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Medical Terminology - Assignment Example

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This paper "Medical Terminology" discusses medical terminology by the company that is specializing in the manufacture and marketing of endoscope products of day to day use in multi-specialty hospitals. This report also briefly mentions the company's products and their uses…
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Medical Terminology
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Medical Terminology Part To Manager Nursing, Multi-specialty Hospital, Sir, Our company is specializing in the manufacture and marketing of endoscope products of day to day use in multi-specialty hospitals. I take this opportunity to briefly mention in the attached report our products and their uses so that you can introduce them in your hospital instead of availing outside services in this regards as is at present. I shall be glad if you will circulate this report amongst the staff of your hospital to create a general awareness amongst them. REPORT Introduction Endoscopy an examination technique since mid 1950s with the use of mirrors usually to view vocal cords directly has now been developed as a process to inspect the body parts through an optical instrument inserted onto the tubes or cavities to reach the body parts intended to be examined. Cystoscope It is an optical instrument and inserted through the urethra to reach the bladder. It has two parts called ports. One port is used to see the inside of the bladder and the other port is used to take biopsy, treating tumors and removing stones from the bladder. It is also used for removing the prostrate. Nephroscope The tube attached to the instrument is inserted through the incision at the back into the kidney for locating kidney stones. The stones are disintegrated by high frequency waves and sucked out through the Nephroscope. Urethroscope It is used for surgical procedures in the lower ureter area by direct viewing with the aid of a telescope extending through the sheath to the ureter. This is again used for kidney stones removal but without making cuts in the body. The urologist passes the Urethroscope by a tube through the urethra into the bladder and then to the ureter to reach the kidney stone’s location. The urologist removes kidney stones with a basket to grab the stones or forceps. Though there are several instruments available for breaking the stones, urologists mostly use a laser. It is an outpatient procedure. If stay is required it will not be more than 24to 48 hours. ( Laparoscope Laparoscope is used perform operations hands free with the aid of a camera placed in the abdomen. Its applications are tubal ligation for sterilization and gall bladder removal. A small incision is made near the belly button area into which carbon dioxide is passed to enlarge the space inside for the surgeon to have a clearer view. The laparoscope is then placed for examination of the pelvis or abdomen. Additional cuts may be required during the procedure. After the procedure, the opening is closed with drain for any fluid developing to pass out. Women who have had previous pelvic or abdominal surgery may not be eligible to undergo laparoscopic surgery in view of the scarring of the previous surgery preventing safe passage of the instruments into the abdomen. Bronchoscope It is an instrument made up of a camera and light that can be inserted through nose or mouth. Again an instrument is inserted through the Bronchoscope to collect sample for analysis from the suspected area. (healthguide) Athroscope This instrument having a tiny tube, a lens and light source is inserted into the small cut for the surgeon to view the affected joints of the knee, shoulder, rotator cuff. This test becomes necessary in case suspected ligament tear, damaged meniscus cartilage, evidence of bone fragments from a fracture, joint pain from an injury, unexplainable joint pain, lesions or other problems detected by x-rays, joint disease, and a need for joint surgery.(VeriMed) Colposcope It is a diagnostic instrument for visual examination of the cervix in case of abnormalities found in the pap smear results. It is large electric microscope that will be placed 30 cm from the vagina and a bright light on the end of the Colposcope facilitates viewing the cervix by the physician. This procedure will take fifteen minutes. Unlike in Pap smear, acetic acid is placed on the cervix of the patient causing cervix cells to fill with water to prevent light from passing. “Your physician focuses on the areas where no light passes through. Abnormal cervical changes are seen as white areas, the whiter the area, the worse the dysplasia. Abnormal blood vessel changes are also apparent through the colposcope. Abnormal vascular changes can occur in dysplasia. Typically, worse the vascular changes are the worse the dysplasia. If your physician is able to view the entire abnormal area through the colposcope, a tissue sample or biopsy is taken from the whitest abnormal areas and sent to the lab for further evaluation.” (Womenshealth). Gastroscope It is a an endoscope made up of flexible plastic tube measuring four feet in length and one half inch in width. The fiber optic tube with a light source