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The Impact of The Sims on Young - Research Proposal Example

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The paper "The Impact of The Sims on Young" is a great example of a research proposal on media. The Sims is an intriguing computer game that has a wide global audience mainly comprising young adults…
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The Impact of “The Sims”, on Young Adults in Malaysia18 to 25 Years. Introduction The Sims is an intriguing computer game that has a wide global audience mainly comprising of young adults. Basically, “The Sims” is a digital play space or a simulation video game developed by Electronic Arts that enables users to strategically simulate life events. Following its release in the market a decade ago, it has since become a global cultural phenomenon and a crossover hit. Over the years, the Sims has earned the title of the most successful PC in history. It can be ranked in the third position among the global best selling video games (Sihvonen 2011). The key aim of this report is to analyse the impact that “The Sims”, a digital play space has on young adults in Malaysia. This report will examine how Malaysian young adults aged 18 to 25 years use Sims as a digital play space to learn, develop their personality, escape reality and create their own virtual world to replace the real world. In this case, emphasis will be placed on avid Sims players who play a minimum of 20 hours a week. I am specifically interested with this audience so as to understand the impact that “The Sims” digital play space has on the audience. I want to establish whether there are benefits or disadvantages associated with the use of this digital play space. Literature Review Online virtual world and electronic environments where users can interact in a somewhat realistic way have overtime been subjected to rigorous study in order to establish the impact that they have on users. This media audience is characterised by ardent devotees and a wide global fan base. Hartmann (2009) observes that, research into media audiences seeks to illuminate how and why people come to use particular media platforms. Such research also analyses how and why people develop, pursue and implement a drive to approach the mediated content. The how and why aspects are closely linked, if researchers successfully establish how media choices work. This will require researchers to put into account environmental and individual processes that influence media choices. This will in turn help researchers to establish determinants or reasons that explain why people become devotees of certain media platforms (Hartmann 2009). Numerous studies have been conducted to establish the impact that electronic simulation video games such as Sims and many others have on users. Some studies have focused on the experiences of users while using these simulation video games. Understanding the impact that simulation video games such as ‘The Sims’ and many others have on users, foremost requires good estimates of the number of users who regularly play these video games and the time that they spend on these games (Subrahmanyama et al 2001). In a recent survey carried out by Carsten & Beck (2005), it was established that four out of five adults below the age of 34 years have had significant experience playing video games. In a study conducted by Furlong & Cartmel (2007) it was established that young people spend an average of 11 hours every week with males spending more time on video games than females. Those in the younger age groups spent more time than the older. The graph below summarizes the findings of Furlong & Cartmel (2007) on the time spent by young people playing video games. It also shows the difference between the time spent by male and female video game devotees. Left column -Average number of hours per week spent playing video games Describing people’s experience with electronic media platforms has captivated the attention of many scholars. For instance, in their article, “The role of presence in the experience of electronic games” Tamborini and Skalski (2006) explore the experience of frequent users of electronic simulation video games. One of the user experiences that they explore is the feeling of ‘being there’ that electronic simulation video games provide. These games provide a spatial presence for users in the sense of being located physically in a virtual environment. This state can be understood as a psychological state in which an individual’s subjective experience is created in a virtual world. As a result users are able to escape reality by forming virtual experiences. Moreover, Tamborini and Skalski (2006) note that electronic simulation video games provide users vividness and interactivity. Vividness refers to the ability of technology to produce a rich sensory environment. A vivid technology has high depth and breadth. On the other hand, interactivity refers to the ability of the user to determine the content and form of a virtual environment (Steuer 1992). Therefore, according to Tamborini and Skalski electronic simulation video games provide a platform whereby users can experience vividness through a rich sensory environment and create interactivity by controlling the content and form of the provided virtual environment. Furthermore, in their study they establish that developments experienced in game technology that foster presence shape the mental models that govern how users see themselves, move in physical space and interact in their social settings. The interactivity and vividness of these games provide compelling mental models of people and space (Tamborini & Skalski 2006). Researchers have examined the impact of electronic simulation video games from different perspectives. Qualitative studies have been conducted on the characteristics of these video games particularly in terms of the challenge, motivation, fun, fantasies and curiosity that they evoke in users. Some studies have particularly focused on ‘The Sims’ mainly because 90% of its content is developed by the users (Almeida 2008).Generally, Sims is an open-ended game that provides users with flexibility to choose how to play (Griebel 2006; Rothfeder 2004). It also provides users with a platform to express themselves (Thompson 2003). A number of empirical studies have been conducted on ‘The Sims.’ Most of these studies have established that ‘The Sims’ helps users to learn by reflecting on their identity construction and their personal playing experiences (Hsiao 2007). A study carried out by Griebel (2006) established that Sims has a positive effect on the consciousness and openness of users. In this study, Griebel revealed that creative people tend to be even more creative within the Sims than in real life situations. Furthermore, younger users accomplished their goals than older players. Based on the findings of his study, Griebel accentuated that Sims provides users to create an extension of self (Griebel 2006). Kirriemuir & McFarlane (2003) established that Sims games provide suitable learning outcomes, enhances informal learning, helps to build engineering skills and facilitates group discussions. Squire (2004) observes that SimCity provides a suitable tool for users to learn about urban planning. Similarly, Barab et al (2005) note that SimCity teaches users invaluable lessons on supply and demand. Research on Audience As earlier stated in this report, the key aim of this research study is to examine the impact that ‘The Sims’ has on Malaysian young adults aged 18 to 25 years. As an extension to the key objective of this study this research study will also examine how Malaysian young adults aged 18 to 25 years use ‘The Sims’ as a digital play space to learn, express themselves develop their personality, escape reality and create their own virtual world to replace the real world. Research techniques that will be used in this study include; Surveys, In-depth interviews and Participant observation. The reason why a triangulation method will be incorporated in this research is so as to enable me to obtain more saturated results. For instance, in this case survey would help me to get an overall overview of ‘The Sims’ devotees among Malaysian young adults. An in-depth interview will enable me to obtain more detailed information on the experience and the impact that these young adults have while using “The Sims.” Lastly, the use of observation as a research method will enable me to reveal and understand the experience of Sims users in Malaysia. Surveys A survey will be used in this study so as to get responses from a wide audience of Sims users. In this study as survey will be used to establish how many users play this game, what attracts users to this game and how many hours they spend each week playing this simulation video game. With these objectives in mind, I will try to establish the number of Sims devotees in Malaysia and whether there are common characteristics among users with regards to their attraction to this game. The survey will be conducted in a learning institution such as a University or a local college mainly because it is more likely to find Sims users aged 18 to 25 years in this kind of setting. The survey will be administered to approximately 50 respondents. The survey will incorporate 8 closed-ended questions (See Appendix for the proposed survey questions). The findings of the survey will be analysed, recorded and subsequently used to draw relevant conclusions. In-depth interviews In order to draw accurate and concise findings from this research study, in-depth interviews will be used. In-depth interviews with the respondents will help to examine how Malaysian young adults aged 18 to 25 years use ‘The Sims’ as a digital play space to learn, express themselves develop their personality, escape reality and create their own virtual world to replace the real world. The interviews will also establish the impact that ‘The Sims’ has on this audience. When undertaking an interview my main task will be is to understand and extract meaning from the information provided by the respondents (Kvale 1-5). In this study, most of the information will be obtained by interviewing the participants. The design of the interview will be unstructured in nature. In this case, there will be a list of questions that will be used to nevertheless, the interview will not be limited to these set of questions. Additional questions may be asked based on the response of the interviewees (see appendix for the proposed survey questions). The interview will be administered to 5 respondents. Participant Observation Participant observation is also another research technique that will be used in this study to examine the experience of Malaysian young adults aged 18 to 25 years as they use ‘The Sims’. In this case, two participants will be keenly observed as they take part in Sims simulation video game. The settings of this observation will be in a cyber space room. While observing the participants, I will try not to be obtrusive so as not to obstruct the concentration of the participation. Therefore, I