 seconds, repeat two to three times, and then do also with the other leg (Llunch 18).

            Stella should then jog for 15 minutes at a slow rate. It is advisable to be in the company by a friend or a pet that will motivate and keep the exercise fun. Listening to music from an iPod will be helpful to stay focused. Take a 5 minutes period to cool and maintain your breath, during this moment drinking water is necessary to rehydrate yourself (Lunch 22). Then start cycling for another 10 minutes but slowly to exercise the muscle and maintain Cardiorespiratory vigor (Llunch 24).

            Take 10 minutes to cool down the necessary period, this assists in attenuating post-exercise hypotension, allow better dissipation of body heat, remove lactic acid and possibly reduce the risk of cardiac events during the recovery period. This also aids in bringing the Resting Heart Rate back to normal (Llunch 26).

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