makes it possible to view the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum by the physician. The hallow or tunnel of the tube enables administer medication and conducting biopsy from the above said parts for diagnosis and treatment. The medical term for the gadget is “esophagogastrodoudenoscopy or EGD”.An EGD is resorted when problem is suspected in esophagus, stomach or duodenum. ( Laryngoscope, The instrument contains two parts namely the blade and handle The handle has a battery which is the source for light when used. The blades are of two sizes one straight and the other curved. While the straight one can depress the tongue, the curved one will push the epiglottis to a side thus facilitating visualization of the glottis. “Care has to be taken while doing laryngoscopy to prevent injury to the oral structures especially dislocation and aspiration of the tooth. Maximum trauma is caused by utilization of upper anterior teeth or gums as a fulcrum point. Laryngoscopy is also used to pick up any foreign body in the larynx, for passing a bronchoscope / esophagoscope and also for throat packing. The various parts of the laryngoscope are sterilized separately. The blade is washed under running tap water with detergent giving special attention to cleaning around the light bulb and then boiled/ autoclaved /gas sterilized or chemically sterilized with alcohol / gluteraldehyde ( Proctoscope, This instrument is to conduct medical procedure called proctoscopy. Also known as rectoscope, it is used for examining the anal cavity, rectum or sigmoid colon. It is a short 25 cm long, straight, rigid and hollow metal tube with a bulb at the end. It is inserted into the rectum to view the interior of the rectal cavity after removing the obturator. Hemorrhoids and rectal polyps are the conditions requiring this procedure. . Thoracoscope It is an endoscopic instrument having two channels. One channel is a fiber optic to facilitate viewing of the chest cavity with a light attached to the channel. The other channel is also optic system that enables the surgeon to look into the chest cavity and obtain specimen for biopsy. ( Please see the chart for different endoscopes in the appendix 1. Part 2 Dear Susan, Yesterday when you spoke to me over phone, you were very scared of certain health problems you thought were due to some hormonal abnormalities. Let me reassure that at your age of mid-forties, it is usual for a woman to encounter these symptoms which themselves need not indicate that you have some incurable disease. There are a few laboratory tests for ruling out these disease possibilities. I show them here in brief. However please visit an endocrinologist who would prescribe tests depending on your symptoms and then based on the test results, he would prescribe medicines if at all necessary You may rest reassured endocrinological symptoms show up as we age and it is quite a normal event in one’s life. Adrenocortex stress profile If you are under stress i.e. wear and tear process in our bodies, your body readjusts to the new environments. If you are unable to cope with the stress, it results in feelings of distrust, anger, and depression which in turn lead to headache, upset stomach, rashes, insomnia, ulcers, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. The Adrenocortex stress profile is a non-invasive but powerful and precise test which finds the levels of stress hormones, cortisol and DHEA in the body. This test will detect biochemical imbalance in your body. Cortisol and DHEA are adrenal hormones changing levels of which will tell upon your energy levels, emotional state, disease resistance, and general sense of well-being. You may be advised to undergo DHEA and or cortisone therapy. “Ask yourself Do you often feel weak and feel tired for no apparent reason? Are you under chronic stress? Do you have trouble getting a night of restful sleep? Do you have a low sex drive? Are you exposed to high noise levels? Are you feeling anxious or depressed? Do you have menstrual difficulties? Are you suffering from joint pain? Do you have an eating disorder? Have you recently gained or lost weight? Do you suffer from ulcers or irritable bowel syndrome? Do you have trouble with concentration, memory or learning? Do you suffer from hypertension? Are you taking DHEA or pregnenolone supplements without the guidance of a trained physician? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be suffering from an over or under-reactive stress response by your adrenal hormones.” ( Menopause profile It measures the levels of progesterone, testosterone, and the three forms of estrogens in your body, estradiol, estrone, and estriol. (Dr Farr 2004) Be assures that menopause is normal and natural and it is not an ominous middle life challenge as many women perceive it to be. It only marks the end of your reproductive years. The above profile will decide whether you really need a replacement therapy. And if so whether it will safe, will be decided by the physician depending on your other health conditions like heart disease, osteoporosis or family history of estrogen-stimulated cancers. HbA1c test HbA1c test is a lab test to measure sugar level in your blood in the last two to three months. Persons with type 2 diabetes should undergo hemoglobin A1c test at least twice a year Glucose tolerance test It is one of the tests for diagnosing Diabetes. Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is the popular test for which you should not eat or drink after midnight before the test. Early in the morning, blood will be drawn in empty stomach condition and tested for sugar level. Afterwards you will be given glucose solution orally 3 times with an interval of 30 to 60 minutes.” Blood glucose levels above normal limits at the times measured can be used to diagnose type 2 diabetes or gestational diabetes (high blood glucose during pregnancy). Insulin levels may also be measured. (Insulin is the hormone produced by the pancreas that moves glucose from the bloodstream into cells.) The intravenous glucose tolerance test (IGTT) is not often used. In this test, glucose is injected into your vein for 3 minutes. Blood insulin levels are measured before the injection, and again at 1 and 3 minutes after the injection. This test may predict the development of type 1 diabetes in some patients. How to prepare for the test    Make sure you eat normally for several days before the test.Do not eat or drink anything for 12 hours prior to the test. You can not eat during the test.Ask your health care provider if you are using medications that can interfere with the test results” ( Insulin Tolerence Test If your doctor has prescribed for test of your pituitary and adrenal gland function, it is Insulin Tolerence Test. In fact we have already covered this aspect in the Adrenocortex profile. “A fixed dose of insulin will be administered by injection into a vein after having nothing to eat or drink from midnight the previous night. Your blood sugar will soon begin to fall and should reach its lowest point 20 to 40 minutes after the injection. You may feel sweaty, drowsy, shaky, and hungry and have trouble concentrating while your blood sugar is low. These are expected effects. The blood sugar has to fall to less than 2.2 mmol/L for the hormone production to be stimulated. The symptoms are usually short lived and people start to feel better about an hour after the insulin, as the blood sugar starts to rise again.  Blood samples for glucose (sugar) and the hormones are taken every 15 minutes for the first hour and every 30 minutes for the second hour. You will be fed prior to leaving the Endocrine Test Center.”( Protein-bound iodine test This is a test of thyroid function which shows the level of circulating thyroid hormone by determining the level of protein bound iodine in the blood. It called PBI test for short. Total calcium test Since hypercalcaemia which is a condition of high calcium level in the blood can be due to hyperthyroidism (increase in parathyroid gland function) among other conditions, this test is necessary for any such condition in your body. Be rest assured it will be only a benign tumor on the parathyroid gland, if at all the test is positive. Benign condition is not an alarming one and can be always cured. ( Part 3 Our multi-specialty hospital housed in 7 floors has the following main departments. The hospital has grown to the present stature from a modest beginning in 1950s in a single storied building. The functions of the departments are briefly described. Cardiology The department has a 15 bed ICCU, a 10 bed Intermediate facility and a 33 bed ward. Laboratory facilities for Exercise electrocardiography, Signal averaged Electrocardiography, Color Doppler echocardiography, Transesophageal echocardiography, and Ambulatory electrocardiography which are non-invasive. The other noninvasive procedures include Exercise stress testing , Signal averaged ECG recording diagnostic and interventional catheterizations, single and dual chamber Pacemaker, 24 Hours holter recording. The Stress test lab consists of two treadmill systems a Nasan, and the other Siemens Megacart system. There are two technicians and a doctor always present during the tests. There are facilities for emergency care in lieu of a complication during the stress testing. Annually 3000 stress tests are performed .The procedures are generally uncomplicated. The invasive laboratory has Adult diagnostic and interventional procedures namely coronary, balloon valvuloplasties, and coronary angioplasty, pediatric r implantations, diagnostic electrophysiologic studies and Radiofrequency catheter ablation of arrhythmias. Endocrinology These patient oriented services relate to diabetes management, thyroid related problems, and puberty and growth. The department has an attached Hormone Assay Laboratory where the following hormone assays are done: T3, T4, TSH, FSH, LH, Prolactin, Testosterone, Growth Hormone and Cortisol. The hormone assays are done by Radioimmunoassay and Chemiluminescence. Hormone assays are done only for patients seen in the department of Endocrinology, after which appropriate tests are planned. The department runs busy clinics with average attendance of 200-250/week for Diabetes Mellitus, 150-200/ week for Thyroid and 50/week for Puberty and Growth disorders including general endocrinology problems. Obstetrics and Gynecology The department caters to the reproductive health and gynecological needs of women. Complete contraceptive services and facilities for medical termination of pregnancy are also