The third organization is the Launchpad reading organization
Type of organization
The organization is non-governmental Voluntary Charity organization
Type of service
The organization aims to end social issues that ail people as a result of homeless situations
Size of organization
It is a worldwide charity organization
Major competitor is Centrepoint based in the UK
Section B
The three websites essentially have the same goal. The three organizations are aimed at attracting people to donate towards a charitable course. Similarly, they aim to give the readers a view of their essential task and how these tasks change the world. However, there are some varances between the three websites which can be viewed in the table below.
Figure 1 for the create a child website
Figure 2 for the Save a child website
Figure 4 for the Launchpad website
Section C
How to Carry out research online to establish the demand for a product or service for a particular website
The first step is to establish the target market; that is the people you intend to sell the product to. There are two types of target markets, the First is Business 2 Business, referred to as B2B and the second is Business 2 Consumer referred to as B2C
The next step is to create a survey and then post it on various platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social media sites. This will allow you to get an idea of what the market needs.
After this, the next step is to track the visits to your websites. Similarly, tracking the hotspots or heatmaps of the visits should be done using third party applications. This step assists you to identify which areas of the website receive more clicks so that you can maximize in these areas.
Additionally, you may decide to use Google AdWords campaigns to market in various sectors of the marketplace and get clicks through ratings rather than bounces. This is useful in showing the significant interests in merchandises on the website (Chaffey, 2010).
After the analysis using third party applications reveals a strong interest in a certain market, then the website should be adjusted and established to focus on them.
Lastly, consider what the competition are doing and how they are performing in certain demographics. This information can be useful when making decisions about the direction of a website.
For instance, you can decide to use the Word tracker to check the traffic for the word charity, and the competition involved as illustrated in figure 4 below.
Similarly, using Google trends can help get the feeling of what people in a certain region such as the US are interested in at the moment as illustrated in figure 5 below. These tools can be used to adjust content on the viewers to attract more clicks.
Figure 4
Figure 5
Task 2
Section A
The three digital marketing channels chosen that can be used to advertise products and services are Google AdWords, Email, and Social Media. The three digital marketing channels have several strengths and weaknesses as illustrated in the table below
Google AdWords
Social media
It is expensive especially for smaller businesses since they are charged for each click on the campaign.
It has a few target market reach and I often ineffective when the aim is to reach new target markets
It is not always possible to estimate how many people reached by the marketing campaigns go on to become customers
Section B
According to surveys, 50% of respondents viewed Social media as being the most effective way for acquiring customers using digital marketing. The rest of the 50% was divided equally between SEOs and using of Emails. Social media is used by a majority of the respondents to get a quick feel of what the rest of the population has to say about the product. Additionally, social media is readily available to many retailers with 54% of marketers indicating that they plan to increase spending on social media advertising (Simpson, 2015). This is a good step with the statistics of audiences indicating that they prefer marketing on social media as shown in figure 3. Statistics have also shown that social media users will increase from 1.79bn to 2.44bn globally by 2018, adding to the great opportunity that social media continues to provide for marketers as well as business in general (Chaffey, 2016). Social media is defined as the bet digital marketing tactic for acquiring customers according to respondents on recent studies (Nanji, 2010).
Figure 3
Section C
Different types Hardware require different digital advertising techniques for effectiveness and success. To optimize digital marketing campaigns for mobile, social media should be considered. Often, when people use their mobile phones, they are on social media (Allen, 2015). This makes it the best platform for digital advertising for mobile users. Additionally, complement the social media sites and posts with click to call buttons (Keyworth, 2013). However, avoid having too many clicks involved to get to the information that is being conveyed. Customers get tired of constantly having to click on links and end up ignoring the information altogether (Chaffey, 2008).
