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Musculoskeletal Workout - Essay Example

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It was originally popular in Hispanic countries, gained popularity all over the world. Salsa is mostly a partner dance routine but can be performed individually…
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Musculoskeletal Workout
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'Musculoskeletal Workout' is an exceptional example of paper fitness and exercise.
Salsa dancing is a combination of Afro-Caribbean and Latin dances and is considered the sexiest of ballroom dancing. It was originally popular in Hispanic countries, gained popularity all over the world. Salsa is mostly a partner dance routine but can be performed individually or in a group. It is a great way of socializing, hence one gets to meet more people and in addition, is a good form of exercise, different from traditional forms of exercise. Salsa workouts are proving popular among people who are tired of stalling forms of exercise and need motivation. Dancing salsa is accompanied by salsa music, which is fun and has beats that inspire people to get up and start swinging to the music. It is estimated that dancing salsa burns five hundred calories in sixty minutes. This translates to ten calories a minute. The good thing about it is that you have a dance partner and people around you, who make it more fun and inspire you to go commit. It can be done in the privacy of your home and has no side effects compared to other forms of exercise such as running. The other good thing is that you can add resistance by using weights and armbands which enable someone to build muscle. Skeletal muscle is described as a striated muscle that is attached to the bone. They are muscles that we can see and feel from the surface of the skin. Working out and weight lifting help strengthen skeletal muscles. Muscles can either grow lean or large in size, depending on the variation of the exercise chosen. Salsa dancing has both aerobic and anaerobic benefits. When dancing to salsa beats, the rate of your heartbeat increases, leading to an increased rate of breathing. In the process, one takes in more oxygen, which is delivered to the body muscles. The thing is salsa dancing can be done moderately over a long period of time. Aerobic respiration means that oxygen is involved in the generation of muscle energy during that long duration. In the process carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the body are used in that order. Glycogen is broken down into glucose to produce energy. Aerobic exercise has many health benefits, including lowering blood pressure by strengthening and enlarging the heart muscles, tone muscles and increase red blood cell count.

Anaerobic takes place in the absence of oxygen. When done with increased intensity, salsa workouts can take place aerobically. This is because intense workouts result in intense demand for oxygen, leading to oxygen debt, therefore, muscles majorly burn carbohydrates. Benefits are stronger muscles and increased capacity of eliminating toxins in the body. This results in a leaner and toned body due to the use of increased burning of calories. The musculoskeletal system is composed of joints and muscles, which help to coordinate movement, hence maintain balance. Salsa dancing is mainly an isotonic exercise. Muscle contraction takes place whenever the brain signals the body to move a certain muscle or keep it in a certain position. Isotonic contractions occur in the event of a change in muscle length and produce the required force to move body joints. Isometric contractions occur without changes in the muscles or their length.

Salsa as a form of exercise has been proven to be a full-body workout. Intensity may vary depending on the type of salsa and beat. It mainly works lower body muscles. The forward movement works quadriceps (front of the thighs). Backward movements work buttocks and hamstrings (back of thighs). Calves contract during pointing out of toes, while shih’s work during flexing or when lifting toes. Stress is usually placed on the buttocks during forwarding and backward steps. Upper body muscle exercise occurs when dancing with a partner and when holding hands. The muscles used are chest, shoulders, triceps, and biceps. It also works lower back and abdomen muscles which help in maintaining balance and improved posture. Energy is used to strengthen core body muscles.

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