will sit behind the participants and keenly observe their experience as they take part in the game. Conclusion The audience chosen for this study is an audience comprising of young Malaysian adults aged 18 to 25 years who avidly play Sims for a minimum of 20 hours a week. I specifically chose this because I wanted to understand the impact that “The Sims” digital play space this audience. I wanted to establish whether there are benefits or disadvantages associated with the use of this digital play space. This study specifically examined how Malaysian young adults aged 18 to 25 years use Sims as a digital play space to learn, develop their personality, escape reality and create their own virtual world to replace the real world. Research techniques used in this study include; Surveys, In-depth interviews and Participant observation. A critical review of literature depicts that ‘The Sims’ provides a platform for players to learn, express their creativity, interact with others and escape from reality by creating virtual worlds(Sihvonen 2011; Griebel 2006). References Almeida, L. 2008. The phenomenological exploration of user-design in gifted rural high school students when designing their own game. ProQuest, Pennsylvania. Barab, S., Thomas, M., Dodge, T., Carteaux, R., & Tuzan, H. 2005. Making learning fun: Quest Atlantis, a game without guns. Educational Technology Research & Development, 53(1), 86-107. Carstens, A. & Beck, J. 2005. Get ready for the gamer generation. Tech Trends 49(3), pp. 22-25. Furlong, A. & Cartmel, F. 2007. Young people and social change: new perspectives. McGraw- Hill, New York. Griebel, T. 2006. Self-portrayal in a simulated life: Projecting personality and values in The Sims 2. The International Journal of Computer Game Research. 6(1),pp. 8-16. Hartmann, T. 2009. Media choice: a theoretical and empirical overview. Taylor & Francis, New York. Hsiao, H. 2007. The Sims 2: Reflective learning and identity construction. Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania. Kirriemuir, J., & McFarlane, A. 2003. Use of computer and video games in the classroom. Paper presented at the DiGRA, Utrecht, Holland. Kvale, S. 1996.Interviews: An Introduction to Qualitative Research Interviewing. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks California. Rothdefer, J. 2004. Terror games. Popular Science, 264, 82-91. Sihvonen, T. 2011. Players Unleashed: modding the Sims and the culture of gaming. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Squire, K. 2004. Video games in education. Indiana, University Indiana. Steuer, J. 1992. Defining virtual reality: Dimensions determining telepresence. Journal of communications 42(4), pp. 73-93. Subrahmanyama, K., Greenfield, P. Kraut, R. and Gross, E. 2001. The impact of computer use on children's and adolescents' development. Applied Developmental Psychology 22, pp. 7-30 Tamborini, R. & Skalski, P. 2006.The role of presence in the experience of electronic games. In P. Vorderer & J. Bryant (Eds.), Playing video games: Motives, responses, and consequences (pp. 225-240). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ. Thompson, C. 2003. Suburban culture. Psychology Today, 36, 32-40. Appendices Appendix 1: Survey The key aim of this survey is to examine how young adults in Malaysia 18 to 25 years use Sims as a digital play space to learn, develop their personality, escape reality and create their own virtual world to replace the real world. The survey is also geared towards analysing the impact that “The Sims”, has on young adults in Malaysia. This research study is part of a university course requirement. The findings of research will not be shared or published. Kindly answer each question and as honestly as possible. This survey consists of 8 closed-ended questions with multiple choices (ABCD). Kindly mark the multiple choice that best describes your answer. 1. From the multiple choice provided mark your age group A. 16-18 years B. 19-21 years C. 22-25 years 2. How often do you play ‘The Sims’ A. Everyday B. During the weekends C. Once in a while D. Never 3. For how long have you played ‘The Sims’ A. Started Recently B. Over a month C. Over 1 year 4. What is your main motivation of playing the goal? A. To get a sense of achievement B. For entertainment purposes C. To express my creativity D. All of the above 5. On average, how many hours per day do you spend playing the game? A. Less than 1 hour B. 1 -3 hours C. 4- 6 hours D. 7 – 12 hours 6. What aspects of the Sims do you like most? A. Its interactivity B. Its vividness C. Its applications D. Its open-endedness 7. What are some of the benefits you have experienced while using ‘The Sims’? A. I entertained myself B. I learnt different organizational skills C. I channelled my creativity D. All of the above 8. How would you describe your experience while using the Sims? A. Very interesting B. Good C. Troubling D. Fun Appendix 2: In-depth Interview 1. How often do you play ‘The Sims’? 2. What do you like most about this simulation video game? 3. Describe your experience while using “ The Sims” 4. In what ways has ‘The Sims’ helped you to improve your academic or social skills? 5. What are some of the negative impacts of playing this game? 6. From playing this simulation video game what have you learnt? 7. Using the various interactivity and simulation features in the Sims describe how the ‘Sims ‘helps you to; a) Learn b) Express yourself c) Develop your personality d) Escape reality and create your own virtual world Read More
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