To optimize digital campaign that can work on any hardware device, a lot of testing should be involved. Because it 's hard to predict what will work, some creatives should be used say for social media, just in case one of them fails to work (Leadbetter, 2015). Additionally, all digital marketing advertisements should be tested on a variety of hardware types ranging from computers to different types of mobile phones to ensure that they are compatible with each device (Dushinski and Marriott, 2009). The key is to understanding that the customers have shifted to using their mobile phones for almost everything including shopping. The customer reach should be extended to fit this criterion using all digital marketing channels. Micro-moments that are described as I want to know, I want to go, I want to buy, and I want to do moments are essential for customer reach considerations. For instance, social media can be used to reach the customers who then interact with the product and are converted at which point they are directed to the main website for purchase. This is the RACE method of digital marketing (Rowles, 2013).
Task 3
Section A
Create a campaign plan for advertising through 3 paid for channels
The first step is to plan. Planning includes reviewing successes and failure realized in the past as well as defining the objectives of the business. In this instance, the organization is a charity organization for children with asthma. The objective is to create awareness about asthma as well as those who cannot get the essential medical needs related to asthma because of asthma. Once this has been dealt with, the campaign on the various digital channels should begin. In the planning. Section, the strategy on how the different digital media channels will be realized as well. In this case, the strategy is to attract potential partners on social media and then directing them to the website (Urban, 2004).
The second step is to increase the reach for potential customers and donors. For Social media, the best way to get people interested is to use keywords and pages that are related to charity and asthma. This way when people such for certain things related to the objectives of the organization, they are easily directed to the social media page for content. In this case the social media page chosen is Facebook. This concept is similar to the use of Google AdWords but costs less. The social media site, Facebook, should then offer a clear click button that directs the customer to the website for donations and services in terms of volunteering.
The customers should be required to leave their email addresses for future promotional advertisements on donations and projects related to children and asthma. In this case, we utilize the aspect of email marketing as one of the digital marketing strategies. The target audience, in this case, are philanthropists who are required to have a stable income to be able to make donations (Chaffey and Ellis, 2012).
Thirdly the organization should act. In this case, the organization encourages interaction with the customers on their experience with different types of devices as well as feedback on the different marketing channels.
Additionally, the fourth step is to convert. In this step, the interactions between the different digital marketing channels will be reviewed to ensure that they are working properly. Similarly, review site funnels and paths to purchase will be created as well. Customer feedback will also be considered (Ryan, 2014).
The fifth step will be aimed at ensuring that the customers that have been reached in the above steps remain loyal to the brand. As a result, it will involve engaging with the customers. Engaging the customers in this case will be done through social media and email marketing. The plan is to implement personalized emails and posts that inform the customers of the different events involving raising money for asthmatic patients. The steps are illustrated in figure 6 below. The advertisement for the organization is illustrated in figure 7.
Figure 6. Individual steps are discussed above
Figure 8
Section B
Sales and Marketing Funnel
Plan- define the brand and the target market
Reach- promote content and brand on social media, email marketing and through the use of Google AdWords.
Act- make decisions about the organization based on the customer experiences and feedback
Convert- Concentrate on individual and personalized marketing
Engage- keep customers by ensuring they are happy and regarding their feedback
This process of funneling is illustrated in figure 8 below.
Consumer Process of Buying
The first step to certifying that clients are willing to buy the product is to make it available at all times. Similarly, the product should be something that they need in the current global situation. For instance, selling a flip phone is an irrelevant move. Additionally, the product should be proven to work either by previous customers or by standardization institutions. Similarly, the product should be helpful to the customers (Xu, 2014). This mean that it has to be tried and tested for its usability. Similarly, customers are likely to react to products depending on how they are treated. The best marketing tool is to be friendly to the consumers. Lastly, customer loyalty should be ensured by remaining consistent with the quality of products and service provided (Thomas, 2014).
In conclusion, the key to a good digital marketing strategy is to ensure that the customers, as well as the different channels, are understood clearly. Similarly, digital marketers should customize content for the different types of customers and the different types of devices they use. Every advertisement campaign should be created with the customer in mind at every step of the way.
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THOMAS, B. (2014). The Consumer Buying Decision Process
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