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"The Impact of Globally Accepted Social Media on Both Personal and Cultural Values" paper discusses the research methodology, explains the research design and the philosophy, highlights and distinguishes amongst the various qualitative approaches and instruments that will be applied in the study. …
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents 1
1.0.Introduction 2
2.0.Research Question 2
3.0.Research Approach 4
3.1.Methods of data collection 4
3.2.Method of Data Analysis 5
4.0.Conceptualisation of Research Approach (what to find using research approach) 6
5.0.Relationship between the research finding and theories 6
Research Methodology
1.0. Introduction
The research aimed at assessing the impact of globally accepted social media on both personal and cultural values.In this section the study will discuss the research methodology, explain the research design and the adopted philosophy, highlight and distinguish amongst the various qualitative approaches and instruments that will be applied during the study in relation to on-the-field and off-the-field procedures. Finally, I shall present the validity and reliability of the information that has been provided. A mixed-method approach is used in this study, in particular, qualitative approaches. To conceptualise the methodology, the research will begin by stating the question related to general argument and theoretical frameworks that will guide the thesis statement. Secondly the section will succinctly highlight theories that are relevant to the study and how they help in the development of research hypotheses, statement and design.
2.0. Research Question
This research study was designed to establish the impact of globally accepted social media on both personal and cultural values. The procedures, both on-the-field and off-the-field, will be prepared in a way that answers the following research question:
1. How impactful is the globally accepted social media on both personal and cultural values?
The research question challenges assumptions and theories that have been used by different scholars. For instance, Shuter (2012) argues that the role of globally accepted social media such as Twitter is a contested issue when it comes to people’s culture and international communication theory. He adds that Hofstede’s Diffusion of Innovation Theory looks at culture as an element that is shaped positively through social interaction. Therefore in practice, globally accepted social media helps in modellingminor languages and cultures. Based on this theory, the research question stated helps in testing the validity and conformity of the assumptions and theoretical models that have been adopted for the study.To this regard, such assumption helps this proposal confirm that the study will poses a sound research question. In such connection, the question has been developed as it is able to examine what the research considers as the scope, scalability, size and sustainability of the research topic.
On the other hand, the question has been structured to reflect argument as postulated by Movius (2002) on Theory of Communication and Cross-cultural Adaptation. Secondly, the question has been narrowed to address the specific area that fits within the research design in particular and research methodology in general. Researches such as Lebedko (2014) have argued that globally accepted social media contributes towards language and culture hybridisation or hybridity. While this is one of the hypothesis identified, the view also privileges conceptualisation of the interface of localisation and globalisation as a dynamic process. As such, this view tend to ignore prominence of globally accepted social media as a homogenising force, neither does it believe in localisation of social media as a resistive process opposed to the progress of minor languages and culture.
In addition, when different culturesand languages are compared against the influence of globally accepted social media, this question clearly establishes dependent variable (globally accepted social media) and independent (personal and cultural values) variables. In so doing, the dependent variable becomes the main focus of this proposal. On the other hand, this question brings the independent variable which is the causal factor that tends to influence the problem of the research. Also given the time, characteristics of the participants and resources available, the question is structured with respect to the variables which are actually critical to the model and feasibility of the investigation to be undertaken.
Lastly, the question links the thesis statement and Social Network Theory (SNT). According to Chen (2012), social network theory explains the relationship between people, culture and social networking. The power of the theory stems from different cultures and sociological orientations of people. That is, if they are socially networked traditional sociological orientation are changed either positively or negatively. In as much as the theory can be used to explain different life situations it allows for individual agency, the ability for people to dictate how social media affect their personality, culture and language.