available. Microsurgery, Endoscopy and oncological surgeries are performed routinely. The following tests are available namely Cytology, VDRL, Semen analysis, Hemogram, Indirect Coomb’s test, Ultrasonography, Blood grouping, Amniotic fluid analysis, and Fetal monitoring. Additionally investigations like CT scan, hormone assays, karyotyping, immunological tests, and histopathological tests are available. Orthopedics This department receives about 150 patients daily and has indoor strength of 125. Advanced surgical procedures such as spinal surgery, arthroplasty, operative arthroscopy and sports medicine, limb lengthening, complex trauma surgery and pediatric orthopedics are performed regularly. Advanced surgical procedures such as limb lengthening, spinal surgeries, trauma surgery and joint replacement are performed regularly. Besides routine trauma and general orthopedics, the following subspecialty services are available in the department :Advanced trauma surgery, Spinal surgery including deformity correction and craniovertebral anomalies, Total joint replacement including primary and revision arthroplasty of the hip, knee, shoulder and elbow, Arthroscopy and sports medicine, including operative arthroscopy and reconstruction in the knee, shoulder, ankle, elbow, hip and wrist., Pediatric orthopedics including congenital deformities, dysplasia and neuromuscular problems. , Limb lengthening and deformity correction with the Ilizarov method. Orthopedic oncology including limb salvage surgery. And Shoulder and elbow subspecialty services. Gastroenterology The department has separate ward for male and female patients besides Endoscopy room and manometry lab. Gastroenterology in general, has grown very rapidly all over the world and has already started branching into further sub specialization such as hepatology, pancreatology, functional bowel disorders with motility studies, therapeutic Endoscopy and endoscopic ultrasound. Around 2600 endoscopies are carried out annually mostly consisting of diagnostic and therapeutic Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy procedures besides therapeutic ERCPs. Manometry lab conducts Esophageal and Anorectal manometry. Urology Investigative facilities offered are Ultrasonography: 1 Urology department has its ultrasound machine where scans of urological patients are done. 2. Uroflowmetry, 3. Doppler ultrasound, 4. Radiological investigations like Retrograde Ureterogram and Retrograde Pyelogram, 5. Uro-endoscopy, 6. Phallodynamic Studies (Impotence Studies).and 7. Drug Trials: Dermatology This department has got Vitiligo clinic, Psoriasis clinic, Pediatric dermatology clinic, Acne clinic, STD clinic and patch testing clinic. Patients with doubtful diagnosis are biopsied for confirmation. The art binocular microscope with fluorescence attachment is available. The microscope is equipped with teaching heads and a TV monitor. It is also connected to a PC for storing still images. The department receives a lot of references of difficult cases for dermatopathology opinion and clinicopathological correlation. Surgical procedures such as.Excision Biopsies, Nail biopsies, and Therapeutic nail removal, Cyst removal, tattoo removal. Electrocautery, chemical cautery, Molluscum contagiosum extraction, chemical peels, intralesional steroid injections, Dermabrasion, Punch grafting, shave grafting, suction blister technique of skin grafting for Vitiligo patients, Scar elevation, Scar revision comedone extraction, intralesional steroids for keloids are also being carried out. Neurology The department has the facilities.of Consultation by Epileptologist, Neuropsychology testing, Psychiatry assessment, Video telemetry, MRI Brain, CT scan Brain. And Therapeutic drug level monitoring. The department has conducted the following surgeries in the last year. Anterior temporal lobectomy 35 nos, Hemispherectomies 5 nos, Callosotomies 4 nos, and Lesionectomies 4 nos. Besides, treatments for Cervical dystonia, Blepharospasm, Hemifacial spasm, Writers cramp are also available. Pulmonary The ward has 30 beds with an Intensive Respiratory Care Unit (IRCU) having state of the art ventilators, monitoring devices and noninvasive ventilation. The pulmonary function test laboratory has the following facilities. Spirometry Diffusion studies, assessment of residual volume by Helium dilution method. Residual volume measurement & compliance measurement by Body Plethysmography. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing. Bronchoprovocation test. Arterial Blood Gas analysis laboratory with 3 blood analyzers catering to Blood gas analysis for entire hospital and as well as reference samples of other hospitals (bo-oximetry also done here. Bronchoscopy with Video Monitor: Bibliography King Edward Memorial Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College References Becomehealthynow.comretrieved 28 July 2007 retrieved 28 July 2007 retrieved 28 July 2007 retrieved 28 July 2007 Farr, Garry Dr June 2, 2004 The menopause profile Healthguide <> retrieved 28 July 2007 retrieved 28 July 2007 retrieved 28 July 2007 retrieved 28 July 2007 retrieved 28 July 2007 VeriMed Healthcare Network retrieved 28 July 2007 retrieved 28 July 2007 retrieved 28 July 2007 Appendix 1 Read More
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