3.0. Research Approach
3.1. Methods of data collection
Garnham (1993) defined data collection as a process of systematically searching and arranging data and other materials obtained from the field with the aim of increasing your understanding research question. This study opts for mixed data collection methodology as it enhances the reliability of the data collected and the conclusions or deductions made. These will be interviews and questionnaires. On questionnaire, it will be semi-structured questionnaire issued to the respondents. On the other hand, there will be closed-ended questionsrequiring respondent to select their answers from the different options provided. Interviews will formulate questions to help facilitate conversation with the respondents. The questions that will be incorporated into these interviews will largely be based on the key objectives of the study.
3.2. Method of Data Analysis
According Cowen (2002) data analysisis a mechanism for reducing and organising data to produce findings that require interpretation by the researcher. In addition, the approach to data analysis in this study followed the same approach as that adopted in collecting the data. To begin with, the data will be coded by segmenting and labelling the respondents and the texts in different categories. With regard to questionnaire data, the information obtained after thematic analysis of the qualitative data will be presented using visual aids such as tables, charts and graphs.
In regard to the quantitative data gathered from the first set of questionnaires for the different groups, SPSS and descriptive statistics (means and frequencies) will be utilised in the analysis. Along with various references such as SPSS textbooks, a statistics expert will be consulted to ensure accurate entering of data and correct test usage and Pearson’s Correlation analysis are employed to decipher the relationship between cases of globally accepted social media and effected they have on culture.
On the other hand, since we intend to interact directly with respondents through the questionnaire, thematic analysis model is going to be adopted to augur well with our quantitative analysis of the set survey questions. As answers from the questionnaire are expected to be divergent, as a model, thematic analysis will seek to find meanings to the comments given thereafter categorizing such comments into understandable format.
Once the research will have coded and categorized these comments into unique and or related themes, they will be synchronized and ranked according to their importance to the research question and purpose of the study. This will further be underscored by applying relevant statistical analysis models so as to reach intended conclusion that also supports research questions. A blueprint of this information is as provided below:
Application of confirmatory factor to test hypotheses
Application of regression coefficient in measuring variables
Adoption of factor analysis to find existing relationship between structures and variables
4.0. Conceptualisation of Research Approach (what to find using research approach)
The research approach as detailed above aims at finding different concepts regarding the research question and thesis statement. First, the approach aims at transforming issues believed to be theoretical to episteme. That is, link globally accepted social media, culture, personality and language with theoretical frameworks such as Diffusion of Innovation Theory. Secondly, the approach will help in manipulating reality with variations in a given independent variable as such will identify regularities in, and to form relationship between some of the constituents of the world as it exist socially.
5.0. Relationship between the research finding and theories
The research has identified three theories that have shown connectedness with research statement. These theories are:
Diffusion of Innovation Theory
Social Network Theory
Theory of Communication and Cross-culturalAdaptation
The relationship between these theories and the anticipated research finding is that they are deductive. They are used to show how knowledge is arrived at through the gathering of facts that provide the basis for laws (theories). Secondly, they entail insights, beliefs and values to provide adequate justification for a phenomenon or research problem. Lastly, the three theories act as a single theory of knowledge, where a view and a justification are presented for what is regarded as knowledge, the extent to which knowledge is relevant to social media and culture, and what standards such knowledge must fulfil to be called knowledge instead of beliefs. The central relationship between the theories and research findings is to provide tenets of ethnography which means a desire to provide rich, holistic insights into the respondents’ views and actions when subjected to globally accepted social media.
Chen, G 2012, “Impact of new media on intercultural communication”, China Media Research, vol. 8, no. 2.
Cowen, T 2002, Creative destruction: How globalization is changing the world’s cultures. Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford.
Garnham, N 1993, “The mass media, cultural identity, and the public sphere in the modern world”, Public Culture, vol. 5, pp. 251-252.
Lebedko, MG 2014, “Globalization, Networking and Intercultural Communication” Intercultural Communication Studies, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 28-41.
Movius, L 2002 “Cultural globalisation and challenges to traditional communication theories” interaction, vol. 1 pp. 6-18.
Shuter, R 2012, “Intercultural new media studies: The next frontier in intercultural communication”, Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 219-237.
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